Scientific Basis for
Ayurvedic Therapies
edited by
Brahmasree Lakshmi Chandra Mishra
26.9 Summary and Conclusions
The review clearly indicates that PD patients
can benefit from Ayurvedic therapies by
using M. pruriens and panchakarma. Future research needs to focus on
Ayurvedic therapies with conventional
therapies in treating PD.
1. Charak Samhita (700 B.C.), translated by
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Mohammad Abdulkadar Akbarsha, Appian
Subramoniam, and Viswanatha Menon
27.1 Introduction
The role of the male in the sexual process
and reproduction is twofold: (1) to successfully
perform sexual intercourse, deriving pleasure
for himself and satisfying the female partner,
and (2) to contribute the sperm for
successful fertilization of the ovum toward procreation.
The problem of male infertility and impotency
is increasing day by day. The global
incidence of couple infertility is estimated
at 10 to 15%.
The contribution of the male
factor alone to couple infertility is
believed to be about 20%.
Between 20 and 30 million
American men suffer from some degree of
sexual dysfunction, and a comparative figure
generally applies worldwide.
Further, there are several lines of evidence
to suggest that
sperm counts are decreasing globally
and the incidence of erectile dysfunction is
also on
the increase.
The increase in male factor infertility in
recent times is believed to be caused
by altered lifestyle, stressful living
conditions, diverse pollutants, certain prescription and
several nonprescription drugs, dietary
toxins, and certain nutritional deficiencies.
causative factors produce many types of
derangements that directly or indirectly cause
various kinds sexual dysfunction.
The remedy for male sexual dysfunction in
modern medicine is limited. The fact
remains that, other than correction of
obstruction, infections, varicocele, and certain
endocrine abnormalities, in most cases there
is practically no successful therapeutic
measure for male infertility or erectile
dysfunction except for surgical implants. The
allopathic drugs used for erectile
dysfunction are believed to produce side effects and
affect other physiological processes and,
ultimately, general health.
Ayurveda realized
the problem of male sexual dysfunction
thousands of years ago and developed a separate
speciality, namely, reproductive medicine (
). It realized, among other things,
the role of the nervous system, cardiovascular
system, and psychological aspects of
fertility and male sexual performance; it has
also recommended an appropriate use of
plant-based remedies, a proper lifestyle, and
nutritious diet for improving overall health
and treating male infertility and erectile
dysfunction. Over 600 plants are described in
the original Ayurvedic compendia like
Charak Samhita
Sushruta Samhita
. The potential
of Ayurvedic and other traditional medicinal
plants in the development of invaluable
standardized phytomedicines and allopathic
type of drugs is great, particularly in the
context of male sexual dysfunction.
This chapter is an attempt to review the
Ayurvedic concepts of male sexual dysfunction
and the potential of Ayurvedic treatments for
the same, with plant-based remedies as seen
in the classical Ayurvedic treatises as well
as in the modern practice. An attempt has also
been made to review the pharmacological and
biochemical studies on the plants and plant
products that are in use in Ayurvedic therapy
for problems in male reproduction. The
need for more elaborate scientific
investigations on the Ayurvedic therapy for male sexual
dysfunction is emphasized.
27.2 Male Reproductive Dysfunction
The description of several ailments relating
to male reproduction in Ayurveda has relevance
to the modern science and clinical practices.
Charak Samhita
is perhaps the earliest
medical treatise recognizing that the semen
released during orgasm at the time of sexual
intercourse is responsible for the
development of the embryo and that defective semen is
incapable of producing the fetus. Male
reproductive disorders, as dealt with in classical
Ayurvedic literatures, can be due to two
major causes: (1) defective semen and (2) impotence
27.2.1 Defective Semen
Ayurveda describes semen as oily, viscous,
nonslimy, sweet, and nonburning with the
smell of honey. It is white with a glaze
similar to honey, dehydrated butter (ghee), or til
Sesamum orientale
) oil. The total quantity of semen during
ejaculation is 2 to 4 oz. Semen
can become defective due to different causes.
Excessive indulgence in sex or having sex
at wrong times, masturbation, excessive
exercise, eating an excess of bitter, astringent,
salty, sour, or hot foods, old age, anxiety,
grief, suspicion, fear, anger, exorcism, emaciation
from disease, and suppression of natural
urges and wounds can lead to the derangement
of tissues. This derangement can reach the
semen-producing organs and carrying
channels causing semen defects.
According to Ayurveda there are eight types
of defective semen:
vatarethas, pittarethas,
kapharethas, kunaparethas, grandhirethas,
poothipooyarethas, ksheenarethas,
. The definitions, etiology, and prognosis of
and treatments for each are furnished
27.2.2 Causes of Impotence
Erectile dysfunction (
results from ingesting excess, sour, salty,
incompatible, and unsuitable foods, and
drinking excess water. Other causes are irregular
meals, excess use of milk and milk products,
weakness from illness, defective seminal
tract, excessive discharge, coitus with
animals, and failing to clean the penis and injured
in addition to genetic causes.
There are five types of erectile dysfunction:
vatajam, pittajam, kaphajam, rakthajam,
Old age often causes diminished semen and is
related to deficiency of the seven body
tissues or transformations (
27.2.3 Eunuchs (
Sushruta Samhita
characterizes five types of eunuchs:
asyeka, saugandhikam, kumbheeka,
male perversion. Perhaps these eunuchs,
, shall have no relevance in the
modern context.
Charak Samhita
describes eight types of eunuchs:
dviretha, pavanednriya,
Although most etiology part may not be acceptable
in modern science, at least these types
are parallel with modern clinical practices.
27.3 Treatment
Considering the gravity of male infertility,
one part of octapartite Ayurvedic therapeutic
speciality called semen therapy (
beeja poshana
) is devoted to the therapy for male
in Table 27.1.
sannipathajam; detailed information about each is
furnished in Table 27.2.
eershyakam, and shandakam (Table
27.3). These eunuchs are to be inferred essentially as
samskaravahi, narashanda, nareeshanda, vakri,
eershyabhirathi, and vatheekashanda (Table 27.4).
genitals. Diet and lifestyle are emphasized
as the causative factors for erectile dysfunction
Main causes of impotence are basically (1)
impaired and deficient semen (see Section
27.2.1) and (2) erectile dysfunction.
Scientific Basis for Ayurvedic Therapies
The basic principle of treatment in Ayurveda
is to assist the body to heal itself. The
Ayurvedic fundamental principles of repletion
) and depletion
), consisting of radical (
) and conservation (
) treatments,
apply to therapy for male sexual dysfunction,
also. Radical therapy adopts techniques
to drain the waste materials of different
body compartments through the nearest
channel in a system-friendly manner. Radical
therapy, followed by repletion and reproductive
medicine therapy, can probably improve the
male reproductive function by cre-
TABLE 27.1
Eight Types of Defective Semen as Identified
in Ayurveda
Type Definition Etiology Prognosis Treatment
Dark-colored frothy
semen; painful
; vitiated by
wrong lifestyle
and food habits
Easily curable Oliation, fomentation,
purgation, catheterization,
enema through penis, etc.,
along with medicines like
jeevaneeya ghrutham,
chyavan prash
, and
Yellow-colored very
hot semen; burning
sensation and pain
during ejaculation
; vitiated by
wrong lifestyle
and food habits
Easily curable Oliation, fomentation,
catheterization, enema
through penis, etc., along
with medicines like
jeevaneya ghrutham,
chyavan prash,
Whitish, slimy,
semen; obstructed
and painful
; vitiated by
wrong lifestyle
and food habits
Easily curable Oliation, fomentation,
purgation, catheterization,
enema through penis, etc.,
along with medicines like
eevaneya ghrutham,
chyavan prash,
semen; increased in
Vitiated by
excessive coitus,
injury, wound
and by wrong
lifestyle and food
habits, leading to
deterioration of
quality of blood
Woodfordia floribunda
Punica granatum
(fruit cover), and
Terminalia arjuna
prepared in butter
Tissue-like semisolid
semen; obstructed
and painful
viatiated by
wrong lifestyle
and food habits
Kaempferia galanga
, or
Rotula aquatica
(root), or
ash of
Butea monosperma
prepared in ghee
Puslike and
malodorous semen
vitiated by wrong
lifestyle and food
Parooshakadi ganam
nyagrodhadi ganam
prepared in ghee
Decreased quantity
and quality of
semen; delayed
ejaculation; blood
stains in semen
vitiated by
excessive coitus,
exercise, wrong
lifestyle and food
Panchakarma rasayana
Semen smells like
urine and feces
All three
vitiated by wrong
lifestyle and food
Incurable —
ating an optimal environment for
spermatogenesis and improving intratesticular
availability of nutrients.
The concept of radical therapy is highly
relevant today in the light of studies emerging
with evidence that the real culprits of
infertility are the various tissue toxins (gonadotoxins).
These chemicals mimic hormones and impair
their secretion, resulting in disruption
of the normal physiological processes.
Ayurveda recognizes the concept of weak toxins
and it considers these toxins as one of the
causes of subfertility.
As has been explained earlier, the etiology
of the various diseases in Ayurvedic perspective
is to be traced to the three basic states of
the body (the
), namely,
. Any aspect of male sexual dysfunction shall
be reflection of any one or more
of the
. In fact, onset of a disease is due to an
upset of the equilibrium of the three
and the seven tissues or the body
transformation processes.
Charak Samhita
recognizes the semen-producing and
-transmitting parts of the body
). Depletion of hormones (
) and disruption in the semen-producing
and -transmitting organs can lead to one or
more of the manifestations of male sexual
dysfunction. Hormones are considered to be
the physical expression of consciousness in
the body and play a role in immunity and
procreation. The Ayurvedic remedy for male
TABLE 27.2
Classification of Erectile Dysfunction in
Types Features
(all the
acting together)
Effusion, pain, redness
Carbuncles and pus
Increased penis size, lesions, discharge with
reddish or dark color, ring-like
processes near the root of penis
Fever, burning sensation, vertigo, dizziness
and vomiting; blackish red, red, or
blue discharge
Pain and burning sensation in urinary
bladder, testicles, and seminal vesicles;
white and slimy discharge will be present;
penis effused; eventually gets
infected with pathogens; foul smell; rotted
tip of the penis; entire penis and
testicles can rot and wither off
TABLE 27.3
Eunuchs According to
Sushruta Samhita
Type Feature Etiology
Erection occurs only when one drinks the
of another person
Due to quantitative inadequacy
of semen and
Erection occurs only when one smells the
or penis
Birth in a malodorous vagina
Erection occurs only when another person
him through the anus
Not mentioned
Erection occurs only when one sees another
person making love
Not mentioned
Person has body structure and behavior of a
Due to father making love lying
on his back
sexual dysfunction is aimed not only at the
immediate etiological factors of the disease,
but also toward improving the hormonal status
of the body. For example, according to
Charaka, in the case of seminal debility a
patient must first be prepared for the therapy
through cleansing the body by purgation and,
if necessary, by vomiting. Then he must be
given liquid diet and gradually transferred
to the natural food so as to improve the body’s
overall health. The specific treatment for
increasing the semen and the aphrodisiacs can
be practiced either concurrently or in sequence.
This is very clearly reflected in the various
combinations of herbals and other traditional
medicinal ingredients in the various
Ayurvedic formulations for male sexual
27.3.1 Polyherbal Formulations Classic Formulas
Among the several polyherbal formulas in the
Ayurvedic system of medicine, such as
ghrutham, rasayana, kashyam,
lehyam, etc
., each formula has one or more ingredients
can take care of male sexual debility.
Information about a few of the most important
information is found in classic texts.
, in the volume
, lists several combinations of herbals
the modern practice, the formulations have
been changed or altered by the individual
Ayurvredic practitioners, based on their
experiences. Nonclassic Formulas
Although the classical Ayurvedic approach in
therapy is still practiced, there has been
a rewarding blend of the Ayurvedic approach
and the modern allopathic approach
through adopting phytochemistry and
pharmacology. Further, though the birthplace of
TABLE 27.4
Eunuchs According to Charak Samhita
Type Feature Etiology
Dviretha Person having physical characteristics of
a man but behaves like a woman
Zygote produced with sperm and ovum
having equal dominance
Pavanendriya Person has erection but no ejaculation
Testicles of fetus destroyed by vata
Samskaravahi Person has damaged seminal vesicles Seminal
vesicles damaged by vata due to
vitiation of dosas), accident, or by birth
Narashanda Male with weak sexual urges, poor
semen volume, poor ejaculation, or has
no interest in sexual intercourse
Father should have had these qualities
Nareeshanda Female with weak sexual urges, poor
menstrual flow, or no interest in sexual
Mother should have had these qualities
Vakri No erection at all Either the mother had little interest in
sexual intercourse or sperm of father had
weak sexual urges
Eershyabhirathi Erection occurs only when one sees
another person making love
Male and female getting angry during
Vatheekashanda Due to in utero destruction of testicles;
Vitiated by agni or
vata, testicles destroyed
during early pregnancy
classical Ayurvedic polyherbal formulations
is furnished in Table 27.5, and more detailed
and other ingredients for management of male
reproductive dysfunction (Table 27.6). In
Ayurveda is India, it has come to be adopted
worldwide in which traditional medicine
processes of the different regions of the
world have been blended. Currently, many
patent formulas are the blend of Ayurvedic
herbs along with some herbs in other
countries. In this process of blending,
micronutrients and hormones are also managed.
subjected to pharmacological testing.
27.4 Scientific Basis
27.4.1 Ayurvedic Herbs
One of the major pitfalls in Ayurvedic
therapy in general, and for male sexual dysfunction
in particular, is that there is very little
research with regard to pharmacological testing
and clinical trials. Further, as could be
seen from the various chapters in this book, the
same herb (e.g., Withania somnifera, Asparagus racemosus, Tribulus terrestris,
etc.) is used
therapeutically for several ailments. Within
this limitation an attempt has been made to
review the scientific investigations made on
a few of the herbals consistently used as
remedials in male sexual dysfunction in the
various combinations.
TABLE 27.5
Classical Polyherbal Ayurvedic Formulations
Used in Treating Male Sexual Debility
No. Name Textbook Reference
1 Chyavan prash Ashtangahrudayam
2 Kalyanaka ghrutham Ashtangahrudayam
3 Phalasarpsis Ashtangahrudayam
4 Sathavaryadi ghrutham Sahasrayogam
5 Sukumaram ghrutham Ashtangahrudayam
6 Kalyanakam kashayam Sahasrayogam
7 Sukumaram kashayam Ashtangahrudayam
8 Vidaryadi kashayam Ashtangahrudayam
9 Sukumaram lehyam Ashtangahrudayam
10 Vidaryadi lehyam Ashtangahrudayam
11 Narasimha rasayanam Ashtangahrudayam
12 Sathavari gulam Sahasrayogam
13 Ashwagandhadi lehyam Bhaishajyaratnavali
14 Amruthaprasa rasayanam Ashtangahrudayam
15 Ashwagandharishtam Bhaishajyaratnavali
16 Dhasamoolarishtam Bhaishajyaratnavali
17 Jeevaneya ganam Ashtangahrudayam
18 Nyagrodhadi ganam Ashtangahrudayam
19 Parooshskadi ganam Ashtangahrudayam
20 Bala thailam Sahasrayogam
Note: Only some of the Ayurvedic manufacturers, who produce generic Ayurvedic
have all these products. Examples include (1)
Vaidyarethnam P.S. Varier’s Arya vaidhya
sala, Kottakal, Malappuram District, Kerala,
India; (2) Vaidyarethnam Oushadasala, Thaikkattuseri,
Ollur, Thirusur District, Kerala, India; (3)
Nagarjuna Herbal Concentrates Ltd., Kalayanthani,
Thodupuzha, Kerala, India.
A few such combinations are currently
marketed, and their trade names are in Table
27.7. As evident in the following section,
very few of these medicinal plants have been Asparagus racemosus
Asparagus racemosus is considered as an aphrodisiac to both males
and females.23 In traditional
medicine, the plant is used as a refringent,
demulcent, diuretic, aphrodisiac,
anticeptic, alterative, antidiarrheal,
antidysentery, and galactagogue agent. It is also used
for nervous and rheumatic complaints. The
roots are rejuvenating and carminative; they
are also used as an appetizer, stomachic, and
tonic. Cynomorium coccineum
The aqueous extract of this plant increased
the weight of the testes, diameter of the
seminiferous tubules, and the number of
tubular cell layers in immature rats. It also elicited
notable spermatogenesis in the immature rats.
However, serum testosterone and follicle
TABLE 27.6
Ayurvedic Formulations for the Treatment of
Male Reproductive Dysfunction (Ashtanga
Hrudayam, Utharasthanam)
Combination Ingredients
Combination 1: To increase
the power of erection and
number of coitus
Taccharum munja (root), Saccharum officinarum (stem), Desmostachya bipinnata
(whole plant), Desmostachys spp., Adenia hondala (tuber), Vetiveria
(root), Solanum surattense, Malaxis acuminata (wet stem), Malaxis muscifera (wet
stem), Sida rhombifolia (root and leaves), Polygonatum cirrhifolium, Polygonatum
vertcillatum (root stock), Fritillaria roylei (stem), Lilium polyphyllum (bulb),
Atylosia goensis (seed), Phaseolus trilobus (seed), Asparagus racemosus (tuber),
Withania somnifera (tuber), Vellooppam, Mucuna pruriens (seed), Boerhaavia
diffusa (whole plant), Coccinia grandis (root),
Ipomoea paniculata (tuber),
Holostemma ada-kodien (tuber), Cassia absus (seed), Alpinia
somnifera (rhizome),
Tribulus terrestris (fruit), Glycyrrhiza glabra (root), Desmodium gangeticum (root),
Phaseolus roxburghii (seed), Emblica officinalis (fruit), cow’s milk, Ficus racemosa
(fruit), Piper longum (dried spike), Scindapsus
officinalis (dried
spike), Vitis
vinifera (fruit), Phoenix dactylifera, Madhuca longifolia (flower), sugar, Curcuma
angustifolia (rhizome), Piper nigrum, Cinnamomum zeylanicum (bark),
Cinnamomum tamala (leaves), Elettaria cardamomum (seed), Mesua ferrea (flower)
Combination 2: For vitality Ipomoea paniculata (tuber), Piper longum (dried spike), Oryza sp. (seed),
Buchanania lanzan, Hygrophila auriculata (seed), Mucuna pruriens (seed), honey,
sugar, ghee
Combination 3: For vitality Mucuna pruriens (seed), Triticum aestivum (seed), cow’s milk, ghee, honey
Combination 4: For vitality Cow’s milk, ghee,
honey, Phaseolus mungo (seed)
Combination 5: For vitality Mucuna pruriens (seed), cow’s milk, Sesamum indicum (seed), sugar
Combination 6: For vitality Ipomoea paniculata (tuber), ghee, honey
Combination 7: For senile
Emblica officinalis (fruit), ghee, sugar, cow’s milk, Piper longum
Combination 8: To quicken
Glycyrrhiza glabra (root), ghee, cow’s milk, honey
Combination 9: For
Pistacia integerrima (galls), cow’s milk, ghee, sugar
Combination 10: To
increase sperm count
Holostemma ada-kodien (tuber), cow’s milk, ghee, honey
Combination 11: To
prolong coitus
Curculigo orchioides (tuber), Asparagus racemosus (tuber), sugar, cow’s milk
Combination 12. Senile
Watery portion of curd, sugar, Oryza sp.
Combination 13: Senile
Tribulus terrestris (fruit), Hygrophila auriculata (seed), Phaseolus roxburghii (seed),
Mucuna pruriens (seed), Asparagus racemosus (tuber), cow’s milk
TABLE 27.7
Aphrodisiac Formulations Available in the
Product Ingredients Contact
Adam’s Secrets Yohimbe, Avena sativa, androstenedione,
saw palmetto, guarana, taurine, Siberian
ginseng, Tribulus terrestris
ArginMax for Men L-Arginine; ginseng; ginkgo;
vitamins A, C,
E, B-complex; selenium, zinc, niacin
Ascend for Men Oats, nettle, saw palmetto,
damiana, zinc
BetterMan Radix ginseng (ginseng root), Rhizoma
dioscoreae (yam rhizomes), Radix paeoniae
alba (white peony root), Herba epimedii
(aerial parts of epimedium), Cornu cervi
pantotrichum (deer antler), Radix astragali
(astragalus root), Poria cocos (poria
fungus), Radix morindae officinalis
(morinda root), Fructus corni (Cornus
fruit), cortex eucommiac (wood cotton
bark), Radix angelicae sinensis (dong quai
root), Fructus lycii (wolfberry fruit), Radix
rehmanniae (rehmannia root), rhizoma
chuanxiong (Szechuan Lovage root),
Fructus schisandrae (Schisandra fruit),
Acanthopanax senticosus (Siberian
ginseng), Cynomorium songaricum rupr
(fleshy stem of cynomorium), cortex
cinnamomi (cinnamon bark)
Count Plus Mucuna pruriens, Withania somnifera,
Holostemma adakodien, Sida rhombifolia,
Curculigo orchioides, Asparagus racemosus,
Hygrophila auriculata, Glycyrhiza glabra,
cow’s milk, ghee
Endow Plus Yohimbe, damiana, guarana, wild
sarsparilla, ginkgo biloba, saw palmetto
HerbalArouse–M Zinc, selenium, manganese, Lepidium
meyenii (extract), L-Arginine,
L-Methionine, ginkgo biloba (extract),
Eleutherococcus senticosus (extract),
Withania somnifera (extract), Scocolens
forskohilii (extract), Tribulus terrestris
(extract), Lirosma ovata (extract), Avena
sativa (extract), gelatin, Tilophora indica
(extract), bioperine (piperine), bovine
orchic substance, magnesium,
Horny Goat Weed Epimedium grandiflorum (horny goat weed),
Lepidium meyenii (maca pure), Mucuna
pruriens, Polypodium vulgare
Horny Goat Weed
Epimedium grandifolium (extract), Schisandra
chinensis (extract), Psoralia coryflora
Horny Goat Weed Plus Epimedium sagittatum (horny goat weed),
Tribulus terrestris (puncture vine),
Ptychopetalum uncinatum (muira puama),
Avena sativa (wild oats), Turnera diffusa
(damiana), Korean ginseng, acanthopanax
senticosus (Siberian ginseng), gingko
biloba, nettle, vitamin B6, zinc
Web: www.worldclassnutrition/
stimulating hormone (FSH) levels were lowered
in the treated animals. It was suggessted
that the plant extract may have direct spermatogenic
effect on the seminiferous tubules
of the immature rats, presumably by exerting
a testosterone-like effect. This plant extract
is better than Withania somnifera in this respect.24
In 25-day-old rats, extracts of Cynomorium coccineum elicited significant changes in
gonodotrophin levels coupled with a
significant increase in the ovarian weight and profound
folliculogenesis. In 7-day-old animals, these
changes were not observed.25,26
No citable clinical studies for this plant
showing curative effects for male sexual dysfunction
were found. Mucuna pruriens
Mucuna pruriens seed powder, when administrated at the dose
of 75 mg/kg/day, increased
the sexual activity of the male albino rats
considerably. The different components of
copulatory behavior, including mount
frequency, mount latency, intromission frequency,
and intromission latency, were found to be
influenced by the test drug. The plant contains,
among other things, levadopa (L-DOPA), which
is reported to arouse sexual desire in
patients suffering from Parkinson’s
Earlier, the total alkaloids from the seeds
of M. pruriens, composed of five alkaloidal
bases, were found to increase the population
of spermatozoa and weight of the testes,
TABLE 27.7 (continued)
Aphrodisiac Formulations Available in the
Product Ingredients Contact
Libido-X Tea tree oil, yohimbe, damiana, saw
palmetto, passion flower, Chinese hibiscus
Nirvana Tribulus terrestris, Mucuna pruriens, Withania
somnifera, Matthiola incana, Cherianthus
cheiri, Salvia haematodes, Centaura behen
Teenex Capsules Withania somnifera (ashwagandh), Mucuna
pruriens (cow hage), trivang, Nux vomuca,
Hygrophila spinosa, shilajit, Myristica
fragrans, Ancyclus pyrephrum,
Crocus sativus (saffron)
Vibro Plus Ptychopetalum uncinatum (muira pauma
root), catuaba, Jamaican ginger, echinacea,
Turnea diffusa (damiana), panax ginseng
(ginseng), Avena sativa (wild oat), cayenne,
schizandra, yohimbe bark
Vigor™ Borage
oil, organic flaxseed oil, puncture
vine, Withania somnifera (extract), gingko
biloba (extract), zinc sulphate, vitamin E,
gingerol, pyridoxine HCl, folic acid
Fax: (713) 683-8796/920-1917
Vita Sex Epimedium sagittatum (horny goats weed),
Tribulus terrestris (puncture vine),
Ptychopetalum uncinatum (muira puama),
Eleutherococcus senticosus (Siberian
ginseng), Withania somnifera
(ashwagandha), Turnera diffusa (damiana),
Lepidium meyenii (maca), Smilax officinalis
(sarsaparilla), ginkgo biloba
Source: From various Web sources. Constituents are listed as
found in their respective Web sites. The authors do
not hold responsibility to the accuracy; the
list is not exhaustive but only indicative.
Web: www.male-sexualenhancement.
seminal vesicles, and prostate in the albino
rat. Isolation of various chemical constituents
has been reported. Beta sitosterol has been
isolated from unsaponisable part of the petroleum
ether extract of the seeds.28,29 No citable
clinical studies for this plant showing
curative effects for male sexual dysfunction
were found. Piper longum
In Ayurveda and folk medicine, Piper longum fruit is an important ingredient of herbal
mixtures used as aphrodisiacs and sexual
tonics. This is also supported by animal experiments.
Acute (2-h) and chornic (90-day) oral
toxicity studies of the ethanolic extract of
Piper longum were carried out in mice. Piper longum extract (0.1 g/kg for 90 days) caused
a significant increase in the weight of the
lungs and spleen in the treated animals. Interestingly,
the extract induced a significant increase in
the weight of the reproductive organs,
sperm motility, and sperm count but failed to
elicit any spermatotoxic effect.30 However,
it exerted antifertility effect in female
rats.31 No citable clinical studies for this plant
showing curative effects for male sexual
dysfunction were found. Tribulus terrestris
Tribulus terrestris is used as a diuretic, cardiotonic,
aphrodisiac, emollient, appetiser, expectorant,
laxative, etc. It is also used to cure cough,
asthma, anemia, and inflammation, and
in treatment of male urinary problems and
impotence.32 Tribulus
terrestris extract
has been
found to increase testosterone and
spermatogenesis in male animals.33
Tribulus terrestris extract (2.5 to 10 mg/kg) treatment for 8
weeks daily resulted in an
increase in the relaxation of penile tissue
isolated from treated animals compared with
that in the control. The relaxant response to
electrical field simulation, acetyl choline, and
nitroglycerin in noradrenaline-treated
precoxified corpus cavernosal tissue from the
treated group was found to be higher compared
with that in the control. It was concluded
that the enhanced relaxant effect observed
was probably due to an increase in the release
of nitric oxide from the endothelium and
nitrinergic nerve endings, which may account
for its claim as an aphrodisiac.34
The alkaloids isolated from T. terrestris, harmane and nor-harmane (54 mg/kg), caused
limb paresis which, in some sheep, was
body-side based. It was proposed that these
alkaloids accumulate in tryptamine-associated
neurons of the central nervous system
(CNS) during months of tribulus feeding and
gradually interact irreversibly with a specific
neuronal gene dexoribonucleic acid
A recent study has shown that protodioscin, a
phytochemical in T.
sexual desire and enhances erection via the
conversion of protodioscin to dehydroepiandrosterone.
36–38 No citable clinical study for this
plant showing curative effects for male
sexual dysfunction was found. Tricopus zeylanicus
Recently, it has been shown that the ethanol
extract of Tricopus
zeylanicus has
activity in male mice as evidenced by an
increase in the number of mounts and mating
performance. Repeated daily administration
was more effective than a single dose. The
pups fathered by the treated mice were found
to be normal with respect to fetal growth,
litter size, and sex ratio.39 No citable
clinical studies for this plant showing curative effects
for male sexual dysfunction were found.
Om Tat Sat
humble salutations to H H Maharshi ji, Brahmasri
Sreeman Lakshmi Chandra Mishra ji and other eminent medical scholars and
doctors for the collection)
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