Scientific Basis for
Ayurvedic Therapies
edited by
Brahmasree Lakshmi Chandra Mishra
TABLE 11.1 (continued)
Formulations Used in Therapy of Sciatica, Monoplegia, and
No. Name (Manufacturer*) Doses, Vehicle, and Duration
28 Mahamash
taila (a, b, c, d, e, f) Apply to
the affected parts of the leg 16
29 Narayan
taila (c, d, e, f) Apply to the
affected parts of the leg 35
30 Prasarini
taila (a, f) Apply to the affected
parts of the leg 34
31 Prabhanjan
vimardanam taila (d) Apply to the affected
parts of the leg 20
32 Saindhavadya
taila (a, b) Apply to the affected
parts of the leg 13
33 Erand
phal payas Oral, once/day (12 g/day) for 1
month (Note:
Payas made of
30 to 50 uncoated cooked castor
seeds in 350 ml cow’s milk)
13, 33
34 Vrihachhagaladya
ghrit (d) Oral (12 g/day) 31
35 Gunja
phal/gunja pistadi lepa Apply
once/day 13, 35
36 Ekang
vir ras (a, c, e, f) 125 mg three
times/day for 60 days with milk 37
37 Khanjanikari
ras (a) 250 mg three times/day for
90 days 33
38 Lashun
ksheer pak made of Rason
kalk (15 g) in
cow’s milk (200 ml)
200 ml/day 4
* (a) Baidyanath Pharmaceuticals;
(b) Indian Medicines Pharmaceutical Corporation Ltd. (IMPCL);
(c) Unjha Pharmaceuticals;
(d) Indian Medical Practitioners Co-operative Pharmacy
& Stores (IMPCOPS);
(e) Zandu Pharmaceuticals;
(f) Dabur Pharmaceuticals.
11.12 Scientific Basis for the Use of Ayurvedic Drugs in
11.12.1 Clinical Studies
1. In one study, 52 sciatica patients were given Trayodashang guggul (2 g) and vistinduk
vati one tab
three times/day for 3 weeks. The patients were also treated with
Nirgundi taila massage
and poultice for 3 weeks.17 In another study, 60 sciatica
patients were given Yograj guggul (1
g) three times/day plus purified Nuxvomica
seed powder (100 mg) in one capsule twice/day for 15
days. The patients were
also treated with Mahavisgarbha taila massage and steam fomentation of Rasnasaptak
decoction.18 The criteria for assessment of the results
were based on pricking
and pulling pain, stiffness, tenderness over sciatic
nerve, SLR, knee and ankle
jerks, plantar reflexes, muscle wasting, pressing power,
walking speed, sensory
impairment, and posture, as per global score method. In
both studies, results were
significant (p < 0.05) in more than 70% of
the patients in terms of relief from the
2. Nirgundi
oil and dehydrated butter prepared as per the
Ayurvedic Formulary of
India were
administered classically under purification therapy on 66 sciatica
patients along with purified guggul (1 g) and
Vitex negundo decoction (60 ml) three
times/day for 45 days. The results showed complete cure
in 76% of sciatica
3. Sixty-eight sciatica patients were distributed equally
in four groups at random:
(1) palliation, (2) placebo, (3) purification, and (4)
purification with palliation. They
were given Prabhanjan vimardanam taila as
per classical schedule. Although the
results of treatment were highly encouraging in both
purification and purification
cum palliation groups, the results were better in the
purification cum palliation
than the purification group.20
4. In a clinical trial conducted on 80 patients with
paraplegia, a group of 40 patients
received panchakarma
therapy with Moorchhit Sesamum indicum (til) oil as per
classical schedule, and the other group was treated with
one tablet of Gorochanadi
gutika (250 mg)
after Ashwagandha decoction (60 ml) three times/day. Both groups
were given massage with 50 ml of bala ashwagandha lakshadi taila for 60 days.
Results of both the groups were quite significant (p <
0.001). The group with
panchakarma therapy
showed better results than did the ashwagandha group, even
after a 6-month follow-up. The progress in relief was judged
on the basis of pain,
bladder control, rectum control, sensory changes, muscle
powers, fasciculations,
deep tendon reflexes, plantar reflexes, wasting, and
walking speed, as per global
score method.21
11.12.2 Animal Studies for Anti-Inflammatory Activity Yograj Guggul and Rasnasaptak Decoction
The aqueous extract of yograj guggul and
rasnasaptak decoction were administered intraperitoneally
(i.p.) in albino rats 30 min prior to carrageenin
challenge, in combination and
alone at the doses of 1 g/kg. Test drugs produced
significant inhibition of paw edema.
Phenylbutazone was taken for standard comparison in the
study.22 Commiphora mukul (Hook. ex stocks)
Phenylbutazone (100 mg/kg), hydrocortisone acetate (20
mg/kg i.p.), ibuprofen (50 mg/
kg orally), acetylsalicylic acid (300 mg/kg orally), or
steroidal compound from C. mukul
(100 mg/kg i.p.) were given 1 h before the carrageenin
challenge to groups of 6 rats. No
treatment was given to a control group of six rats. The
steroid isolated from C. mukul
showed a pronounced anti-inflammatory (p <
0.001) in paw edema as compared to phenylbutazone
(p < 0.001), hydrocortisone acetate (p <
0.005), ibuprofen (p < 0.01), and
acetylsalicylic acid (p <
0.001).23 Vitex negundo Linn. (Verbenaceae) and Withania
somnifera Linn.
The aqueous extract of Vitex negundo Linn.
at the dose of 1 g/kg i.p. produced antiinflammatory
activity by 45, 60, and 44% at 2, 3, and 4 h of treatment
in the carrageenininduced
rat’s paw edema model. W. somnifera also
exhibited anti-inflammatory activity in
carrageenin induced rat’s paw edema. The inflammation was
recorded as 61, 56, and 27%
at the first, second, and third hour of treatment,
respectively. The study further revealed
that W. somnifera
acts by blocking histamine h1 and h2
receptors in early phase followed
by inhibition of prostaglandin in delayed phase of acute
inflammatory reaction. However,
anti-inflammatory activity of V. negundo is
mediated through histamine and 5-HT, which
is further maintained during delayed phase.24 Ricinus communis Linn. (Euphorbiaceae)
Petroleum ether extract of R. communis exhibited
significant anti-inflammatory activity
against formaldehyde and adjuvant-induced rat’s paw
arthritis.25 Pluchea lanceolata (DC) Clarke (Compositae) and
Allium sativum Linn.
The water-soluble portion of the 90% alcoholic extract of
P. lanceolata administered orally
in the dose of 2000 mg/kg/day produced significant
anti-inflammatory activity in formalin
induced albino rat’s hind paw arthritis and granuloma
pouch in comparison with
betamethasone. The pharmaceutical preparation allisatin,
a concentrated formulation of
fresh Allium
sativum, was suspended in water and
administered in the dose of 2000 mg/
kg/day. The results showed slight anti-inflammatory
activity against formalin-induced
arthritis but not against granuloma pouch.26 Sida cordifolia Linn. (Malvaceae)
An aqueous extract of S. cordifolia was
administered orally at a dose of 400 mg/kg body
weight. The results showed a significant inhibition of
carrageenin induced rat’s paw
edema but did not block the edema induced by arachiodonic
acid.27 Tinospora cordifolia (willd.) Miers. (Ex Hook.
f.) and Thoms.
Water extract of stem of T. cordifolia (neem
giloe) at the dose of 500 mg/kg given orally
and i.p. inhibited acute inflammatory response evoked by
carrageenin, significantly
(p < 0.05). Analgesic and antipyretic actions have also
been observed in the study.28
11.13 Discussion
Although sciatica is not a terminal disease, lack of
proper treatment may lead to difficulty
in walking and other movements. The most often prescribed
drugs in the treatment of
sciatica are nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
(NSAIDs), acetaminophen, muscle relaxants,
and opioids. Several randomized double-blind studies
demonstrate that NSAIDs are
superior to placebo, but they provide short-term relief
to patients.1 Allergic reactions have
also been reported by the use of drugs. The use of
opioids, benzdiazepines, and tricyclics
may be helpful, but in many cases drug dependence,
tolerance, and drowsiness have been
observed. Muscle relaxants provide short-term relief, but
drowsiness often limits their daytime
use.7 Using chymopapain to dissolve herniated disc
material proved most effective in
relieving sciatica, but severe neurologic complications
restrict its use. Traction, acupuncture,
and exercise programs have failed to show benefits of
these therapies in sciatica.
In spite of the fact that the spinal diseases are
difficult to cure, the Ayurvedic concept of
treatment for sciatica is more effective and suitable as
compared with the modern mode of
treatment. The therapies can be used for prolonged
periods of time without any toxic side
effects. Oleation is considered the most effective remedy
in the treatment of vata diseases.
Medicated oils either given orally or applied externally,
or both, help in the restoration of
muscle strength. Massage increases circulation, prevents
nerve degeneration, and promotes
tissue building. It renders the body soft and helps in
the elimination of accumulated waste
materials that obstruct the channels causing vitiation of
Oleation followed by fomentation
liquefies dosas adhered in the channels and brings them to the
gastrointestinal tract
(kostha) where
they are expelled by the downflow action of purgation. Hemoglobin levels
increased in one study in both albino rats and humans
after oleation.29 Heat applied by
steam, poultice, hot sandbags, or other means reduces the
stiffness and muscle spasms by
decreasing efferent activity, improving tissue
flexibility, and hastening tissue healing by
increasing the blood flow and nutrients to the injured
area. Heat application has a vasodilatory
effect that can lead to edema; therefore, it should be
used cautiously.30 The role of
bloodletting in the management of sciatica has also
proved to be significant.
11.14 Monoplegia and Paraplegia
11.14.1 Definition
When vitiated vata situated in the low back
region hurts the tendons of single lower limb
(sakthi), the
person is considered affected by monoplegia. When both the limbs are paralyzed,
the disease is called paraplegia.
11.14.2 Etiology
Monoplegia and paraplegia both are vata-predominant
diseases. Degeneration of essential
constituents, trauma (especially on the oscoccygis bone [kukunder marma]),
and obstructions
caused in normal passage are the basic factors causing
vitiating vata. According to
conventional medicine, monoplegia is usually caused by
lower motor neuron diseases. A
small thoracic cord lesion, tumor, or demyelinative
plaque may result in upper motor
neuron diseases. Paraplegia results from injuries at T1
vertebra and below. Compression
in the low thoracic and lumbar region causes a conus
medularis or cauda equina syndrome.
Upper motor neuron and occasionally lower motor neuron
diseases, epidural metastases,
and spinal cord ischemia may be associated with
monoplegia. Acute onset of paraplegia
results from diseases of cerebral hemisphere (i.e.,
anterior cerebral artery ischemia, superior
sagital sinus thrombosis, and cortical venous
thrombosis). Gradual onset over weeks
or months is almost always due to multiple sclerosis,
intraparenchymal tumor, and chronic
spinal cord compression from degenerative diseases of the
11.14.3 Clinical Course and Prognosis (Sadhyasadhyata)
The overall prognosis of monoplegia and paraplegia can be
improved by the use of
panchakarma therapy.
In acute onset these therapeutic modalities produced a remission
in the number of patients. Prognosis is poorer in
epidural metastases, intraparenchymal
tumor, lumbar intraspinal metastases, and in patients
ages 60 and over with acute onset.
Over time, the disease fails to respond to Ayurvedic
therapy. Disease usually requires
prolonged course of treatment if the condition is more
chronic and the prognosis is not
11.14.4 Diagnosis
Monoplegia with acute onset presenting sensory loss or
pain is usually caused by lower
motor neuron diseases. A localized lower motor neuron
disease presents progressive
weakness with atrophy in one limb that develops over
weeks or months. Distribution of
weakness is commonly localized to a single nerve root or
peripheral nerve within one
limb. EMG and nerve conduction studies confirm the
diagnosis in such cases. Monoparesis
of distal and nonantigravity muscle without sensory loss
or pain indicate an upper motor
neuron lesion. Weakness of one limb with numbness is
generally due to an involved
peripheral nerve, spinal nerve root, or lumbosacral
plexus. If numbness is absent, segmental
anterior horn cell disease is likely. Paraplegia with
numbness, frequent micturition,
and fecal incontinence results from acute spinal cord
disease. Drowsiness, confusion, and
seizures present the disease with cerebral origin. Gradual
onset over weeks or months
indicates spinal cord compression due to degenerative
diseases of the spine, intraparenchymal
tumor, or multiple sclerosis. MRI of the spinal cord or
brain may be helpful in
11.14.5 Therapy (Chikitsa)
Treatment plan advised in Ayurveda for the management of
monoplegia and paraplegia
involves oleation, fomentation, purgation, and enema
along with guggul orally. Khanjanikari
ras, Ekangvir ras, and Gorochanadi
gutika are the some Ayurvdic formulas
that have
shown better results in studies.21
These formulas are listed in Table 11.1. Recent
trials have documented the efficacy of Sirovasti and
nasya (refer panchakarma)
in monoplegia
and paraplegia with cerebral or motor neuron disease
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Allergic Reaction
Lakshmi Chandra Mishra
12.1 Introduction
Allergic reaction illnesses (ARIs), drug allergies, or
hypersensitivities are considered
diseases in Ayurveda. Examples are asthma and eczema. In
Allopathic medicine,
the treatment of these diseases clusters around the use
of steroids, antihistamines,
and bronchodilators (beta-adrenergic blockers). Ayurveda
has approaches worth investigating
for the management of ARI. These approaches and available
studies on herbs are
12.2 Definition and Clinical Description
There is no specific definition of ARI given in Ayurveda,
but these disorders fall under
the broad category of
diseases. In the conventional system of medicine, ARIs
characterized as disorders of the immune system. Clinical
signs and symptoms of ARI
differ according to organs involved. For example, an
allergic reaction occurring in the
upper respiratory tract would show an inflammation of the
tract and congestion (allergic
rhinitis). An allergic reaction occurring in the lungs
would show the symptoms of an
asthma attack. If it occurs in the skin, it may show the
signs and symptoms of urticaria,
eczema, psoriasis, or contact dermatitis. One common ARI
is allergic rhinitis, which
accounts for at least 2.5% of all physician’s office
visits and costs about $2.4 billion on
prescriptions and on counter medication and $1.1 billion
physician billings per year in
the U.S.
Other common ARI are allergic asthma and skin reactions.
12.3 Etiology
No specific etiology of ARI is available in ancient
Ayurvedic texts. ARI in Ayurveda is
described as intolerance developed in the body due to a
variety of unwanted toxic materials
generated inside the body; this intolerance is either
caused by poor digestion of food
materials, inadequate metabolism of nutrients (
), or exposure to environmental
pollutants (
Ayurvedic etiology of ARI is related to a decrease in
immunity or
to diseases) that protects a person from diseases.
Immunity is recognized as natural
as well as acquired. This resistance is associated with
or due to a biological material present
in humans called
. Ayurveda has a number of herbs and herbal formulas
or dietary supplements that are used to strengthen
immunity and improve
resistance to diseases.
ARIs are currently known in conventional medicine to be
mediated by the immune
system. Allergic reactions are described as adverse
reactions caused by a second exposure
of a subject to the same chemical or a structurally
similar chemical or an organic material
after the subject has been sensitized earlier with the
chemical or the organic material. The
reactions are invoked not only by exposure to exogenous
antigens but also by endogenous
(intrinsic to the body) antigens. This etiology of ARI is
similar to that stated in classic
Ayurvedic texts. Intrinsic antigens are known to be
responsible for many of the important
immune diseases, such as autoimmune diseases (immune
reaction against the individual’s
own tissue, e.g., rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus
erythematosus), immunologic deficiency
syndrome, and amyloidosis.
12.4 Pathogenesis
Ayurveda includes all body tissues as possible targets of
ARI. The pathogenesis of ARI
involves invasion of various organs by vitiated
. The pathology in general consists
of inflammation and excessive secretion of fluid.
In conventional medicine, the pathology of allergic
reactions in general is also similar
to that described in Ayurveda with respect to
inflammation of the tissue and excessive
secretion of fluid. On the basis of the immunologic
mechanisms mediating the disease,
ARI has been categorized in four types.
Type I reactions, also called anaphylactic shock,
are mediated by immunoglubulin E (IgE) antibodies. The examples
are food allergies, skin
allergies (urticaria and atopic dermatitis), allergic
rhinitis, asthma, and anaphylactic shock.
Type II or cytolytic reactions are mediated by
immunoglobulins G and M (IgG and IgM),
and the common examples of this reaction are
penicillin-induced hemolytic anemia, quinidine-
induced thrombocytopenic purpura, sulfonamide-induced
granulocytopenia, and
procainamide-induced systemic lupus erythematosus. Type
III reactions, or serum sickness,
are primarily mediated by IgG. It involves
antigen-antibody complex formation that
deposits in the vascular epithelium, causing inflammation
of the tissue, urticarial skin
eruptions, arthritis, lymphadenopathy and fever. Type IV
reactions (delayed sensitivity)
are mediated by previously sensitized T-lymphocytes and
macrophages. An example of
this type of reaction is contact dermatitis caused by
poison ivy.
12.5 Diagnosis and Prognosis
Diagnosis is made based on the history of occurrence of
the reaction and possible association
with certain chemicals or organic materials. Skin tests
are used to determine specific
allergens. An ARI may be discomforting and may take weeks
to subside. The acute phase
involving lungs may be fatal, although rare, if not
treated appropriately.
12.6 Therapy
allergens, avoiding the exposure to them, using drugs to
relieve acute symptoms, improving
digestion, and cleaning the intestine of toxic materials
in the gut (
). Emesis is
recommended to treat allergy and asthma because ARI are
Sitopaldi churn
is useful in upper respiratory tract ARI. The following
single herbs are
commonly used in ARI and scientific studies in support of
the use are listed below:
Clerodendrum seratum
Benincasa hispida
Aquilaria agallocha
Albezia lebbeck
Curcuma longa
Inula racemosa
Galphimia glauca
Picrorhiza kurora
Adhatoda vasica
12.7 Scientific Basis
The herbs listed in the previous section have been
investigated primarily in type I hypersensitivity
models. The studies summarized here appear to support the
use of these herbs
in Ayurvedic therapies of ARI.
Dietary recommendations include diet that suppresses kapha as
discussed in Chapter 3.
The treatment of allergic reactions in Ayurveda
essentially consists of identifying the
Treatment specific to skin diseases and asthma are
discussed in Chapters 17 and 18.
Prolonged administration of a saponin from the
Clerodendron serratum
plant has been
reported to exhibit antihistaminic and antiallergic
Alcoholic extract of the root
Inula racemosa
, prepared by continuous heat extraction, was studied for
its antiallergic
effect in experimental models of type I hypersensitivity
(egg-albumin–induced passive
cutaneous anaphylaxis [PCA] and mast cell degranulation)
in albino rats.
of this
extract was found to be 2100 ± 60 mg/kg intraperitoneally
(i.p.). The extract was given
orally for 7 days or once only. As a positive control for
mast cell degranulation, compound
48/80 was given with the same dosage schedule. Remarkable
protection against eggalbumin–
induced PCA was observed on the extract treated group
after a single dose. The
extract also protected against compound 48/80-induced
mast cell degranulation, and the
protection was similar to that of an antiallergic drug
disodium cromoglycate. The 7-day
drug treatment schedule showed greater protection than
did disodium cromoglycate
intraperitoneally. The results suggest that
I. racemosa
possesses potent antiallergic properties
in rats.
The methanol extract of wax gourd, the fruits of
Benincasa hispida
found to show inhibitory activity on the histamine
release from rat exudate cells induced
by an antigen-antibody reaction. Four known triterpenes
and two known sterols were
isolated as active components based on the bioassay. The
other constituents isolated were
flavonoid C-glycoside, an acylated glucose, and a benzyl
glycoside. Two triterpenes,
alnusenol and multiflorenol, were found to be potent
inhibitors of histamine release.
An aqueous extract of stems of
Aquilaria agallocha
) has been investigated on the
immediate hypersensitivity reactions.
The aqueous extract of stems showed inhibitory
effects on passive cutaneous anaphylaxis, anaphylaxis
induced by compound 48/80, and
histamine release from rat peritoneal mast cells (RPMC).
The extract also prevented the
degranulation of RPMC in rats. The authors concluded that
the aqueous extract inhibits
the immediate hypersensitivity reaction by the inhibition
of histamine release from mast
Decoction of
Albizzia lebbeck
bark has been investigated to determine its possible
The effect of the decoction on the degranulation rate of
sensitized peritoneal
mast cells of albino rats challenged with antigen (horse
serum) was studied. Triple
vaccine was used as an adjuvant and disodium cromoglycate
(DCG) and prednisolone
were used for comparison. Drugs were given during the
first or second week of sensitization
and the mast cells were studied at the end of the second
or third week. Serum from
these rats was used to passively sensitize recipient rats
whose peritoneal mast cells were
then studied. The effects of
A. lebbeck
and DCG on the degranulation rate of the sensitized
mast cells were also studied
. The results show that
A. lebbeck
had a significant
cromoglycate-like action on the mast cells. In addition,
it appears that it inhibited the early
processes of sensitization, and synthesis of
reaginic-type antibodies. If the decoction were
given during the first week of sensitization, it markedly
inhibited the early sensitizing
processes; if given during the second week, it suppressed
antibody production during the
period of drug administration. The active ingredients of
the bark appear to be heat stable
and water soluble.
Several plants used in traditional medicine for the
treatment of bronchial asthma have
been investigated.
Thiosulfinates and cepaenes have been identified as
active antiallergic
compounds in onion extracts. They exert a wide spectrum
of pharmacologic activities,
in vitro
in vivo
. Tetragalloyl quinic acid from
Galphimia glauca,
allergen- and platelet-activating factor (PAF)-induced
bronchial obstruction, PAF-induced
bronchial hyperreactivity (5 mg/kg orally)
in vivo
and thromboxane biosynthesis
in vitro
Adhatoda vasica
alkaloids (not identified) showed pronounced protection
against allergeninduced
bronchial obstruction in guinea pigs (10 mg/ml aerosol).
Androsin from
Picrorhiza kurroa
prevented allergen- and PAF-induced bronchial obstruction
(10 mg/kg
orally; 0.5 mg inhalative). Histamine release
in vitro
was inhibited by other unidentified
chemical constituents of the plant extract.
Compound 73/602 (AA) is a structural analogue of
vasicinone, an alkaloid, present in
the leaves and roots of
Adhatoda vasica
(acanthaceae); this compound was found to possess
potent anti-allergic activity in mice, rats, and guinea
The immunologic effect of
curcumin, a natural product of plants obtained from
Curcuma longa
(turmeric), has been
reported in animal models.
12.8 Summary
Ayurvedic management of ARI is basically similar to
conventional medicine — identify
the allergen and avoid the exposure to it. In addition,
the Ayurvedic approach includes
-suppressing foods, herbs, and herbal formulas for
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Bronchial Asthma
Rakesh Lodha and Sushil K. Kabra
13.1 Introduction
Bronchial asthma is a common global health problem.
Individuals of all ages are affected
by this chronic airway disorder that can be severe and
occasionally fatal. The prevalence
of asthma is increasing worldwide, especially in
Over the past few decades, there have been significant
scientific advances leading to
improved understanding of the disease and better
management. However, the current
modes of therapy in conventional medicine do not cure the
disorder but control the
symptomatology. There is a need to explore safe
alternative therapies, such as Ayurvedic
medicine, so that they can be successfully integrated
with conventional therapy to provide
maximal benefits to patients.
13.2 Definition
(increased or difficult breathing, dyspnea) refers to the
disorders of the
respiratory system. There are five kinds:
, and
Of these,
tamaka svasa
refers to asthma.
Modern medicine:
Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the airway
in which
many types of cells and cellular elements play a role.
The chronic inflammation causes an
associated increase in airway hyperresponsiveness that
leads to recurrent episodes of
wheezing, breathlessness, chest tightness, and coughing,
especially at night or in the early
morning. These episodes are usually associated with
widespread but variable airflow
obstruction that is often reversible either spontaneously
or with treatment.
13.3 Epidemiology
Asthma is currently a worldwide problem, and there is evidence
that the prevalence has
been increasing in many countries.
There are no clear-cut data from the Ayurvedic texts
about the extent of the problem in ancient times. It is
likely that the prevalence of the
disorder was much less in ancient India because of
factors discussed later in the chapter.
13.3.1 Children
The prevalence of asthma symptoms in children may be as
high as 30%. The differences
among various populations may be consequences of
responses to environment, industrialization,
or different allergen loads.
Asthma may develop less frequently in children who
are exposed to infections and parasitic infestations
early in life.
13.3.2 Adults
The prevalence of asthma symptoms in adults varies from 1
to 25%.
Similar symptoms
from cardiac failure and chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease make accurate estimates
of asthma in older individuals difficult.
Mortality data from developed countries show that the
rates vary from 0.1 to 0.8 per
100,000 persons aged 5 to 34.
13.4 Etiology
According to Ayurveda, the general etiology of
svasa roga
is that all things, materials, and
conditions that could help increase
are causally responsible for
tamaka svasa
. This develops from an increase in cough
), undigested materials (
diarrhea, vomiting (
), poison (
), anemia (
), and fever (
); coming into
contact with air containing dust, irritant gases,
pollens, or smoke; injuring vital spots;
using very cold water; and residing in cold and damp
Excessive use of dry food
and astringent food and irregular dietary habits may also
trigger an attack. In addition,
constipation, excessive fasting, excessive use of cold
water, excessive sexual indulgence
in adults, exposure to extremes of temperature,
anxieties, grief, disturbance of peace of
mind, and debility may all precipitate an attack. Cough
and coryza have also been implicated
as etiologic agents. The habitual use of lablab-bean,
black gram,
irritant spicy food, and
-producing diet may also be involved in development of
In modern medicine the risk factors for asthma are
classified under two categories: host
factors and environmental factors.
The host factors include genetic predisposition, atopy,
airway hyperresponsiveness,
gender, and ethnicity. Asthma can be considered to be a
heritable disorder.
More boys
than girls develop asthma during childhood; this
difference disappears by age 10.
Subsequently, females are at greater risk for developing
asthma. Environmental factors
influence the susceptibility to developing asthma in
predisposed individuals, precipitate
asthma exacerbations, and cause persistence of asthma.
The important allergens that play
a role in asthma are domestic mites, cockroach allergens,
animal allergens, various fungi,
and pollen.
Exposure to tobacco smoke and various pollutants may play
a role in
enhancing symptoms in susceptible individuals.
Infections do cause exacerbations in
asthmatic individuals.
Severe viral respiratory infections in early childhood
have been
shown to be associated with the development of asthma.
According to the hygiene hypothesis, improvement in
hygiene and reduced incidence
of common infections is associated with increased
prevalence of asthma and atopy in
developed countries.
This may explain the apparent low prevalence of the
disorder in
the ancient era.
Risk factors for acute exacerbations trigger inflammation
or cause bronchoconstriction
or both. There is a wide interindividual variation in
triggers. The triggers include exposure
to various allergens and irritant gases, exercise, cold
air, various drugs, and emotional
changes. Various indoor and outdoor allergens and air
pollutants are implicated in precipitating
acute exacerbations. There is strong evidence linking
acute viral respiratory
infections to acute exacerbations of asthma; the most
common are rhinovirus and respiratory
synticial virus infections. They are particularly
important in children. Emotional
stress can trigger an asthma exacerbation. These possibly
act via hyperventilation, which
can cause airway narrowing.
Other conditions, like sinusitis, can be associated with
exacerbations. In children, gastroesophageal reflux may
lead to the exacerbation of asthma.
From the above it is clear that even in the ancient era
there was an excellent understanding
of the etiologic factors of bronchial asthma.
13.5 Pathology and Pathogenesis
The pathogenesis of asthma, according to Ayurvedic texts,
appears to arise from an
abnormal interaction between
. The initial step is the increase in
. Because
of the obstruction to normal movements of
begins to move in all
directions. This disturbs the channels of respiration (
), food (
), and water (
located in the chest, and produces dyspnea (
) originating from the stomach (
This suggests that the root cause of asthma is related to
the digestive tract.
Modern medicine recognizes the inflammatory processes in
the airway as the key pathogenetic
mechanism for asthma. Current evidence shows that the
T-lymphocytes have an
important role in regulating the inflammatory response
through the release of various
cytokines. Eosinophils and mast cells are the key
effector cells; these cells secrete a wide
range of chemicals that act on airways both directly and
indirectly through neural mechanisms.
There is a continuum of disease: acute inflammation,
persistent disease, and
Asthma is frequently found in association with atopy (the
production of abnormally
high amounts of immunoglobin E [IgE] directed against
common environmental allergens
such as animal proteins, dust mites, pollen and fungi).
Because of this, mast cells are
sensitized and upon activation lead to inflammation.
Atopy is one of the strongest risk
factors for asthma. The process of sensitization may
in utero
. The potential for allergic
sensitization and risk for wheezing appears to be
influenced by many factors in early life,
including viral respiratory infections, exposure to
endotoxin, exposure to tobacco smoke,
use of antibiotics, house dust-mite sensitization, and
Airway hyperresponsiveness and acute airflow limitation
are the two major manifestations
of abnormalities of lung function in asthma.
Hyperresponsiveness is the presence of
an exaggerated bronchoconstrictor response to a wide
variety of endogenous and exogenous
stimuli. Airway inflammation is the key factor for
Airflow limitation is produced by acute
bronchoconstriction, swelling of the airway
wall, chronic mucus plug formation, and airway
remodeling. Allergen-induced bronchoconstriction
results from the IgE-dependent release of histamine,
prostaglandins, and
leukotrienes by the mast cells.
The lungs of individuals who died of asthma were
hyperinflated; the small and large
airways were filled with plugs formed by mucus, serum
proteins, inflammatory cells, and
debris. The microscopy (both autopsy material and now on endobronchial
reveals extensive infiltration by eosinophils and
lymphocytes in the airway wall and
In addition, there are features of microvascular leakage,
epithelial disruption,
and airway remodeling.
13.6 Clinical Features
The prodromal symptoms described in the Ayurvedic texts
include pain in the region of
the chest and flanks, movement of
) in an upward direction, distension of
abdomen, and cutting pain in temples. Other premonitory
symptoms are pain in the
temporal region, restlessness, anorexia, abnormality in
taste, flatulence, and pain.
There are several symptoms of
tamaka svasa
, undergoing an increase, travels in an
upward direction in the passages, causes increase of
, and seizes the head and neck.
There is pain in the chest and flanks, a noisy cough
(from the throat and the chest), an
increase in breathing effort, and wheezing (
ghur ghur
Om Tat Sat
humble salutations to H H Maharshi ji, Brahmasri
Sreeman Lakshmi Chandra Mishra ji and other eminent medical scholars and
doctors for the collection)
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