Scientific Basis for
Ayurvedic Therapies
edited by
Brahmasree Lakshmi Chandra Mishra
In a clinical trial (n = 55), Eclipta alba showed
marked symptomatic relief in NUD and
peptic ulcer patients. Total response in NUD was
excellent in 62.9%, good in 17.1%, poor
TABLE 22.3
Antiulcerogenic Activity of Some Medicinal Plants
(Common/Ayurvedic Name) Experimental Models Mechanism of
Action Ref.
Abies pindrow Royle,
Petroleum ether (PE), acetone (AE),
chloroform (CE), and ethanolic (EE)
extracts of leaves
CRS- induced GU in rats Antistress activity 74
Benincasa hispida, Fam. Cucurbitaceae
(Petha or Golkaddu)
Fresh juice, supernatant and residue
fraction of centrifuged juice, PE and
Aspirin (ASP) + restraint,
swimming stress,
indomethacin plus
histamine- and serotonininduced
ulcers in rats and
— 75
Camellia sinensis, Fam.
Ternstroemiaceae (green tea)
Hot water extract
Cold + restraint–stressinduced
ulcers in rats
— 76
Centella asiatica, Fam. Umbelliferae
Fresh juice of whole plant
CRS-, EtOH-, ASP-, and PLinduced
GU in rats
No effect on acidpepsin
increase in mucin
secretion and life span
of mucosal cells
Convolvulus pluricaulis, Fam.
Convolvulaceae (Shankupuspi)
Fresh juice of whole plant
CRS-, EtOH-, ASP-, and PLinduced
GU in rats
No effect on acidpepsin
increase in mucin
secretion and life span
of mucosal cells
Emblica officinalis Gaertn. Fam.
(Amla) Fresh juice of fruit plup
CRS-, EtOH-, ASP-, and PLinduced
GU in rats and
Decreased the acid and
pepsin secretion and
increased mucus
Garcinia cambogia, Fam. Guttiferae
Fruit extract
Indomethacin Decrease in acid-pepsin
secretion and
of mucosal defensive
Honey Ethanol-induced increased
vascular permeability
changes in the rat stomach
Free-radical scavenger 81
Pongamia pinnata,
(Karanj or Karanja)
PE, AE, CE, and EE extracts of seeds
PE, AE, CE, and EE extracts of roots
RS-induced GU in mice
RS- and PL- induced GU in
Decrease in acid pepsin
82, 83
Mandur PL- and CRS-induced GU
in rats
No effect on acidpepsin
secretion and
promotes mucosal
defensive factors by
enhancing mucin
secretion and life span
of mucosal cells
per se effect
PL-, IS-, and ASP-induced
GU in rats and CYS- and
HIST-induced DU in rats
and GP, respectively
Tendency to decrease
acid-pepsin secretion
and significant increase
in mucin secretion
in 5.7%, and 14.3% patients dropped out of the study.
Radiological assessment confirmed
the symptomatic improvement. Of 25 DU cases, 48% were under
excellent response, 24%
were under good response, and 16% showed poor response;
12% did not show any
response to the treatment. The was drug given in the form
of powder (30 g) in three
divided doses/day for 1 month in NUD cases and for 3
months in DU cases. The drug
also showed significant reduction in free HCL and total
acidity in both the groups (NUD
and UD).73
Various other herbal drugs have been reported to have
antiulcerogenic activity. These
and the entities involved in the activity have been isolated.
These are summarized in
22.10 Summary
Ayurveda has a clear description of etiology, pathology,
and treatment for gastroduodenal
ulcers. Scientific evidence was also found in the
literature in support of use of the following
Ayurvedic herbs: Abies pindrow, Benincasa hispida, Camellia sinensis, Centella asiatica,
pluricaulis, Emblica officinalis, Tambra bhasma, unripe
plantain banana, Piper longum,
TABLE 22.3 (continued)
Antiulcerogenic Activity of Some Medicinal Plants
(Common/Ayurvedic Name) Experimental Models Mechanism of
Action Ref.
Sitavirya drugs
a. Asparagus racemosus, Fam. Liliaceae
Fresh juice of roots
b. Glycyrrhiza
glabra, Fam. Leguminosae
Water decoction of roots
c. Holarrhene
antidysenterica Wall., Fam.
Apocynaceae (Kurachi) water
decoction of barks
d. Ficus
religiosa, Fam. Urticaceae
Water decoction of barks
PL- and CRS-induced GU
in rats
PL- and CRS-induced GU
in rats
PL- and CRS-induced GU,
CYS-induced DU in rats
PL- and CRS-induced GU
and CYS-induced DU in
No effect on acidpepsin
secretion and
promotes mucosal
defensive factors by
enhancing mucin
secretion and life span
of mucosal cells
Tectona grandis L.
Fam. Verbenaceae (Sagwan)
Ethanolic fraction of trunk bark and wood
Pylorus ligation (PL)
restraint stress (RS)- and
GU in rats
Histamine (HIST)-
induced GU and DU in
guinea pigs (GP)
No effect on acid-pepsin
secretion but caused an
increase in mucin
Withania somnifera, Fam. Solanaceae
SG-1 [total Me OH-H2O (1:1)]
SG-2 (sitoindosides VII, VIII, and
RS-induced GU in rats Antistress activity 88
Tables 22.3 and 22.4.
are summarized in Table 22.3. Some of these drugs have
been chemically characterized
406 Scientific
Basis for Ayurvedic Therapies
TABLE 22.4
Ulcer Protective Effect of Some Active Constituents
Isolated From Herbal Drugs
Constituents Models Mode of Action Ref.
Aegle marmelos
Correa, Fam.
rutaceae (Bael
Luvangetin -do- — 89
Fam. Liliaceae
extract to active
CRS-, EtOH-, ASP- and
PL-induced GU in rats
No effect on acid
pepsin secretion,
increase in mucin
secretion and life
span of mucosal cells
Azadhiracta indica,
Fam. Meliaceae
Nimbidin ASP-, prednisolone,
serotonin stress-, and
acetic acid-induced GU
in rats; HIST-induced
DU in GP CYSinduced
DU in rats
— 91
Emblica officinalis
Fam. Euphorbiaceae
methanolic extract
Standardized to
the tannoids,
emblicanin A and
CRS-, EtOH-, ASP-, and
PL-induced GU in rats
and aceticacid–
healing model
Decreased the acid
and pepsin secretion
and increased mucus
Garcinia indica,
Fam. Guttiferae
Fruit rind
Garcinol Water-immersion
Free-radical scavenger 92
Ocimum basilum,
Fam. Leguminosae
Fixed oil ASP-, indomethacin-,
EtOH-, Hist-, reserpine,
Serotonin-, PL-, and
stress-induced GU
in rats
Antisecretory 93
Shilajit Fulvic
4¢- methoxy 6
PL-, PL+ASP-, and RS–
induced GU and CYSinduced
DU in rats
Per se decrease
in acidpepsin
secretion and
cell shedding,
tendency to increase
mucin secretion, but
reversed the increase
in cell shedding and
decrease in mucin
secretion induced by
Tectona grandis L.,
Fam. Verbenaceae
(Trunk bark and
wood chips)
Lapachol Immobilization stress
(IS)- and ASP-induced
GU in rats; CYS-and
HIST-induced DU in
rats and GP,
Per se no
effect on both
offensive and
defensive factors but
reversed the ASPinduced
increase in
peptic activity and
decrease in sialic acid
and mucin secretion
Zingiber officinale
Roscoe. (Ginger)
acid, 6-shogaol,
and ar-curcumene
— Gastric motility 76, 77, 96
Ferula foetida, Bacopa monniera, Eclipta alba, Garcinia
cambogia, Pongamia pinnata, Tectona
grandis, Withania somnifera, and Satavari
mandur. These therapies are
relatively safe and
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Alzheimer’s Disease
Divya Shangari Vohora and Lakshmi Chandra Mishra
23.1 Introduction
Mental diseases and mental temperaments have been
extensively described in Ayurveda
(e.g., nervous disorders [
vata vyadhi
], epilepsy [
], insanity, psychosis [
loss of consciousness, fainting [
murccha, moha, tamaka
], impairment in functioning of mind
], amnesia [
], etc.)
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative
disorder associated with the progressively worsening of
cognitive functions and behavioral
disturbances; it is the most common form of primary
dementia and mortality in the
geriatric population. Although there is no precise
equivalent for AD in Ayurveda, cognitive
dysfunction has been described in convulsive disorders
and with the aging process,
which is known to be associated with physical and mental
Thus it can be seen
that in spite of the terminological differences between
the Ayurvedic and the modern
systems of medicine, there are areas of similarity
between the two. It is necessary to bridge
the terminology gap between the Eastern and Western
concepts and management for a
better understanding and control of cognitive disorders.
The present review is aimed
toward this objective.
23.2 Clinical Description
The major clinical manifestations of AD are memory
disturbances, spatial and temporal
disorientation, and getting lost in familiar
surroundings. As the disease progresses, aphasia,
apraxia, acalculia, and sleepwalking may develop.
23.3 Epidemiology
AD is a worldwide problem that affects 5 million people
in the U.S.
As the life span is
increasing, AD is becoming a more common disorder.
Approximately 10% of the population
older than 65 years are affected.
In a recent report, AD was listed as the eighth cause
of death in the U.S. in 2000.
23.4 Etiology and Pathophysiology
In Ayurveda, AD is considered age related with no
specific etiology except that the
is involved. Conventional medicine is using several
working hypotheses to find an
effective treatment for AD and develop prevention
strategies. These hypotheses include
defective beta-amyloid (Abeta) protein metabolism;
abnormalities of glutamatergic, adrenergic,
serotonergic, dopaminergic, and cholinergic
neurotransmission; and the potential
involvement of inflammatory, oxidative, and hormonal
suggested possible cause is a diet containing excessive
intake of sugar, refined carbohydrates
(with high glycemic index), and animal products (with
high content of saturated
fats), and a decrease intake of unrefined seeds (cereals,
legumes, and oleaginous
seeds), vegetables (with high fibrous content, vitamins,
polyphenols, and other antioxidant
substances [e.g., phytoestrogens]), and seafood (rich in
omega-3 fatty acids).
other causative factors hypothesized are insulin
resistance, decreased endothelial production
of nitric oxide, free-radical excess, inflammatory
metabolites, homocysteine
deficiency, and estrogen deficiency.
In a prospective analysis of risk factors, increasing
age, lack of education, and the
apolipoprotein E epsilon4 allele were found to be
significantly associated with increased
risk of AD. On the other hand, use of nonsteroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs),
wine, and regular physical activity were found to be
significantly associated with reduced
risk of AD.
Some evidence suggests that oxidative damage of brain
tissue may be
involved in pathogenesis, which precedes the occurrence
of symptoms and the formation
of amyloid-containing plaques and neurofibrillary
Genetic factors may also be involved, but they do not
explain in full the etiopathogensis
of AD, implying a role for environmental factors.
The discovery of pathogenic mutations
in the beta-amyloid peptide (beta-APP) and the presenilin
genes provides strong support
for the genetic hypothesis because Abeta production and
deposition contribute to the
etiology of AD.
There is some evidence that alterations in the lysosomal
system may have a role in the
pathogenesis of AD.
The lysosomal system contributes to protein deposits
with different types of age-related neurodegeneration.
Lysosomes are highly susceptible
to free-radical oxidative stress in the aging brain and
leads to the gradual loss of metabolic
activity over the life span of an individual.
23.5 Clinical Examination and Diagnosis
Ayurvedic examination primarily consists of an
eight-point examination to determine
the vitiated
body constitution, and manifestations of the disease to
difficulty in learning, spatial and temporal
disorientation, and decline in daily living
activities (e.g., eating and difficulty in grooming,
dressing, and undressing). Patients
generally begin to feel spatially lost in familiar
surroundings. It is important to rule out
the other causes of dementia such as metabolic causes
(e.g., diabetes, medicationinduced
psychiatric illness) before treating the patient with
cholinesterase inhibitors.
Because many causes of dementia are rare and can be
excluded by careful historical
information, serial examination, and some structural
examination, an accurate diagnosis
can be made by using clinical criteria.
23.6 Clinical Course and Prognosis
AD is a uniformly progressive disease. It ultimately
results in irreversible debilitating
cognitive impairment in patients. Although some
medications appear to produce transient
improvement, there is no medication available that can
halt the progression of
23.7 Management
Ayurveda uses natural products (drugs of plant, animal,
and mineral origin) for the
treatment of all physical and mental ailments, including
cognitive dysfunction. There are
two approaches: one is aimed at general or total
well-being, including mental exercises
appropriate treatment (Chapter 2). Patients are examined
for memory disturbances,
(memory games, reading, card games) and meditation,
whereas the other specifically
targets intellect (
) and memory (
). Ayurvedic
rasayana tantra
, which describes
these approaches, was defined by the Ayurvedic physician
Susruta (500
.) as the measure
that prolongs longevity, develops positive health and
mental faculties, and imparts resistance
and immunity against disease.
These measures do not appear to differ from the
and antioxidant
therapeutic approaches used in
modern medicine. The host-oriented approach of
drugs is believed to vitalize the
digestion and metabolism and improve microcirculation and
tissue perfusion
to elicit the
desired therapeutic effects.
23.7.1 Brain Tonics (
Medhya Rasayana
reviewed the past, present, and future of
medhya rasayana
drugs: a special class
agents that rejuvenate mental faculties, intellect, and
memory. In ancient
India most of the education was imparted by oral
instructions. The students retained
and recalled this knowledge by repeated recitation.
Therefore, intelligence was considered
synonymous with memory, and drugs that helped reduce time
for learning (memorizing)
the lesson were developed from natural sources. Many such
particularly of plant origin, have been described in
Ayurvedic texts. Some of these are
particularly reputed for
medhya rasayana
properties since ancient times of great
Ayurvedic physicians Charaka (400
.) and Susruta (500
.). The following brain
vitalizers have been mentioned in
Charak Samhita
1. Expressed juice of Indian pennywort (
Centella asiatica
2. Powder of licorice (
Glycyrrhiza glabra
) with milk
3. Juice of
Tinospora cordifolia
4. Paste made from small leaves of
Convolvulus pluricaulis
) mixed with
its roots and flowers
A large number of Indian medicinal plants are attributed
with brain tonic and memoryenhancing
effects. These plants are rarely used singly and are
mostly incorporated in
polyherbal formulations containing 4 to 20 ingredients.
The latter may occasionally include
mineral-origin drugs in addition to medicinal plants.
Polypharmacy appears to be the rule
(rather than exception) in Ayurveda as in other
traditional systems of medicine practiced
in India (e.g., Unani-Tibb and Siddha). It is claimed
that such combinations enhance
activity and mitigate side effects of individual components.
Some plant ingredients are common to many formulations. A
look at the composition
of 6 polyherbal formulations, marketed in India for
memory enhancing effects, revealed
In conventional medicine, the only drugs currently
approved for the treatment of AD
are cholinomimetics, such as tacrine, which have the
pharmacologic profile of acetylcholinesterase
(AChE) inhibitors.
Tacrine has been shown to affect some measures of
memory performance, but the magnitude of improvement was
very modest.
The side
effects of tacrine, such as abdominal cramping, nausea,
vomiting, and diarrhea, may be
significant and dose limiting. Considerable research is
being conducted in other areas,
such as using selective anti-inflammatory drugs
(selective cyclooxgenase-2 [COX-2] inhib-
the presence of 32 medicinal plant ingredients (Table
itors) to reduce inflammatory activity in the brain and
Other areas of
research are antiamyloid strategies (e.g., immunization,
aggregation inhibitors, secretase
inhibitors), transition metal chelators (e.g.,
clioquinol), lipid-lowering agents, antihypertensives,
vitamins, and neurotransmitter receptors.
Studies on herbal materials with AChE inhibitory
properties have shown some
Ayurveda has many formulations and herbomineral drugs
below that are used to improve cognitive functions. The
precise biochemical mechanism
of action of these herbs is not clear. It is likely that
antioxidant and antiinflammatory
properties of these herbs may be responsible for their
beneficial effect
in the treatment of AD.
Om Tat Sat
humble salutations to H H Maharshi ji, Brahmasri
Sreeman Lakshmi Chandra Mishra ji and other eminent medical scholars and
doctors for the collection)
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