Scientific Basis for
Ayurvedic Therapies
edited by
Brahmasree Lakshmi Chandra Mishra
Diarrhea (Atisara) and Dysentery (Pravahika)
Shankar K. Mitra and Paramesh R.
21.1 Diarrhea
21.1.1 Introduction
Diarrhea, a condition of loose, watery stools that occur
more than three times in a day, is
a common problem that usually lasts a day or two and goes
away on its own without any
special treatment. Prolonged diarrhea can be a sign of
other problems. Diarrhea can cause
dehydration, which is particularly dangerous in children
and the elderly, and it must be
treated promptly to avoid serious health problems. People
of all ages can get diarrhea.
The average adult has a bout of diarrhea about four times
a year.
Diarrhea is called
in Ayurveda. Frequent passing of watery stools is the
feature. According to Ayurveda, diarrhea results from the
excess mass of stools and
) in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, and this excess is
eliminated through
the nearest outlet (rectum) as diarrhea. Digestive and
excretory systems, the two parts of
the GI tract called
, influence each other. The common etiological factors in
diseases of these systems are dyspepsia and endotoxin.
21.1.2 Definition
in Sanskrit means frequent passing of excessively watery,
unformed stool. Other
descriptions include watery stools, frequent bowel
movements, and loose bowel movements.
21.1.3 Clinical Description
Clinical features of different types of diarrhea are
listed in Table 21.1. The major clinical
features of diarrhea
are increased fluidity in stools, increased frequency of
bowel movement,
and increased stool volume.
Although diarrhea is not considered a disease or disorder
on its own in conventional
medicine, Ayurvedic literature records it as both a
symptom and an independent disease.
The World Health Organization (WHO) defines diarrhea as
the passage of loose or
watery stools, at least thrice in a 24-h period. However,
it is the consistency of the stools
rather than the frequency that is most important.
Frequent passing of formed stools is not
21.1.4 History and Epidemiology
Diarrhea dates back to history of human life. According
to Indian mythology, the disease
was said to exist in the first age (s
athya yuga
) and was observed to be the outcome of
abnormal food habits and emotional disturbance.
More than 1 billion people worldwide suffer one or more
episodes of acute diarrhea
each year. Because of poor sanitation and more limited
access to health care, acute infectious
diarrhea remains one of the most common causes of
mortality in developing countries,
particularly among children younger than 3 years old. It
accounts for 5 to 8 million
deaths every year.
On average, children in developing countries experience
three episodes of diarrhea each
year. In 1993, an estimated 3.2 million children under 5
years old died from diarrheal
disorders. Eight of 10 of these deaths occur in the first
2 years of life. In many countries,
diarrheal disorders, including cholera, are also an
important cause of morbidity among
older children and adults.
21.1.5 Etiology
According to Ayurveda, diarrhea is caused mainly by the
consumption of excessive food
that is hard to digest (e.g., protein-rich and fatty
foods). In addition, eating foods that are
too dry, too hot, or too cold; drinking contaminated
water and alcoholic beverages; eating
TABLE 21.1
Clinical Features of Different Types of Diarrhea
Vata Pitta Kapha Tridosa
Color of stool Bluish Yellow, reddish Whitish Fatty and
Blood red
Nature of stool Frothy Watery, foul
Mucus, foul
Watery Watery, with or
without smell
Frequency Frequently
with sound
Not frequently Less, without
Alternate Frequently
Quantity Less More Less Sometimes
more or less
Pain in
and pelvis
Fever, thirst,
Combination Headache,
Complication Rectum
of rectum
Painful rectum Combination
of all
foods with contradictory properties (
); eating frequently (
); eating
improperly cooked foods (
); and eating incompatible foods (
asathmya bhojana
) also result in diarrhea. Certain behaviors and
lifestyles may also lead to diarrhea.
Examples include emotional stress, fear, or grief and
controlling natural urges such as
urination and defecation (
vega dharana
). Disorders such as indigestion (
), irritable
colon (
), hemorrhoids (
), helminthiasis (including microbial infection [
also result in diarrhea.
Conventional medicine indicates that diarrhea may be
caused by an infection or an intestinal
disease. A few of the more common causes of diarrhea are
bacterial or viral infections
from consuming contaminated food or water. The common
bacteria known to cause diarrhea
are campylobacter, salmonella, shigella,
Escherichia coli,
and viral infections (e.g., rotavirus,
Norwalk virus, cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex virus,
viral hepatitis, etc.). Certain food
intolerances such as lactose (sugar found in milk) and
parasites that can enter the body
through food or water (e.g.,
Giardia lamblia, Entamoeba histolytica,
) can
cause diarrhea
Reaction to medicines, such as antibiotics, blood
pressure medications, and
antacids containing magnesium; intestinal diseases, such
as inflammatory bowel disease
and celiac disease; functional bowel disorders, such as
irritable bowel syndrome (IBS);
poststomach surgery; and gallbladder removal can result
in diarrhea.
Certain people who travel to foreign countries are at
risk for traveler’s diarrhea due to
consuming food or drinking water contaminated with
bacteria, viruses, or parasites.
Traveler's diarrhea is a particular problem for people
visiting developing countries.
can have acute (short-term) or chronic (long-term) forms
of diarrhea. Causes include
bacteria, viruses, parasites, medications, functional
disorders, and food sensitivities. Infection
with the rotavirus is the most common cause of acute
childhood diarrhea. Rotavirus
diarrhea usually resolves in 5 to 8 days.
21.1.6 Pathogenesis and Pathology
Ayurveda describes the pathogenesis of diarrhea as caused
by various etiological factors
discussed above. The fluid content of the intestines
increase, slowing down the activity
of digestive enzymes. This fluid that mixes with the
stool in the intestine increases the
bulk and is propelled by the force of
; as a result, the contents of the intestine are
thrown out in the form of diarrhea.
In conventional medicine, the pathology of this disease
is due to infections, generally
short lived and self-limiting. Common forms of diarrhea
are grouped under terms such
as gastroenteritis. These conditions may include vomiting
and often appear in miniepidemics
in schools, neighborhoods, or families. Most cases of
diarrhea will stop without
treatment in a few days.
Diarrhea broadly has infectious, drug-induced,
food-related, postsurgical, inflammatory,
transit-related, and psychological causes. These causes
produce diarrhea by four distinct
mechanisms: increased osmotic load, inflammation, fluid
secretion, and decreased absorption
21.1.7 Diagnosis Prodromal Features of Diarrhea
According to Ayurveda, the clinical manifestation of
diarrhea is preceded with the following
signs and symptoms: pricking pain in the epigastric,
umbilical, anal, and general
abdominal regions; general body malaise; constipation and
obstruction in flatus movement;
abdominal bloating; and indigestion.
4 Main Types of Diarrhea
There are broadly six types of diarrhea:
1. Diarrhea due to the imbalance of
vata atisara
2. Diarrhea due to the imbalance of
pitta atisara
3. Diarrhea due to the imbalance of
kapha atisara
4. Diarrhea due to imbalance of
sannipata atisara
5. Diarrhea due to emotional disturbances (
6. Diarrhea due to the imbalance of and due to
enterotoxin (
ama atisara
1 Enterotoxic Diarrhea (Ama Atisara)
To aid treatment, enterotoxic diarrhea is classified into
two kinds: with enterotoxin (
and without enterotoxin (
). The characteristic features of the stool with
enterotoxin are described as improperly digested stool
with a distinct foul smell that is
slimy or incompacted and is associated with flatulence,
abdominal pain, and salivation.
The nonenterotoxic diarrhea is devoid of the above
features and it also sinks in water.
The diarrhea could be mild, moderate, or intense. Other Types of Diarrhea Hemorrhagic Diarrhea (Rakta Atisara)
Hemorrhagic diarrhea is an exacerbated variant or latter
stage of
. If a patient
is suffering from
diarrhea, then ventures into excessive use of spicy
foods, salt, or
alcohol may result in hemorrhagic diarrhea, which is
characterized by the passage of blood
along with the stools.
1 Infective Diarrhea (Jvara Atisara)
Etiology of infective diarrhea is the result of
etiological factors of fever and diarrhea, with
the symptoms of diarrhea associated with fever.
1 Clincial Types of Diarrhea
In conventional medicine, four clinical types of diarrhea
are recognized:
Acute bloody diarrhea (also known as dysentery) — The
main dangers are intestinal
damage, sepsis, and malnutrition. Other complications,
including dehydration,
may also occur.
2. Acute watery diarrhea (including cholera) — This type
of diarrhea lasts several
hours or days. The main danger is dehydration, and weight
loss also occurs if
feeding is not continued.
3. Persistent diarrhea — This type of diarrhea lasts 14
days or longer. The main danger
is malnutrition and serious nonintestinal infection.
Dehydration may also occur.
Table 21.1 shows the details of their presenting
4. Diarrhea
with severe malnutrition (marasmus or
) — The main dangers
of this type of diarrhea are severe systemic infection, dehydration,
heart failure,
and vitamin and mineral deficiency.
The management of each type of diarrhea should prevent or
treat the main cause that
each one presents.
Diagnostic tests to find the cause of diarrhea include
the following:
1. Medical history and physical examination
2. Stool culture to determine the bacterial infection
3. Blood tests
4. Fasting tests
5. Sigmoidoscopy
6. Colonoscopy (similar to sigmoidoscopy, but the doctor
looks at the entire colon)
21.1.8 Clinical Course and Prognosis
According to Ayurveda, diarrhea is difficult to cure if
the stool is purple (ripe jamun fruit)
or liver brown; amount of stool elimination is small; the
consistency resembles dehydrated
butter (
), oil, fat, or meat soup; embedded with shiny particles;
and has a very fishy
odor. Patients with severe thirst, generalized burning
sensation, unconsciousness, dyspnea,
relaxed rectal sphincters, rectal prolapse, loss of
strength, muscular wasting, loss of
blood, and severe arthritic pain along with diarrhea will
be very difficult to cure.
The diarrhea due to the involvement of all three
and emotional types are also
difficult to treat successfully.
Diarrhea can be either acute or chronic. The acute form,
which lasts less than 3 weeks,
is usually related to a bacterial, viral, or parasitic
infection. Chronic diarrhea lasts more
than 3 weeks and is usually related to functional
disorders like IBS or diseases like celiac
disease or inflammatory bowel disease. Complications
Common complications of diarrhea are pain in the abdomen,
dysentery, tymphanitis, rectal
prolapse, anuria, edema, severe infection, and loss of
According to conventional medicine, fluid loss with
consequent dehydration, electrolyte
loss (Na, K, Mg, Cl), and even vascular collapse may
occur. Patients who are very young,
old, or debilitated may collapse rapidly or have severe
diarrhea (such as those with
cholera). HCO
loss may cause metabolic acidosis. Serum sodium
concentrations vary
according to the composition of diarrheal losses relative
to plasma. Hypokalemia may
occur in severe or chronic diarrhea or if the stools
contain excess mucus. Hypomagnesemia
after prolonged diarrhea may cause tetany.
21.1.9 Therapy
The fundamental principle of treatment in diarrhea is to keep
away from the causative
factors as previously described. Treatment has to be
undertaken based on the nature of
the stool — with endotoxin (of recent origin) or without
endotoxin (chronic). Enterotoxic Diarrhea
In case of a mild degree of toxin, advice on diet and
carminatives are used. While in moderate
degree, digestives are administered. In case of an
intense degree, the patient is subjected to
detoxification (shodhana–virecana, basti), using
herbs to eliminate toxins.2
The use of antimotility drugs is contraindicated in the
beginning of enterotoxic diarrhea,
in order to prevent the enterotoxin from remaining in the
gut. The reduction of
bowel movement results in convulsive disorders, abdominal
distension, irritable colon,
hemorrhoids, anal fissures, edema, anemia, and
splenomegaly. Antimotility drugs are
used in cases of infants, the elderly, dehydrated
conditions, infective diarrhea, and excess
The diet should be restricted to light food like soup of mudga (green
gram) with ginger
or cooked rice (100 to 250 g with 1 to 6 g of ghee).
Depending upon the desire and taste,
using buttermilk, rice gruel, or rice corn soaked in
water is advised. These will be more
nourishing and act as a digestive aid.
the herbs):
1. Chebulic myrobalan (Terminalia chebula) fruit powder at a dose of 1 to 3 g with
250 mg of long pepper (Piper longum)
fruit powder are advised along with warm
water. Care should be taken, as large doses of this will
result in more bowel
movements. This formula helps eliminate toxins.
2. A tea made of rhizomes of calamus (Acorus calamus),
aconitum species, nutgrass
rotundus), aerial parts of fumaria (Fumaria officinalis), root of pavonia
odorata), and rhizome of ginger taken
at a dose of 50 ml two to three
times/day is given to improve digestion.3
3. Powder of fried cumin (Cuminum cyminum),
rhizome of nutgrass, long pepper, or
ginger at a dose of 5 g is mixed with 1 l of buttermilk
and divided into four parts.
Each dose should be taken at 6-h intervals.
4. Ginger powder (1 to 3 g) taken with an equal quantity
of sugar two times/day is
useful in relieving the symptoms of enterotoxin.
5. Powder of kurchi seed (Holarrhena antidysenterica), bark of cinnamomum (Cinnamomum
root of vetiver (Vetivera zizanioides), seed of jambul (Syzygium
cumini), and
fruit pulp of bael (Aegle
marmelos) are mixed in equal
quantities. A dose of 3 to 6 g of this mixture is taken
with buttermilk three
6. Equal quantities of the powder of pop of old paddy (laja), fruit
of coriander
sativum), and resin of silk cotton
tree (Bombax ceiba) are mixed with
double-quantity fennel seeds (Foeniculum vulgare). A dose of 3 to 6 g of this mixture
is taken with warm water two times/day.
7. Powder of nutmeg (Myristica fragrans), cumin seeds, and fruit pulp of bael are
mixed in equal quantity and triturated with lime water to
make pills each weighing
800 mg. One pill is taken in the morning with rice water
in the case of pitta
diarrhea and with 25 to 75 ml camphor water for kapha diarrhea.6
The following herbal mixtures are recommended (see Section
21.1.10 for the names of
© 2004 by CRC Press LLC
378 Scientific
Basis for Ayurvedic Therapies
A few compound formulations used in the treatment of
enterotoxic diarrhea are given
below: Nonenterotoxic Diarrhea
This condition is treated with carminatives and
antimotility herbs. The following herbal
mixtures are recommended:
1. A dose of 3 to 6 g of a mixture of equal quantity of
powders of the bark of kurchi
and rhizome of aconitum species is taken three to four
times/day with honey.5
2. A dose of 3 to 6 g of powder of fruit pulp of bael
mixed with 100 to 250 ml
buttermilk is taken three to four times/day.
3. A dose of 3 to 6 g of powder of bark or seeds of
kurchi is taken with 100 to 250
ml buttermilk three to four times/day.
4. A decoction of equal parts of fruit pulp of bael,
rhizomes of pavonia and aconite
species, rhizomes of nutgrass, and sida root (Sida cordifolia)
and bark of kurchi is
taken at the dose of 14 to 28 ml three times/day.7 Vata Diarrhea
Vata diarrhea
is treated with herbs that improves digestion, followed by antidiarrheal
herbal formulas. A decoction of rhizomes of calamus,
aconitum, and nutgrass, and seed
of kurchi is given.9 Pitta Diarrhea
Pitta diarrhea
is treated with a light diet, carminatives, fluids, and mineral supplements
such as rice gruels and fruit juice. If this fails,
resort to palliatives and antimotility agents
and medicated enema. A mixture of equal quantity of
powders of dry extract of berberis
aristata), rhizome of aconite, bark of
kurchi, flowers of woodfordia (Woodfordia
fruitcosa), and
ginger is given at a dose of 3 to 6 g with rice water two to three times/day.
For a medicated decoction enema (asthapana basti), the
paste of the fennel seeds (Foeniculum
vulgare), roots
of asperagus (Asparagus racemosus), cow’s milk, roots of licorice (Glycyrrhiza
glabra), sesame
oil, cow’s ghee, and fruit pulp of bael are used.3 This herbal
Name of Formulation Activity Dose Adjuvant Ref.
Gangadhara curna Digestive, appetizer,
1–3 g three
Jaggery, buttermilk
and honey
Jatiphaladi curna Carminative,
1–2 g three
Honey, buttermilk
and water
Lai curna Antiflatulent,
1–3 g three
Buttermilk 5
Jatiphaladi vati Antimotility,
60–120 mg three
Buttermilk and water 8
Karpura vati Antimotility,
120–240 mg two
Honey 8
Kutajarishta8 Digestive,
15–30 ml two
Equal quantity of water 8
combination helps to decrease the motility of intestine.
The diet includes goat milk and
meat soup with rice.9 Kapha Diarrhea
Kapha diarrhea
is treated best with fasting and by improving digestion because it occurs
due to excessive eating. A decoction of chaba (Piper chaba),
aconite, nutgrass, bael, ginger,
kurchi seed and bark, and chebulic myrobalan in equal
quantities are given at a dose of
15 to 30 ml.9
A few compound formulations used in the treatment of vata and kapha diarrheas
given here: Hemorrhagic Diarrhea
The bleeding in hemorrhagic diarrhea has to be stopped
immediately. Analgesics (vadanasthapana)
and styptics (rakthasthambhaka) as well
as antidiarrheals have to be used. The
following herbal mixtures are recommended:
1. A dose of 3 to 6 g of the powder of asparagus (Asparagus racemosus) root mixed
with 120 ml of goat’s milk, three to four times/day, is
taken while following a
strict rice-milk diet.3
2. A dose of 3 to 6 g of white sandalwood (Santalum album)
powder is mixed with
an equal quantity of honey and 5 to 10 g of sugar. It is
taken two or three times/
day along with rice water and relieves thirst, burning,
and bleeding.
3. A dose of 5 to 10 g of cow’s milk butter mixed with
honey and candy sugar in
equal quantities helps stop bleeding.9
4. A dose of 3 to 6 g of powder of the fruit pulp of bael
is taken with an equal
quantity of jaggery.
5. A dose of 3 to 6 g of banyan shoot (Ficus bengalensis) paste is taken with 100 to
250 ml of rice water three times/day.
6. A dose of 28 ml of the fresh juice of the leaves of
jambul, Indian gooseberry, and
mango in equal quantity is mixed with 14 g of honey and
100 ml of goat’s milk.
The solution is taken three times/day.
7. A dose of 2 to 6 g of red sandalwood (Pterocarpus santalinus) powder with 6 g of
sugar and 6 g of honey, followed by a potion of 100 to
250 ml of rice water, is
taken two times/day.5
Goat’s milk is given with honey and sugar as a drink and
even as a rectal douche.3
Name Formulation Activity Dose Adjuvant Ref.
Kutajavaleha Antidiarrheal
5–10 g three times/day Water 10
Agasthisutaraja rasa Antidiarrheal 60–120 mg three times/day Cumin,
Kanakasundara rasa Antidiarrheal 60–120 mg three times/day Buttermilk 8
A few compound formulations used in the treatment of
hemorrhagic diarrhea are given
below: Emotional Diarrhea
Treatment in emotional diarrhea is similar to vata diarrhea.
In addition, entertainment and
counseling is advised. Infective Diarrhea
The line of treatment in this condition involves fasting
or taking light and easily digestible
food and digestive agents along with antipyretic drugs. A
dose of 15 to 30 ml of a decoction
of the equal parts of fruit pulp of bael, rhizomes of
ginger and musk, fruit of coriander,
and roots of sida should be taken once daily early in the
morning. A 15- to 30-ml dose of
the following decoction is given two times/day: equal
quantities of aerial parts of velvet
leaf (Cissampelos
pareira), andrographis, fumaria, rhizomes
of nutgrass, ginger, seeds of
kurchi, and tinospora stem in water.7
The compound formulations used in the treatment of
infective diarrhea are listedbelow: Rectal Prolapse
If the anal region is inflamed, a sitz bath with cold
extract of snakeguard leaves (Trichosanthes
dioica) and
licorice is given. If it is associated with a burning sensation, goat’s milk
mixed with honey and sugar is douched or applied as a
wash locally and is also taken
internally. A poultice of Woodfordia flower, Lodh bark (Symplocos racemosa), and blackgram
seeds helps reduce inflammation and bleeding and is
applied on the end part. A
cotton swab soaked in a medicated ghee (shatadhoutha ghrita) is also applied or plugged
The compound formulations for all types of diarrheas are
listed as follows:
Name of Formulation Activity Dose Adjuvant Ref.
Dadimashtaka curna Antidysenteric 3–6 g three
Water 5
Dadimavaleha Antidysenteric
6–12 g three
Honey and
Ushirasava Hemostatic
15–30 ml two
Equal water 8
Bola parpati Hemostatic
120–240 mg
three times/
Sugar, honey,
Name of Formulation Activity Dose Adjuvant Ref.
Karpura rasa Digestive,
60–120 mg three
Water 8
Lakshminarayana rasa Antipyretic and
120–240 mg
three times/
Ginger juice and
Mritasanjivini rasa Antidiarrheal 360 mg two
Honey 5 Lifestyle Changes
are all advised in treating diarrhea. Sleeping
immediately after a meal also helps control
diarrhea and helps in recovery. As one improves, soft and
bland foods, raw bananas,
guava fruit, plain rice, baked potatoes or dioscorea
tubers, toast, crackers, cooked carrots,
and baked chicken without the skin or fat are
recommended. For children, the bananas,
rice, apple sauce, and toast diet is recommened.14
that are greasy, high fiber, or very sweet are
contraindicated. Negative emotions like fear,
grief, and anger, and suppression of the urges of
defecation and urination should also be
The treatment of any type of diarrhea is considered
complete when urination and
passage of flatus without the appearance of stool,
increased appetite, and a feeling of
lightness in the abdomen are observed.4
21.1.10 Scientific Basis
The inhibitory effect of ayurvedic plants on
enteropathogenic bacterias is presented in Holarrhena antidysenterica (Kurchi)
This herb has been indicated in many diseases apart from
dysentery in all the forms
described in Ayurveda.15 The total alkaloids of the bark
has shown antibacterial activity
on the intestinal bacteria, E. coli.16
Kurchamine, an alkaloidal fraction from the bark,
effectively reduced the intestinal amoebic infection in
rats and hepatic amoebiasis in
hamsters. The activity was comparable with emetine
hydrochloride.17 Clinical tests with
conessine from the bark on patients with intestinal and
hepatic amebiasis have been given
results comparable with those obtained with emetine.18 Myristica fragrans (Nutmeg)
The seed or nutmeg of Myristica fragrans is considered a folk remedy for diarrhea. Experimental
studies with petroleum ether, chloroform, and ethanol
extract showed a reduction
in fecal output, inhibition of castor oil-induced
diarrhea, and enteropooling in rats. The
protective effect of nutmeg in castor oil-induced
diarrhea indicates the action could be
due to the inhibition of prostaglandin biosynthesis.19
Name of Formulation Activity Dose Adjuvant Ref.
Rasa parpati Intestinal
antiseptic 125 mg two
Honey 13
Panchamrita parpati Antidysenteric 125–250 mg two
Honey, curd, and
Svarna parpati Antidysenteric,
125 mg two
Honey 5
Vijaya parpati Antidysenteric,
125–375 mg two
Water and honey 8
Old rice, mung beans, asafetida, garlic, Indian
gooseberry, a liquid diet, and raw bananas
Fatty foods (which are heavy for digestion); excess of
meat; milk products; and foods
Table 21.2. Other studies on ayurvedic herbs are
summarized below.
TABLE 21.2
Inhibitory Effect of Ayurvedic Plants on Enteropathogenic
Name Part Solvent Aa Ba Ca Da
MICD/IC50 (mg or mg/ml,
or mg or mg/ml) Ref.
Ocimum basilicum Leaf Ethanol 6 6 6 NT S. typhi (>10
mg) 49
Psidium guajava Leaf
Methanol 9 8 13 NT S.
flexneri (>10 mg) 49
Punica granatum Fruit
Methanol N/A N/A NT NT 12 mg/ml 50
Bergenia ciliata Rhizome Methanol 15 NT NT 12 1.0 mg 51
Caesalpinia bonducella Seeds Methanol 20 19 15 NT E. coli (10
S. typhi (0.62
S. flexneri (2.5
Ficus racemosa Leaf
Petroleum ether 19 NT NT NT 25 mg/ml 53
Capsicum annum Fruit
Ethanol N/A NT NT NT 100 mg/ml 54
Holarrhena antidysenterica Stem bark Aqueous >25 >25 >20 >30 200 mg/ml
Murraya koenigii Leaf Chloroform 8 NT 10 NT 500 mg 56
Syzygium cumini Stem
bark Ethanol N/A N/A NT NT 128 mg/ml 57
Astercantha longifolia Whole plant Chloroform 15 NT NT NT 100 mg/ml 58
Leptadenia arborca Whole plant Methanol 16 NT NT NT 100 mg/ml 58
Tephrosia purpurea Whole plant Methanol 17 NT NT NT 100 mg/ml 58
Withania somnifera Whole plant Methanol 15 NT NT NT 100 mg/ml 58
Evolvulus alsinoides Leaf Methanol 17 NT NT NT 100 mg/ml 59
Chloroform 17 NT NT NT 100 mg/ml 59
Abrus precatorius Stem Methanol 18 NT NT NT 100 mg/ml 59
Clitoria ternatea Whole plant Methanol 15 NT NT NT 100 mg/ml 59
Plumbago zeylanica Stem and leaf Methanol 19 NT NT NT 100 mg/ml 59
Calotropis procera Root Ethanol 15 NT NT NT 10 mg/ml 60
Trigonella foenum graecum Seeds Ethanol 20 NT NT NT 100 mg/ml 61
Allium sativum Cloves
Water 12 18 30 32 30 mg
Cassia occidentalis Flower Ethanol 8 NT NT NT 10 mg 63
Callus Ethanol 8 NT NT NT 10 mg 63
Tachyspermum ammi Fruit Ethanol N/A NT NT NT 6.25 mg/ml 64
Hemidesmus indicus Root Ethanol N/A NT NT NT 25 mg/ml 64
Cassia fistula Seed
Ethanol N/A NT NT NT 12.5 mg/ml 64
Terminalia bellerica Exocarp Ethanol N/A NT NT NT 12.5 mg/ml 64
Phylanthus emblica Fruit Ethanol N/A NT NT NT 12.5 mg/ml 64
Oxalis corniculata Leaf Ethanol N/A NT NT NT 12.5 mg/ml 64
Plumbago indica Leaf
Ethanol N/A NT NT NT 12.5 mg/ml 64
Aegle marmelos Leaf
Methanol 5 8 5 NT 50 mg/ml
Terminalia chebula Fruit Alcoholic >20 >20 NT NT 200 mg/ml 66
Emblica officinalis Fruit Alcoholic >20 >20 NT NT 200 mg/ml 66
aA = Escherichia
coli; B = Salmonella typhi;
C = Shigella flexneri; D = Vibrio
Note: Values
indicate bacterial inhibition zone (mm); MICD = minimal inhibitory
concentration in disk. Dioscorea oppositifolia (Chinese Wild Yam)
The tuber extract is known to have antidiarrheal activity
in infantile diarrhea.20 Psidium guajava (Guava)
In fruits with therapeutic properties for antidiarrheal
and laxative uses, the presence of
lectins may be the bioactive properties that interfere
with bacterial adhesion, which are
thought to be competing for glycoside signal sites in the
attachment. Guava has a galactose-
specific lectin that prevents adhesion of E. coli O157:H7
to red cells; this lectin is
mediated by galactose. Prevention could also be due to
their capacity of agglutinating E.
coli by
guava.21 The antidiarrheal properties of the water and methanolic extracts of Psidium
guajava leaves
have been demonstrated with anteriority; their spasmolytic effect was
attributed to quercetin, a flavonoid contained in this
plant.22 The spasmolytic effects of
Psidium guajava leaf
methanol, hexane, and water extracts were demonstrated in the guinea
pig isolated ileum-perfused model suggesting the
existence of two different types of active
components.23 Musa paradisica (Banana)
Banana flakes can be used as a safe, cost-effective
treatment for diarrhea in critically ill
tube-fed patients. Banana flakes can be given
concurrently with a workup for Clostridium
difficile colitis,
expediting the treatment of diarrhea.24 Nelumbo nucifera (Sacred Lotus)
Extract of Nelumbo nucifera rhizome
reduced not only the frequency of defecation, wetness
of fecal dropping and prostaglandin-2 (PGE2)-induced
enteropooling, but also significantly
reduced the propulsive movements of charcoal meal
significantly in experimental rats. 25,26 Ficus bengalensis (Banyan Tree) and Syzygium
cumini (Jamun)
Ethanol extracts of Ficus bengalensis Linn. (hanging roots) and Syzygium cumini Linn.
showed significant inhibitory activity against castor
oil-induced diarrhea and PGE2-
induced enteropooling in rats. These extracts also showed
a significant reduction in GI
motility in charcoal meal tests in rats. The results
obtained establish the efficacy of all
these plant materials as antidiarrheal agents.27 Acorus calamus (Sweet Flag) and Aegle marmelos
A study was conducted on the effect of aqueous and
methanolic plant extracts of Acorus
calamus rhizome, Pongamia glabra leaves,
Aegle marmelos unripe fruit, and Strychnos nuxvomica
root bark for their antidiarrheal potential against
castor oil-induced diarrhea in
mice. Results showed that methanolic extracts were more
effective than were aqueous
plant extracts. The methanolic extracts significantly
reduced induction time of diarrhea
and total weight of the feces. The result establishes the
efficacy of these plant extracts as
antidiarrheal agents.28 Clerodendrum phlomidis (Clerodendrum)
The methanolic extract from the leaves of Clerodendrum phlomidis Linn. (Agnimantha)
(MECP) was examined for its antidiarrheal potential
against several experimental models
of diarrhea in Wistar albino rats. MECP showed
significant inhibitory activity against
castor oil-induced diarrhea and PGE2-induced
enteropooling in rats. The extract also
showed a significant reduction in GI motility in charcoal
meal test in rats. The results
obtained establish the efficacy and substantiated the
folklore claim as an antidiarrheal
agent.29 Piper nigrum (Black Pepper)
Antidiarrheal activity of piperine (Piper nigrum)
against castor oil, magnesium sulphate,
and arachidonic acid was studied in mice. It significantly
inhibited diarrhea produced by
these cathartics at an oral dose of 8 and 32 mg/kg.
Inhibition of castor oil-induced
enteropooling by piperine suggests its inhibitory effect
on prostaglandins.30 Berberis aristata (Indian Barberry)
Berberine was effective in reducing water and electrolyte
secretions induced by E. coli
heat-stable enterotoxin. These findings indicate that
berberine may be an effective antidiarrheal
agent in E. coli heat-stable enterotoxin-mediated secretory diarrhea. The
also provided a basis for the frequent empirical use of
berberine alkaloid and berberinecontaining
plants in gastroenteritis and infectious diarrhea in
Asian and other countries.31 Punica granatum (Pomegranate)
Experimental studies32 on methanolic extract of Punica granatum fruit
rind have reported
antidiarrheal and antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus, E. coli, Kleibsella pneumoniae,
Proteus vulgaris, and Salmonella
typhi. Tinospora cordifolia (Tinospora gulancha)
Tinospora cordifolia was reported to be active against Entamoeba histolytica.33 Clinical Trials Diarex
Diarex is a polyherbal formulation containing Holarrhena antidysenterica, Tinospora cordifolia,
Aegle marmelos, Punica granatum, and Cyperus
rotundus as its constituents. Holarrhena
antidysenterica is
reported to be more effective in treating amoebic dysentery.34 Aegle marmelos
is reported to be a very effective remedy in controlling
acute diarrhea.35 A combination
of Aegle marmelos,
Punica granatum, and Tinospora cordifolia along with other herbs is known
to have potential antispasmodic activity.36 Clinical
trials of diarex have showed to be
effective in acute chronic and infectious diarrhea.37 Calotropis procera (Indian Madder)
A pilot study was conducted on the effect of the root
bark of Calatropis procera (arka) in
73 patients of diarrhea. The powder was administered at
250 mg three times/day with
buttermilk for 7 days. The consistency of the stools was
achieved on the first day of the
treatment. There were 49 patients (67.1%) who had
complete relief and 18 patients (24.7%)
who had marked relief.38 Compound herbal powder (Solanum torvum,
Murraya koenigii, Mangifera indica,
Carum roxburghianum, Emblica officinalis, Punica
granatum, and Trigonella foenum-
An open clinical trial39 examined the role of a compound
herbal powder (consisting of
Solanum torvum, Murraya koenigii, Mangifera indica, Carum
roxburghianum, Emblica officinalis,
Punica granatum,
and Trigonella foenum-graecum) in the management of nonspecific diarrhea
in 25 subjects. Results showed marked relief in loose
stools (76%), tenasmus (85%), acid
belching (69.5%), borborygmus (66.6%), and bloating of
abdomen (62.5%). During the
study no adverse reactions were noted. Valeriana officinalis (Valerian)
In a clinical observation and experimental study,40 Valeriana officinalis was found to be an
effective medicine in controlling infantile rota viral
diarrhea. Green bananas
In a double-blind trial,41 green bananas and pectin were
shown to be useful in the dietary
management of persistent diarrhea in hospitalized
patients. The plantain flour-based solution
proved effective for the treatment of dehydration due to
acute diarrheal diseases and
should be considered as an alternative when standard WHO
oral rehydration solution
(WHO-ORS) is not available.42 Soy fiber
A randomized, blind clinical trial43 was conducted on soy
fiber and rice-based oral rehydration
solutions. Results showed that these solutions reduced
the duration of watery
stools during acute diarrhea caused by bacterial and
viral pathogens.
21.2 Dysentery
21.2.1 Introduction
Dysentery is a term used for diarrhea when there is
evidence that organisms have invaded
the intestinal wall and caused pus, mucus, and blood to
appear in the stool. There is often
fever and abdominal cramps as well. Although the term
dysentery conjures up more
emotion, there is no clear-cut line between diarrhea and
dysentery, and treatments are
often the same.
In its classic form, dysentery leads to symptoms of
cramping abdominal pain, diarrhea,
and blood and mucus in the feces. Initially, the diarrhea
may be copious but soon becomes
frequent and of small volume; the patient often complains
of painful defecation. It is
sometimes accompanied by other symptoms such as vomiting
and fever. The shigella
infection (Sd1) rarely involves other parts of the body.
However, more severe forms of
infection can occur, particularly in travellers abroad.
In these cases, the patient may become
very ill and dehydrated, and in the absence of medical
treatment, dysentery can be fatal.44
Some authors of Ayurvedic literature consider this
disease as an advanced stage of kapha
diarrhea as well as enterotoxic diarrhea.3 Others
consider it an individual disease.4
21.2.2 Definition
In Ayurvedic medicine pravahika is
the term used to indicate dysentery, which means
moving with force. It is synonymous with visramsa, antargranthi,
annagranthi, niscaraka,
nissaraka. Dysentery
is an acute disease in which the stools and mucus secretion causes a
delay in evacuation due to kapha and vata dosas resulting
in straining down the stools.1
The word dysentery
is derived from the Greek dusenteria,
meaning bad intestine.
21.2.3 Clinical Description
Passage of stool with mucus and tenesmus and a feeling of
incomplete evacuation characterize
the disease.1 Dysentery is a disease in which the patient
passes a small quantity
of mucoid, slimy, or bloodstained stool with considerable
tenesmus, gripping abdominal
pain, and burning sensation.14 More or less fever, loss
of appetite, sleeplessness, and
restlessness at night also are noticed. Sometimes the
abdomen is distended.
Severe symptoms include having a high fever, being very
thirsty and having a red
tongue; the abdomen may appear sunken in some cases,
straining ceases, and the bowels
become relaxed and may prolapse. The passage of urine is
infrequent and is accompanied
by a burning sensation. The pulse becomes slow, breathing
becomes rapid, and generally,
the patient looks pale and emaciated. This condition
should not be allowed to continue.1
21.2.4 History and Epidemiology
Man has known dysentery in its severe form since ancient
times, but most cases acquired
in the developed world today are mild. The earliest
literature in Ayurveda describes this
disease in the chapter on diarrhea, whereas the latest
authors have recorded this disease
as an individual entity.
Shigella infection has caused epidemics of dysentery
throughout the world. It caused a
4-year epidemic in Central America beginning in 1968 that
resulted in more than 500,000
cases and at least 20,000 deaths.44
21.2.5 Etiology
Accoring to Ayurveda, the main causes for this disease
are similar to diarrhea. These
causes especially include foods that are incompatible (Ahita),
extremely spicy, and heavy
to digest (e.g., protein-rich foods). Drinking
contaminated water is also another important
In conventional medicine, bacterial or viral infection,
infestation of protozoa or parasitic
worms, and chemical irritants are described as major
causes of the disease. Some of these
causes include the following:
1. Inflammation of the rectum and large intestine
2. Eating insufficient foods
3. Having an improper diet
4. Drinking too much liquid with meals
6. Eating the wrong combinations of foods
7. Being in unhygienic surroundings
8. Eating fruits or vegetables that have started
9. Eating foods that have been in pantries that are not
well ventilated
10. Eating improperly refrigerated, contaminated foods
Irritated bowels, habitual constipation, and taking
certain types of medicine (e.g., laxatives)
may also be the cause.
21.2.6 Pathogenesis
This disease can occur in two stages. The primary stage
is due to food and other factors,
whereas the secondary stage is due to kapha diarrhea. Transmission
In conventional medicine, few studies have been done to
determine how dysentery is
spread. The most likely modes of transmission are
person-to-person contact and contaminated
water and food. Epidemics of Sd1 usually occur in
impoverished areas. They affect
people of all ages, with the highest age-specific
incidence occurring among adults and the
highest case-fatality rates occurring among children.44
21.2.7 Diagnosis
According to Ayurveda, dysentery is diagnosed into four
types. These categories are based
on the nature of signs and symptoms and are diagnosed
into the following four types:
1. Vata dysentery — Defecation with tenesmus and abdominal pain
2. Pitta dysentery — Defecation with a burning sensation
3. Kapha dysentery — Defecation with mucus
4. Rakta dysentery — Defecation with blood
The enterotoxic and nonenterotoxic stages of this disease
are diagnosed based on the
tests described in diarrhea.1
The types of dysentery, such as amebic, bacillary,
balantidial, malignant, and viral, are
determined based on microscopic examination of the
21.2.8 Clinical Course and Prognosis
Dysentery is a curable disease. If it is left untreated,
it leads to irritable colon disease.1
21.2.9 Therapy
The treatment of dysentery is aimed at eliminating the
offending and toxic matter from
the intestines, alleviating painful symptoms, stopping
the virulence of the bacteria, and
promoting the healing of any ulcers in the intestine.
Antimotility agents should not be
used in the early stages of dysentery because of the
presence of enterotoxin. In such
conditions, mild laxatives are recommended. Using herbal
formulas to improve digestion
and produce a carminative effect is preferred to achieve
a long-lasting effect.
The bark of kurchi (Holaarhena antidysenterica) and the raw, tender fruit pulp of bael
marmelos) are the most important
herbal ingredients in dysentery. Bastard saffron
ferrea) flower bud, lodh bark (Symplocos racemosa), and silk cotton-tree resin (Bombax
are the styptic plants to be used. All prescriptions for diarrhea are also
for dysentery.12
Among specific herbal remedies, bael fruit is, perhaps,
the most efficacious in the
treatment of dysentery of both the varieties. The pulp of
this fruit is mixed with jaggery
and should be given three times/day. To deal with a
chronic case of dysentery, unripe
bael fruit is roasted over a fire and the pulp is mixed
with water. Large quantities of the
infusion are administered with jaggery. The pulp of the
unripe fruit mixed with an equal
quantity of dried ginger can also be given with
The use of pomegranate rind is another effective remedy
for dysentery. About 60 g of
the rind is boiled in 250 g of milk until half of the
milk has evaporated. It is administered
to the patient in three equal doses at suitable
intervals.45 Food and Lifestyle
Adequate bedrest; a light diet; the use of potassium
broth, soybean milk, or oatmeal milk;
and drinking at least 1 pt/day of ginger or barley water
are highly recommended. Chewing
the food thoroughly before swallowing is most important.
Fasting is the best corrective remedy for dysentery. The
patient should fast as long as
acute symptoms are present. During the period of fasting,
only fruit juice (orange) and
water should be taken. In the alternative, the patient
should subsist on buttermilk until
the acute symptoms are over. Buttermilk combats offending
bacteria and helps establish
helpful microorganisms in the intestines.
The following foods are useful for patients with
1. Old rice
2. Gruel prepared from pop of paddy
3. Soup prepared from phaseolus bean or lentil
4. Milk and butter from a goat or cow
5. Fresh or dried ginger
6. Leaves of wood sorrel
7. Fruits of jamun (Eugenia jambulana), pomegranate, and bael (Aegle marmelos)
8. Flower and fruit of banana
In addition, dysentery patients should avoid the
1. Uncherished food (asatmya bjojana)
2. Spicy and sour food
3. Incompatible articles of food (viruddha ahara)
4. Food that is difficult to digest
5. Products of sugarcane, wheat, black phaseolus bean,
barley, and leaves of a variety
of chenopodium
Excessive water intake and bathing, staying awake late in
the night, and irregular hours
of sleep should also be avoided.7
Compound formulations used in the treatment of dysentery
are listed below:
21.2.10 Scientific Basis Punica granatum (Pomegranate)
A decoction or tea infusion of Punica granatum peel
was used in the in vitro experiments
against Vibrio
cholerae. Results showed the best
bactericidal effect, and it is suggested to
use them to stop cholera spreading.14 Berberis aristata (Indian Barberry)
Berberine, an alkaloid from the plant Berberis aristata, inhibited by approximately 70% of
the secretory responses of the heat-labile enterotoxins
of V. cholerae and E. coli in the rabbitligated
intestinal loop model.
Om Tat Sat
humble salutations to H H Maharshi ji, Brahmasri
Sreeman Lakshmi Chandra Mishra ji and other eminent medical scholars and
doctors for the collection)
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