Scientific Basis for
Ayurvedic Therapies
edited by
Brahmasree Lakshmi Chandra Mishra
Local treatments mentioned in Ayurveda, like medicated
poultice (upanaha), sudation
(swedana), application of medicated pastes (lepana), and
bloodletting (raktamokshana), are
being practiced by Ayurvedic physicians in cancer as well
as various other disorders.
However, there is a lack of in vitro or in vivo trials and
scientific studies to support their
role in different types of cancer.
16.9.4 Surgical Management Indications
If a tumor (arbuda) does not resolve or respond
to proper medical treatment, it should be
treated surgically. The main surgical treatments of
tumors are excision (chhedana) and
excision with scrapping (lekhana).
Sushruta has described certain principles of the excision
of tumors as follows:
1. Tumor mass is removed completely. The incomplete
removal leads to recurrence
and poor prognosis.
2. Efforts are made to prevent the intraoperative spread
of the tumor to distal organs.
Historically, application of metal tourniquets made up of
iron, copper, zinc, and
lead were used around the tumor to control the spread.
The mass is then destroyed
by cautery (agni), caustics (kshara), or
surgically depending upon the depth and
extent of the tumor.
3. Sushruta advocated a minimal invasive technique in
inoperable tumors or tumors
situated over vital areas (marma). In
this case, a strong caustic thread (ksharasutra)
is passed across the center of its base with the help of
a needle. The ends of the
thread should be tied firmly on either side, leading to
avascular necrosis of the
tumor mass.
These principles of treatment occupy an important place
in surgical oncology even today.
Application of tourniquets, the no-touch technique of
excision, and the ligation of feeding
vessels are some of the important operative techniques
that are still in practice to prevent
the spread of the tumor.
After surgical excision, the area is cauterized (agni/kshara)
to achieve a complete cure.
Cleansing (shodhana karma) of the
wound should be undertaken after excision of the tumor.
The wound has to be cleaned using the decoction of aparajita (Clitorea teratea),
jati (Jasminum
and karaveera (Neium
odorum). The oil
prepared from bharangi (Clerodendrum
serratum), vidanga (Embelia ribes),
and the paste of triphala (Terminalia
chebula, Terminalia
belerica, Emblica officinalis) can enhance the healing of wounds. Suppurated wounds
be treated according to measures mentioned for the
management of infected ulcers (dushta
The efficacy of the above-mentioned drugs in wound
healing has been established by
various experimental and clinical trials. Therefore,
these drugs can be used safely in
conjugation with conventional surgical treatment. Conventional Medicine
There are three sets of goals in conventional management
of cancer patients: therapeutic,
human, and scientific.1 Ayurvedic medicine has similar
goals. The therapeutic goal is to
cure patients and return them to normal life. If this is
not attainable, then the next step in
this goal is to help patients achieve long, qualitatively
satisfactory remission, or on a
tertiary level, a remission of any kind and finally
terminal comfort care. The human goal
in oncology is that the needs of the patient, family, and
social environment be understood
and met. The scientific goal requires special methods in
oncology provided by specialists
to deliver optimal clinical care.
In conventional medicine, effective anticancer therapy
has integrated medical management
with surgery and radiation therapy. The development of
new cytotoxic and endocrine
agents and the introduction of biologic therapy based on
recombinant synthesis of
interferon and cytokines have helped expand medical
management. Not all patients are
candidates for cancer therapy because of limitations in
available drugs or comorbidity
from other medical problems. In addition, not all tumors
are responsive to chemotherapy
(Table 16.8). Although many of the tumors are manageable
by various chemotherapeutic
Antitumor drugs fail to cure cancer because they cannot
kill 100% of the cancer cells.
Even if one cell survives the chemotherapy, that cell can
grow very quickly into millions
of cells. The result is a relapse of cancer because the
body immunity defense does not
recognize the remaining cancer cells as foreign cells and
thus does not kill them. Cancer
cells can hide behind the blood barriers for drugs, such
as for blood-brain barrier, and
therefore do not get killed. The other mechanisms
responsible for the failure of chemotherapy
are the metabolism of drugs to inactive form, removal of
drugs by binding to
plasma proteins, rapid urinary excretion, and the development
of resistance in the tumor
cells due to an increase in certain critical enzymes that
are inhibited by the drug. For
example, tumors resistant to methotrexate were found to
have high levels of dihydrofolate
reductase, a key enzyme.16–22 Transport across the cell
membrane is also an obstacle in
reaching the agent to the malignant cell. This can
sometimes present a formidable barrier
TABLE 16.8
Tumor Response to Chemotherapy in Conventional Medicine
Cure (>30%) of
Advanced Disease
Significant Cures
Probably Increases
Adjuvant Treatment
Leading to
Increased Cure
Choriocarcinoma, acute
lymphocytic leukemia
(childhood), malignant
lymphoma (Hodgkin's
Hairy-cell leukemia
Testicular cancer
Childhood tumors (e.g.,
rhabdomyosarcoma, Ewing’s
sarcoma, Wilm’s tumor)
Acute myelocytic leukemia
Acute lymphocytic leukemia
Prtomyelocytic leukemia
Ovarian cancer
Bladder cancer
Small-cell lung cancer
Gastric cancer
Breast cancer
Multiple myeloma
Head and neck cancer
Breast cancer
Colon cancer
Osteogenic sarcoma
Early stage of large-cell
Source: From
Goldman, L. and Bennett, J.C., Cecil
Text Book of Medicine, Part XIV,
W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia,
2000. With permission.
agents, they are associated with the causation of various
toxicities (Table 16.9).
and may be one of the reasons why some tumors are
insensitive to some of the chemotherapeutic
agents.23 Mechanisms of resistance to some common drugs
are listed below.1
Cancer chemotherapy research in conventional medicine is
primarily focused on developing
analogs of purines, pyrimidines, and various vitamins
like folic acid, plant products,
and biological products. Various approaches have also
been tried to overcome tumor
resistance to various drugs. For example, an attempt has
been made to take advantage of
an increase in the enzyme responsible for the drug
resistance. This approach is called
enzyme dependent lethal synthesis. It was speculated that
tetrahydrohomofolic acid, an
analog of natural tetrahydrofolic acid (an inhibitor of
thymidylate sythetase), may inhibit
DNA synthesis and overcome the resistance. Studies have
shown that dihydrohomofolic
acid, a good substrate of dihydrofolate reductase,
produced selective tumor inhibition
only in methotrexate-resistant tumors containing high
levels of dihydrofolate reductase
enzyme.16–22 After administering dihydrohomofolic acid to
tumor-bearing mice, several
folds of higher levels of tetrahydrohomofolic acid were
found only in resistant tumors
containing high levels of dihydrofolate reductase enzyme
than in the methotrexate sensitive
tumors confirming the hypothesis. A similar approach can
be used with other agents
where an increase in a key enzyme is responsible for the
drug resistance.
TABLE 16.9
Toxicity of Antitumor Drugs of Conventional Medicine
Type of Agent Major Clinical Toxicities
Alylating agents Cardiac, renal, hepatic, lungs, bone
marrow, GI tract
Antifolates Bone marrow depression, intestinal
epithelium, interstitial pneumonitis,
Pyrimidine analogs GI toxicity, ulceration of GI mucosa,
neurotoxicity, cardiotoxicity,
myelosuppression, leucopenia
Purine analogs Bone marrow suppression, GI tract
toxicity, hepatic necrosis,
Vinca alkaloids Leukopenia, neurotoxicity, GI tract
Paclitaxel Neutropenia, bone marrow suppression,
neurotoxicity, hypersensitivity
Actinomycin D GI tract toxicity, bone marrow suppression,
hematopoetic suppression,
ulceration of oral mucosa
Daunorubicin, doxorubicin,
and idarubicin
Bone marrow suppression, GI tract toxicity, cardiac
Bleomycin Myelosuppression, cutaneouss toxicity,
pulmonary toxicity, hyperthermia,
hypotension, exacerbations of rheumatoid arthritis
Plicamycin Bone marrow depression, liver and kidney
toxicity, GI tract toxicity and
Platinum compounds Nephrotoxicity, hearing loss,
peripheral neuropathy, myelosuppression,
hemolytic anemia, cardiotoxicity
Source: From
Calabresi, P. and Chabner, B.A., Goodman & Gillman’s The Pharacological Basis of Therapeutics, Sec.
10, McGraw-Hill,
New York, 1996. With permission.
Methotrexate Impaired transport or amplification of
Cytarabine Decrease in deoxycytidine kinase or increase
in cytidine
5-Fluorouracil Increase in thymidylate synthetase enzyme
Cisplatin Decreased uptake, increase in repair enzymes
Taxol-Vinca alkaloids Multidrug resistance (MDR)
expression, mutations in tubulin
(decreased binding)
Doxorubicin MDR expression, decrease or alterations in
topoisomerase II
Irinotecan, topotecan Decrease in topoisomerase I
16.10 Scientific Basis
Giving due importance to the various drugs and
formulations that have been mentioned
for the management of various arbuda, the
modern-day researchers have been trying these
drugs in various animal models. The researchers’ goal is
to find the drug’s mode of action,
realizing the dream of generating a magical potion for
the eradication of cancers.
Various herbs used in Ayurveda are being researched both
experimentally and clinically
in various institutions. Drugs and drug fractions with
antitumor activity are summarized
presented below.
16.10.1 Clinical Studies
There are only two clinical studies available on
antitumor herbal formulations. In the first
study,24 an Ayuravedic formula containing bhallataka (Semicarpus anacardium), rohitaka
rohitaka), and yastimadhu (Glyceriza glabra)
was studied on 100 patients with
different types of malignancy, as an adjuvant therapy, in
a dose of 1.5 g/day in two divided
doses, given after food. The study concluded that this
compound is effective in cancer
patients as evidenced by increases in body weight,
appetite status, and hemoglobin percentage.
It also reduced the mortality rate in studied cases. It
can be used along with
conventional therapy to improve the general condition of
the patient. This compound can
be used in lymphoma patients along with chemotherapy and
radiotherapy, as it reduces
the lymphophenic effect of chemotherapy and improves the
hemoglobin level of the
In the second study,26 the efficacy and side effects of
an Ayurvedic arsenic-compound
formula were evaluated. This is in light of the fact that
just over 100 years ago arsenic
was recognized in the West as useful in the control of
blood counts in patients with chronic
myeloid leukemia.
16.10.2 In
Vitro studies
In one in vitro
study,27 extracts of the flowers of Calotropis procera (asclepiadaceae) and the
nuts of Semecarpus
anacardium (anacardiaceae) displayed the
strongest cytotoxic effect with
50% inhibitory dose (ID50) values of 1.4 and 1.6 mg/ml, respectively.
16.10.3 Animal Studies Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)
Withaferin A, isolated from the roots of W. somnifera, was
found effective in Ehrlich ascitis
carcinoma when given at a dose of 30 mg/kg along with
radiation therapy.28,29 Antioxidant
and detoxifying properties of W. somnifera may
be responsible for chemopreventive activity.
Administration of 75% methanolic extract of W. somnifera was
found to significantly
increase the total white blood cell (WBC) count in normal
Balb/c mice and reduce the
leucopenia induced by a sublethal dose of gamma
radiation. Treatment with W.
was found to significantly increase the bone marrow
cellularity in mice. W.
in Table 16.10. Clinical, animal, and in vitro studies on
some of the Ayurvedic herbs are
TABLE 16.10
Herbs and Herbal Fractions with Antitumor Activity
Used Dose Action as Mentioned in Classics Proven Actions
Bhallataka Semicarpus
Fruit 3–6 g Lekhana (excises unhealthy tissues),
rasayana (rejuvenator)
Has antitumor activity against experimental mammary
carcinoma in animals
Ashwagandha Withania
Root 3–6 g Shothahara (reduces swellings),
rasayana (rejuvenator)
Alcoholic extract of the root in doses of 400 mg/kg and
above produces complete regression of two-stage skin
carcinogenesis induced by DMBA and croton oil
Kumkuma Crocus sativa Stamens 1/2 –1 g Shothahara (reduces swellings),
rasayana (rejuvenator)
Has antitumor activity toward sarcoma-180 and Ehrlich
ascites carcinoma (EAC) solid tumors in mice
Bhunimba Andrographis
All parts 1–3 g Raktashodhaka (purifies
blood), shothahara
Prevents chemotoxicity including carcinogenicity 70
Tulasi Ocimum
1–3 g Vishaghna
(detoxifies), shothahara
(reduces swellings), raktashodhaka
(purifies vitiated blood)
Reduces 20-methylcholanthrene-induced tumor
incidence and tumor volume
Manduka parni Centella asiatica All parts Juice
Kaphahara (cleanses
vitiated kapha),
(reduces swellings),
rasayana (rejuvenator)
Retards the development of solid and ascites tumors and
increases the life span of these tumor-bearing mice
Arka Calotropis
0.5–1 g Kaphashamaka
(pacifies vitiated
kapha), shothahara (reduces
swellings), raktashodhaka (purifies
vitiated blood),
Displays the strongest cytotoxic effect with ID50 values
1.4 mg/ml
Chitraka Plumbago rosea Root
1–2 g Lekhana (excises unhealthy tissue),
shothahara (reduces
rasayana (rejuvenator)
Used with radiation to enhance the tumor-killing effect
Bakuchi Psoralea
seed oil
1–3 g Kaphagna
(pacifies vitiated kapha),
shothahara (reduces
vrana shodhana (cleanses
wounds), vrana
ropana (heals
100 mg/kg body weight (of the active fraction) inhibits
the growth and delays the onset of papilloma formation
in mice; the active fraction at the same dose, when
administered orally inhibits the growth of
subcutaneously injected 20-methylcholanthereneinduced
soft tissue fibrosarcoma significantly
Katuki Picrorhiza
Root 1/2 –1 g Kaphagna (pacifies vitiated kapha),
shothahara (reduces
raktashodhaka (purifies
blood), lekhana (excises unhealthy
Picroliv (100 and 200 mg/kg) inhibits the sarcoma
development by 47 and 53%; it also delays the onset of
first skin tumor in the group of animals treated with
Picroliv; Picroliv administration increases the life span
of transplanted Dalton’s lymphoma ascites (DLA) and
Ehrlich ascites carcinoma (EAC)-harboring mice and
reduces the volume of transplanted solid tumors
Aragvadha Cassia fistula Fruit
5–10 g Kaphashodhaka
(pacifies vitiated
kapha), shothahara (reduces
Increases life span by decreasing the tumor volume and
viable tumor cell count in the EAC tumor hosts;
improves the hematological factors after methanolic
extract treatment, like hemoglobin content, red blood
cell count and bone marrow cell count of the tumorbearing
Kumari Aloe vera Leaf 10–20 ml Kaphahara (pacifies vitiated kapha),
shothahara (reduces
vrana ropana (heals
raktashodhaka (purifies
Detoxifies reactive metabolites including chemical
carcinogens and drugs
Kalajaji Nigella sativa Seed 1–3 g Kaphashamaka (pacifies vitiated
kapha), lekhana (excises
tissue), shothahara
In vivo EAC tumor
development is completely inhibited
by the active principle at the dose of 2 mg/mouse/day
Vamsha Bambusa
Kaphashamaka (pacifies
kapha), lekhana (excises
tissue), vishaghna
Antitumor activity against benzopyrene and
4-nitroquinolince-1-oxide-induced tumors is highest
with 1% bamboo leaf extracts (0.71 mg/ml) and a direct
action of bamboo leaf extracts on tumor cells is
Hingu Ferula narthex Latex Up to
0.5 g
Kaphahara (normalizes
Asafoetida is a potent antioxidant and can afford
protection against free radical mediated diseases such as
Methika Trigonella
Seed 1–3 g Shothahara (reduces swellings) Has an
anti-inflammatory and antineoplastic effect 81
Amala Emblica
Fruit 4–10 g Shothahara (reduces swellings)
Antioxidant, antitumor, chemopreventive, prostate
cancer, immunomodulator, anticlastogenic radiation
© 2004 by CRC Press LLC
298 Scientific
Basis for Ayurvedic Therapies
treatment of irradiated mice normalized the ratio of
normochromatic erythrocytes and
polychromatic erythrocytes. Major activity of W. somnifera seems
to be in the stimulation
of stem cell proliferation.31
The alcoholic extract of dried roots of W. somnifera and
Withaferin A showed significant
antitumor and radio-sensitizing effects in experimental
tumors in vivo without any noticeable
systemic toxicity. The mechanism of action, however, is
not clear. The studies indicate
that W.
somnifera could prove to be a good
natural source of a potent and relatively safe
radio-sensitizer and chemotherapeutic agent. Further
studies are needed to explore the
clinical potential of the plant for cancer therapy.32
W. somnifera was
injected at a dose of 500 mg/kg to tumor-bearing mice (tumor size: 50
± 5 mm3) for 10 days with one local exposure of radiation
therapy followed by hyperthermia.
It significantly increased the tumor cure rate, produced
a delay in the growth of
partially responding tumors, and increased animal
survival. Study concluded that W.
somnifera, in
addition to having a tumor-inhibitory effect, also acts as a radio
W. somnifera extract
also inhibited 20-methylcholanthrene-induced sarcoma development
in mice at a dose of 20 mg/day.34 W. somnifera extract
was also found to reduce two-stage
skin carcinogenesis induced by DMBA and croton oil.35
Withaferin A reduced survival of V79 cells in a
dose-dependent manner. LD50 for
survival was 16 mM.
One-hour treatment with a non-toxic dose of 2.1 mM before irradiation
significantly enhanced cell killing, giving a sensitizer
enhancement ratio (SER) of 1.5 for
37% survival and 1.4 for 10% survival.36 W. somnifera was
found to significantly reduce
leucopenia induced by cyclophosphamide (CTX) treatment.
The total WBC count on the
12th day of the CTX-treated group was 3720 cells/mm3; the
WBC count in CTX-treated
animals that were simultaneously treated with WS was 6120
cells/mm3. Withania extract
increased the number of alpha-esterase positive cells
(1130/4000 cells) in the bone marrow
of CTX plus W. somnifera-treated animals, compared with
the CTX-treated group (687/
4000 cells).37
W. somnifera was
also found to enhance the levels of interferon gamma (IFN-gamma)
(75.87 pg/ml), Interleukin-2 (IL-2) (14.16 pg/ml), and
granulocyte macrophage colonystimulating
factor (GM-CSF) (49.22 pg/ml) in normal Balb/c mice. The
lowered levels of
IFN-gamma (30 pg/ml), IL-2 (4.5 pg/ml), and GM-CSF (19.12
pg/ml) after treatment with
CTX was reversed by the administration of W. somnifera extract
(IFN gamma = 74 pg/ml;
IL-2 7.5 = pg/ml; GM-CSF = 35.47 pg/ml). W. somnifera extract
lowered the levels of tumor
necrosis factor alpha (TNF alpha) production.
Administration of bone marrow cells from
donor mice treated with WS extract increased the spleen
nodular colonies in irradiated
mice (8.33) compared with those treated with normal
bonemarrow cells (3.03). The number
of nodular colonies increased significantly after
continuous treatment with WS. These
results indicate the immunopotentiating and
myeloprotective effects of W.
W. somnifera extract
was also found effective as a chemopreventive agent. W. somnifera
protected against 20-methylcholanthrene-induced
fibrosarcoma tumors in Swiss albino
mice. A single subcutaneous injection of 200 mg of 20-methylcholanthrene in 0.1 ml of
dimethylsulphoxide into the thigh region of mice produced
a high incidence (96%) of
tumors. Oral treatment of animals with 400 mg/kg body
weight of W. somnifera extract
(1 week before injecting 20-methylcholanthrene and
continuing until 15 weeks thereafter)
significantly reduced the tumor incidence and tumor
volume and enhanced the
survival of the mice, compared with the untreated
20-methylcholanthrene-injected mice.
The occurrence of tumors was also delayed in the
treatment group. Liver biochemical
parameters revealed a significant modulation of reduced
glutathione, lipid peroxides,
glutathione-S-transferase, catalase, and superoxide
dismutase in extract-treated mice
compared with 20-methylcholanthrene-injected mice. The
authors suggested that the
mechanism of chemopreventive activity of Withania somnifera extract may be due to its
antioxidant and detoxifying properties.39 W. somnifera was
also found to increase the
neutrophil count in mice with paclitaxel-induced
neutropenia.40 Aloe vera Linn.
Di (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP), an active principle
isolated from Aloe vera Linn., has
been shown to have antileukemic and antimutagenic effects
in vitro in Salmonella
TA98 and TA 100 strains.41 Aloes potentiated the
antitumor effect of 5-fluorouracil
and cyclophosphamide as components of combination
chemotherapy.42 Aloe-emodin, a
hydroxyanthraquinone present in Aloe vera leaves,
has been shown to have a specific in
vitro and in vivo antineuroectodermal
tumor activity.43
Aloe vera has
been claimed to contain several important therapeutic properties, including
anticancerous effects. The effect of this drug was
studied on a pleural tumor in rat (Yoshida
AH-130, ascite hematoma cells) and proved its therapeutic
use in cancer.44
In one study, the antigenotoxic and chemopreventive
effect of Aloe barbadensis Miller
(polysaccharide fraction) on benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P)-DNA
adducts was investigated in
vitro and in vivo. Aloe
showed a time-course and dose-dependent inhibition of [3H]B[a]PDNA
adduct formation in primary rat hepatocytes (1 ¥ 106 cells/ml) treated with [3H]B[a]P
(4 nmol/ml).45 The growth of human neuroectodermal tumors
is inhibited in mice with
severe combined immunodeficiency without any appreciable
toxic effects on the animals.
The compound does not inhibit the proliferation of normal
fibroblasts nor that of hemopoietic
progenitor cells. The cytotoxicity mechanism consists of
the induction of apoptosis,
whereas the selectivity against neuroectodermal tumor
cells appear to depend upon a
specific energy-dependent pathway of drug
Crude modified aloe polysaccharide (MAP) activated
macrophage cells and stimulated
fibroblast growth. Under the same conditions, native Aloe barbadensis gel had no effect on
macrophage activation. MAP prevented ultraviolet B (UVB)
irradiation-induced immune
suppression as determined by contact hypersensitivity
(CHS) response in C3H/HeN
mice.47 Aloin- or sennoside-enriched diets (0.03%) did
not promote incidence and growth
of adenomas and carcinomas after 20 weeks in a model of
colorectal tumors in male mice. In addition, no
significant changes in serum electrolytes
and parameters of hepato- and nephrotoxicity were
observed in the aloe-fed mice.47
A new immunostimulatory polysaccharide called Aloeride
from commercial Aloe vera
barbadensis) juice has been isolated and
characterized. It is between 4 and 7 million
Da, and its glycosyl components include glucose (37.2%),
galactose (23.9%), mannose
(19.5%), and arabinose (10.3%). Although Aloeride
comprises only 0.015% of the aloe juice
dry weight, its potency for macrophage activation
accounts fully for the activity of the
crude juice.48 Coleus forskohlii
Forskolin, a diterpene from C. forskohlii, is
a potent platelet aggregation inhibitor. It has
been found to strongly inhibit the melanoma cell-induced
human platelet aggregation and
tumor colonization. The study suggests that forskolin
could prove to be valuable in the
clinic for the prevention of cancer metastasis.49
Roidex, a formulation of squalene, vitamin E, and Aloe vera,
produced chemopreventive
effect in chemically induced skin tumors in CD-1 mice.
The tumors were induced by 7,12-
dimethylbenz[a]-anthracene (DMBA) and
promoted with 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-
acetate (TPA). The mice were treated with either mineral
oil, 5% squalene, or Roidex. There
was a regression of 33.34% of the tumors in the
Roidex-treated group (39 to 26 tumors)
compared with the nontreated group, whose tumors regressed
only 3.44% (29 to 28
tumors).50 An immunomodulator fraction extracted from
Aloe vahombe (Alva) was found
to protect mice against bacterial, parasitic, and fungal
infections. It also produced cures
only in the case of the McC3-1 tumor; under different
experimental conditions, the growth
rate of tumors in animals treated was found to be slower
than in those untreated.51 Andrographis paniculata Nees
The methanol extract of the aerial part of Andrographis paniculata Nees showed potent cell
differentiation-inducing activity on mouse myeloid
leukemia (M1) cells.52 Santalum album
The essential oil, emulsion, or paste of S. album has been
used in India as an Ayurvedic
medicinal agent for the treatment of inflammatory and
eruptive skin diseases. Sandlewood-
oil treatment showed chemopreventive effect in
DMBA-initiated and TPA-promoted
skin papillomas tumor model and TPA-induced ornithine
decarboxylase (ODC)
activity in CD-1 mice. Sandalwood-oil treatment
significantly decreased papilloma incidence
by 67%, multiplicity by 96%, and TPA-induced ODC activity
by 70%. The study
suggests that the oil could be an effective
chemopreventive agent against skin cancers.53 Picrorrhiza kurroa
P. kurroa extract
has been shown to have antitumor and anticarcinogenic activity in 20-
methylcholanthrene (20 MC)-induced tumor model after oral
administration. The extract
also inhibited transplantable tumors.54 Cystone
Cystone, a polyherbal ayurvedic preparation, was found to
protect tumor-bearing mice
from cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity when given
intraperitoneal 1 h before cisplatin.
Pretreatment with cystone did not reduce the antitumor
activity of cisplatin. The study
shows potential for use in protecting patients from
nephrotoxicity of cisplatin.55 Sesame Oil
Sesame oil is extensively used as topical application in
Ayurveda for skin health. In one
study, it was found that sesame and safflower oils, both
of which contain large amounts
of linoleate in triglyceride form, selectively inhibited
malignant melanoma growth over
normal melanocytes; coconut, olive, and mineral oils,
which contain little or no linoleate
as triglyceride, did not. Further studies showed that
only linoleic acid was selectively
inhibitory, whereas palmitic and oleic acid were not.
These fatty acids were tested in the
range of 3 to 100 mg/ml. The study suggests that certain vegetable oils rich
in linoleic
acid, such as the sesame oil, recommended for topical use
by Ayurveda, may actually
contain selective antineoplastic properties.56 Terminalia arjuna
Methanol extract of T. arjuna was
found to inhibit the growth of human normal fibroblasts
(WI-38) in vitro
without any effect on normal cells. A
cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor,
p21WAF1, was induced in the transformed cell by T. arjuna. It is
likely that T. arjuna has
components that can inhibit of transformed cell by
p53-dependent and independent
16.11 Conclusions and Future Research
It is evident that early Ayurvedic physicians had a good
understanding of etiology, clinical
manifestations, symptoms, classification, malignant and
benign nature of tumors, metastasis,
recurrence diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment. It is
remarkable that the basic information
is fairly consistent with the current knowledge in these
areas given the technology
available 500 years ago. The physicians also recognized
the fact that malignant tumors
must be completely and extensively excised so that not a
trace of tumor is left in the body
for even a trace can grow back to a tumor. This is also
consistent with the current
knowledge about the nature of malignant tumors and their
treatment. Various treatment
methods, both local and systemic, and various herbal
formulations found useful in many
tumors are presented. The review has shown that Ayurvedic
therapies are useful as an
adjuvant to conventional chemotherapy. The following
areas are identified for further
research: (1) the use as an adjuvant to improve the
well-being of the patient, (2) protection
against the drug cytotoxicity (the major dose limiting
side effect), (3) chemoprevention to
reduce the cancer incidence, and (4) immunomodulation to
help the body respond better
to cancer chemotherapy.
1. Goldman, L. and Bennett, J.C., Eds., Oncology, in Cecil Text Book of Medicine, Part XIV, W.B.
Saunders, Philadelphia, 2000.
2. Mishra, L.C., Criteria for Classifying Carcinogens in
Consumer Products for Purpose of Labeling
under the Federal Hazardous Substances Act. Labeling
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Om Tat Sat
humble salutations to H H Maharshi ji, Brahmasri
Sreeman Lakshmi Chandra Mishra ji and other eminent medical scholars and
doctors for the collection)
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