Scientific Basis for
Ayurvedic Therapies
edited by
Brahmasree Lakshmi Chandra Mishra Vanda tessellata
Screening of orchids for aphrodisiac activity in male
mice resulted in the identification of
remarkable aphrodisiac activity in Vanda tessellata.
The flower and, to some extent, the
root (but not the leaf) were found to stimulate the
mounting behavior of male mice. This
activity was found in the alcoholic extract of the
flower. The flower extract (50 or 200 mg/
kg) increased mating performance in mice. The pups
fathered by the extract-treated mice
were found to be normal with an increasing trend in the
male/female ratio of the pups.
Preliminary toxicity studies have shown no conspicuous
toxicity in mice.40,41 No citable
clinical studies for this plant showing curative effects
for male sexual dysfunction were
found. Withania somnifera
Recent studies have shown that the aqueous extract of Withania somnifera (ashwagandha)
increased the testicular weight, the diameter of
seminiferous tubules, and the number of
seminiferous tubular cell layers in the immature rats.
Further, the extract of the plant
elicited notable spermatogenesis in the rat. However,
serum testosterone and FSH levels
were lower, whereas the luteinizing hormome (LH) level
was higher in the treated animals.
It was concluded that the extract has a direct
spermatogenic influence on the seminiferous
tubules of immature rats, presumably by exerting a
testosterone-like effect.24 An investigation
was conducted to test the curative property of W. somnifera root
powder in the
context of derangements in spermatogenesis caused by
treatment of the fungicide carbendazim
(methyl 2–benzimidazole carbomate) in Wistar rats. It was
found that when the
root powder was suspended in milk and fed through oral
route to the affected rats,
spermatogenesis was restored to the full status (Akbarsha
and Kadalmani, unpublished
observation). No citable clinical studies for this plant
showing curative effect for male
sexual dysfunction were found. Shilajit, the Black Asphaltum
Shilajit, a
popular incredient in several Ayurvedic preparations, is considered an
It has been suggested that it be taken with Withania somnifera in order to combat
sexual weakness.23 Zingiber officinale
Studies on experimental animals indicate that Z. officinalis (ginger)
significantly increases
sperm counts and motility.42
27.4.2 Non-Ayurvedic Herbs
The following herbs are not cited in Ayurveda but are
used in other countries, such as the
U.S., to treat male sexual dysfunction. Ginseng
Ginseng is one of the plants subjected to a fairly
extensive scientific investigation for
application in male sexual dysfunction. The studies have
concerned three ginseng plants,
Panax ginseng (Asian
ginseng), P. quinquefolium (American ginseng), and Ganoderma japonicum
(Korean red ginseng). Ginsenosides, which are glycosidic
compounds, in the ginseng
plant, are the active compounds under consideration.
These compounds are, by and large,
antioxidants and enhance nitric oxide (NO) synthesis in
the endothelium of many organs,
including the corpus cavernosum, which is the erectile
tissue of the penis. Ginsenosides
also enhance acetylcholine-induced and transmural nerve
stimulation-activated relaxation
associated with increased tissue cyclic
guanosinemonophosphate. Both these properties
appear to qualify ginsenosides as male aphrodisiacs.43
However, it is important to test the
efficacy of ginseng in humans by means of appropriately
designed double-blind, placebocontrolled
clinical studies in a large scale and under the various
causative conditions of
infertility and erectile dysfunction.44 Animal Studies
Under the influence of ginseng, male mice began
ejaculation earlier and repeated the
action more often in a 45-min observation period and
deposited more copulation plugs
in 10 days.45 Male rats that were administered American
ginseng were stimulated in
copulatory behavior,46 unaccompanied by any change in the
circulating levels of testosterone
and LH. The prolactin level was reduced, suggesting that
ginsenosides affect the
pituitary gland directly.47 In a different approach, it
was shown that daily treatment of
mice with an extract of Asian ginseng (2.5 to 100 mg/kg
intraperitoneally [i.p.]) or ginsenoside
Rg1 (2.5 to 10 mg/kg i.p.) produced a dose-related increase
in the number of mice
displaying copulatory behavior; ginsenosides Rb1, Rb2,
and Ro did not have any effect.48
In vivo and in vitro studies
on the corpus cavernosal endothelium of rabbit showed that
ginsenosides enhanced the release of NO.49,50 Ginsenosides
also enhance acetylcholineinduced
and transmural nerve stimulation-elicited relaxation in
the rabbit corpus cavernosum.
49 These results suggest that the effects of ginseng
extract on corpus caverenosum
tissue are mediated by the release of NO from the
endothelial cells and perivisceral
There is at least one animal study that does not
recommend the use of ginseng in male
sexual dysfunction.51 In this study, feeding male rats
with a diet supplemented with the
ginseng extract G115 produced little change in the sexual
performance. Clinical Studies
There are two reports of clinical studies testing the
efficacy of Korean red ginseng in
treating erectile dysfunction. The first study52
consisted of a total of 90 patients in 3 groups
of 30 each (ginseng-treated, placebo-controlled, and
trazodone [a proerectile drug treated]).
It was reported that in the ginseng-treated patients,
changes in early detumescence and
erectile parameters, such as penile rigidity and girth,
libido, and patient satisfaction, were
significantly higher than in the other groups, and the
overall therapeutic efficiencies on
erectile dysfunction were 60% for ginseng group and 30%
for placebo- and trazodonetreated
groups. The second investigation53 was a double-blind, placebo-controlled,
study in which a total of 45 patients with clinically
diagnosed erectile dysfunction
were enrolled. The treatment dosage was 900 mg of Korean
ginseng or placebo, 3 times/
day for first 8 weeks; this was followed by a 2-week wash-out
period where the patients
received crossover treatment. It was shown that ginseng
treatment increased penetration,
maintenance, and Rigiscan test outcome. Yohimbe
The bark of yohimbe (Pausinistalia yohimbe), an African tree, is the source of yohimbine
hydrochloride; in short, yohimbine is an indolequinolonic
alkaloid. It has been used
historically for several years as a treatment for male
and female sexual dysfunction.54
Yohimbine is an established alpha 2-adrenoceptor
antagonist.55 Its action at the CNS and
the central endocrine mechanisms is believed to increase
sexual arousal.56,57 Animal Studies
In an early study of the male rat, it was shown that
yohimbine increased mounting
performance, the percentage of male rats ejaculating in
their first heterosexual encounter,
and induction of copulatory behavior in sexually inactive
male rats.56 It was later shown
that yohimbine treatment caused a decrease in the
ejaculatory latency, postejaculatory
interval, and intercopulatory interval.58 In a more
recent study, male golden hamsters were
administered i.p. with yohimbine at a single dose of 2
mg/kg body weight 30 min prior
to a number of sexual behavior tests. It was found in the
treated animals, when compared
with the saline-injected controls, that aspects of male
sexual behavior, including ejaculatory
frequency, were increased.59 Clinical Studies
There are a few clinical reports encouraging the use of
yohimbine in erectile dysfunction.
60–69 A few authors have opined that these studies are
poorly designed trials, that
yohimbine does not appear to have any modest therapeutic
benefit over placebo,54,70 and
that the drug has not yet been subjected to
scientifically rigorous clinical trials.71 In the
most recent clinical studys of 18 men between the ages 40
to 80 years, who were not active
smokers,72 were given doses of 5.4 mg of yohimbine three
times/day for 4 weeks; the
doses were then increased to 10.8 mg three times/day for
another 4 weeks. Results showed
that 50% of patients had a positive effect, an
improvement over the already reported
success histories.60,61,64,65 An earlier clinical study69
also supports the view that yohimbine
could be therapeutic in the case of nonorganismic
impotence. Another study73 in Brazil
examined 22 patients with organismic impotence, all
serving as placebo control for 1
month, who were later treated with 100 mg of yohimbine
once a day for 1 month. Results
did not encourage the use of yohimbine in male sexual
dysfunction, supporting the view
of Danjou et al.74 Lepedium meyenii (Maca)
Lepedium meyenii is a domesticated crop of the Andean Mountains of Central
Peru, cultivated
at an altitude of 3000 m and above. Its subterranean part
(hypocotyle) is edible and
highly valued for its nutritive value. For several
hundred years it has been used by the
Andean Indians as food and folk medicine and used to
increase the fertility and sexual
performance of men and women. There have been a few
attempts of scientific investigation
on the application of this plant as a male aphrodisiac
and as a curative of sexual dysfunction. Animal Studies
Purified lipidic fraction of the alcoholic extract of
dried maca roots was produced into
two formulae, namely, M-01 and M-02, differing in the
concentration of macaene and
macamide. Along with a few additional and new compounds,
both formulae were administered
to male mice for 22 days, and the mice were allowed to
mate with virgin female
mice. The sexual performance of the treated male mice
almost doubled. In the same report,
a test on the latent period of erection (LPE) in the rats
with erectile dysfunction revealed
that the purified maca products at 180 and 1800 mg/kg
body weight were improving the
erectile function in the testis-removed rats, as
demonstrated by the decrease in LPE. The
study revealed, for the first time, an aphrodisiac
activity of L. meyenii.75 In a parallel
study,76,77 L. meyenii pulverized root (standardized
to 0.6% macamides and macaenes),
prepared in saline, was administered to male rats through
a gastric tube at a daily dose
of 15 and 75 mg/kg (acute and chronic doses,
respectively) for 15 days. It was shown that
the treatment significantly improved the sexual
performance parameters of the treated rats.
A third study78 was concerned with the spermatogenesis in
adult male rats. Male rats
receiving aqueous extract of maca root (66.7 mg/ml)
twice/day for 14 consecutive days
showed increased weight of the testes and epididymis and
in the length and frequency
of stages IX–XIV seminiferous tubules and a decrease in
the stages I–VI. Results indicate
that L.
meyenii root invigorates
spermatogenesis acting on its initial stages. Clinical Studies
In the only clinical study,79 a 4-month oral treatment
was conducted on 9 men 24 to 44
years old with L. meyenii tablets (1500 or 3000 mg of
maca). Results showed increased
seminal volume, sperm count per ejaculation, motile sperm
count, and sperm motility;
the response was not related with any alteration in the
serum hormones. The study has
limitation in respect of sample size and lack of placebo
27.5 Future Perspectives
From the foregoing review it is evident that
Ayurveda/phytotherapy has the potential to
become into effective therapy for male sexual
dysfunction. Additional research is required
in order to make it acceptable to health-care providers
as an alternative to conventional
medicine. It is likely that because sex, infertility, and
impotence are highly personal and
embarrassing issues, several commercial establishments
sought to profit from these problems
with cheap advertisements to lure the suffering men. The
question of heavy metal
concentration in some of these preparations and the
likely consequence on the general
health are also of concern.80,81
The application of the various therapeutic modalities in
the abrogation of male sexual
dysfunction needs to be related to the various
etiological categories of male sexual dysfunction.
Most of the scientific studies, among those conducted so
far, have been concerned
with impotence and aphrodisiacs. There is an urgent need
to conduct scientific studies on
the phytochemical therapy for male infertility such as
the aspects connected with sperm
and the mechanism of action at the cellular and molecular
The authors place on record the authoritative
contribution of Dr. T.V. Narayanan and
Shri Sasi Varier, Ashtanga Ayurveda Sala,
Tiruchirappalli, India, in the preparation of the
Ayurvedic portion of the manuscript. The help rendered by
S. Anandhi, R. Girija, Sr.,
Jancy M. George, and B. Kadalmani, doctoral students of
M.A. Akbarsha, in the compilation
and verification of the data, are heartily acknowledged.
The financial assistance
from the Department of Science and Technology, Government
of India, to M.A. Akbarsha,
to study the male reproductive effects of
phytotherapeutics (Grant No. SP/SC/C-31/98)
is also acknowledged. A. Subramoniam thanks Dr. G.M.
Nair, Director, TGBRI, and V.M.
Madhavachandran thanks Shri Devadas Namboodiripad,
Managing Director, Nagarjuna
Herbal Concentrates Ltd., respectively, for the
permission to participate in the review
and their support. The technical support of S. Sudhakar
is heartily acknowledged.
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Raktaja Krimis (Dermatophytes)
Mahendra K. Rai, Nandkishore J. Chikhale, Manjusha J.
Choukhande, and
Milind N. Dudhane
28.1 Introduction
Raktaja krimis
have been described as very minute (invisible with naked
eyes) on the
basis of the description available in Ayurvedic texts.
Their corelation can be made with
the dermatophytic fungi, causing superficial infections
in man and animals. In Ayurveda,
of a particular group are responsible for hair loss from
the head, face, and other
parts of the body; the distortion of nails (
kesha, shamarshu, nakha, loma dhwansa
), hairraising
sensation of a person after a horrific situation (
roma harsha
); itching and pain in
the wounds (
vranna, kandu, toda
); a creeping sensation (
); and the eating away
of the skin, vessels, ligaments, muscles, and cartilage (
twak, shirasnayu, mansa, tarunasthi
The word
originated from Dhatu
kramu pad vikccep
kramyati sarpati
), meaning that
which moves with legs. But this derivation of
does not include all the
there are several
described in
and Ayurvedic texts that are without legs. Therefore,
they cannot be included in the group of
according to above definition. However,
has defined
, which means the organisms that eat and grow
on raw flesh.
28.2 Historical Background
has been classified as external (
) and internal (
) in most of the
Ayurvedic texts, except
Sushrutra Samhita
Bhela Samhita
As compared with other texts,
a detailed classification of
is found in
Charak Samhita
. The classification of
sahaja krimi
is given in
Charak Samhita
. Bhela, who was a prudent student of maharishi Attreya,
not give any account of external
. It seems that external krimis
are probably a personal
contribution of
, which was universally accepted by later scholars. The
Kashyap Samhita
is found only in the treatment chapter.
Charak Samhita
raktaja krimis
have been explained up to a certain extent. On the
contrary, Sushrutra did not pay any attention to the
health problems. Sharma et al.
proposed close similarity of
raktaja krimis
with microbes and parasites. Some
raktaja krimis
can be compared with dermatophytes (etymologically the
plants of skin) of the fungal
This chapter will focus on the scientific basis of
raktaja krimis
as described in Ayurveda.
28.3 Etiology of
Raktaj Krimis
According to Sushruta, the
of the body are aggravated by several factors.
Examples include eating before the digesting the previous
meal; excessively using any
indigestible, uncongenial, incompatible, or filthy
articles of fare sedentary habits; eating
cold, heavy, or fatty meals; sleeping during the day; and
excessively using
In modern system of diagnosis, the minute
are supposed to be the following species:
(1 species),
(14 species), and
(20 species).
28.4 Clinical Description
28.4.1 Symptoms of
(ringworm caused by dermatophytes) have coloration of
linseed flowers
or copper. They are also serpigerous and full of
The general features of this disease are elevated,
spherical, itching, and slowly growing
patches. Other types of
may be considered as tuberculoid leprosy, piodermas,
psoriasis, melanodermas, and erysepales. These types are
incurable or difficult to treat
according to Ayurveda.
28.5 Classification of
Krami Roga
Acharya Charak and Sushrut mentioned a special chapter on
diseases caused by
and classified them into seven types of
, six types of
, and seven types of
Raktaja krimis
circulates in the blood and eventually produce disease
symptoms in
skin. In Ayurveda, Sushrutra has focused more elaborately
. According to him,
cannot be seen with the naked eye. He has mentioned seven
types of
(skin disease):
(due to
(due to
(due to
Out of these seven types,
is curable with Ayurvedic treatment.
Nomenclature given by Sharma et al.
is given below.
Mycological Types and Species
28.5.1 Dermatophytes
Dermatophytes (
= skin,
= plant) are a highly specialized group of keratinophilic
fungi that utilizes keratin of the skin. They are also
known as ring-worm fungi and tinea
Ayurvedic Nomenclature Mycological Nomenclature Term
Keshad Trichophyton
sp. Dermatophyte
Lomada Microsporum
sp. Dermatophyte
Nakhada Epidermophyton
(Dermatophyte) Selected Species
Epidermophyton E. stockdale
E. floccosum
Microsporum M. audouinii
M. canis
M. gypseum
M. fulvum
M. nanum
Trichophyton T. tonsurans
T. mentagrophytes
T. rubrum
T. soudanes
infections. More than 40 dermatophyte species are known
to exist.
The three types of
dermatophytes (ringworm) — geophilic, zoophilic, and
anthropophilic — are shown below:
Dermatophytes have also been isolated from air, public
swimming pools, and barbershops. Clinical Types
The infection caused by dermatophytes is clinically known
as tinea infections. These can
be categorized as follows: Tinea pedis
This type of infection is also known as athlete’s foot or
ringworm of the foot. The causal
organism involved in
Tinea pedis
Trichophyton rubrum
T. mentagrophytes. Tinea unguinum
The ringworm of the nails is referred to as
Tinea unguinum
or onychomycosis. Such
infections generally occur in nails that are deformed due
to the pressure of tight shoes.
The species usually responsible for onychomycosis are
T. rubrum
T. mentagrophytes
. Tinea corporis
The ringworm of the glabrous skin is called
Tinea corporis
Tinea circinata
. It is characterized
by a circular lesion exhibiting varying degrees of
inflammation. The infection is
usually caused by
T. rubrum, M. canis,
T. mentagrophytes. Tinea imbricata
Tinea imbricata
) is a common infection in tropical areas. It is
characterized by lesions
that are originally circinate but which become irregular
and coalescent and do not heal at
the center. The causal organism is usually
T. concentricum. Tinea barbae
It is also called ringworm of the beard, barber’s itch,
or sycosis.
Tinea barbae is
a foliculitis
of the beard and rarely infects the face and neck. T. verrucosum of
Tinea barbae is transmitted
from cattle, whereas T. mentagrophytes is transmitted from horse or dog. Tinea favosa
It is commonly known as favus and is a severe type of
chronic ringworm. The causal
organisms of favus are T. schoenieinii,
T. violaceum, and M.
gypseum. Tinea cruris
This infection is also known as Dhobi’s itch, ringworm of
the groin, jock itch, or eczema
marginatum. Tinea cruris is an acute or chronic
infection usually severely pruritic
Geophilic Zoophilic Anthropophilic
Soil as a substrate Parasitizes on animals and may
also cause infections in man
Parasitizes on man
Microsporum gypseum, Trichophyton
ajelloi, T. terrestre
Microsporum canis, Trichophyton
T. mentagrophytes
Microsporum audouinii, E.
floccosum, T. rubrum, T. tonsurans,
T. violaceum
dermatophytosis of the groin. The lesions are generally
caused by Epidermophyton
floccosum and
various species of Trichophyton
with special reference to T. rubrum. Tinea capitis
This infection is usually known as ringworm of the scalp.
Tinea capitis includes dry, diffuse,
and scaly lesions of the scalp. Generally, it is caused
by T. tonsurans, T. violaceum, T.
T. mentagrophytes, T. audouinii, and M.
canis. Mycological Types
There are three main genera or mycological types: Epidermophyton,
Microsporum, and
These genera have been classified purely on the basis of mycology. Epidermophyton — The genus Epidermophyton
includes only one valid species,
E. floccosum, which
is a good example of anthropophilic dermatophyte. Another
species named E. stockdale is yet to be recognized. It
was reported from only one soil
sample. It produces club-shaped macroaleuriospores that
are 59.5–2 ¥ 12.9–3.0 mm with
two to nine cells. E. floccosum rarely
parasitizes lower animals. It lives in human and is
transmitted from man to man by direct and indirect
contact. E. floccosum is a cosmopolitan
fungus in distribution and invades only human nails and
skin. It is not capable of invading
human hair. The teleomorphic state of E. floccosum is
The genus Epidermophyton
is characterized by large, fusiform that
obovate and smooth,
multiseptate asexual spores known as macroaleuriospores.
They are produced in bunches
of two or three. They measure 20–40 ¥ 6–3 mm with two to four cells. The microaleuriospores
are not formed. Microsporum — There are 15 species of Microsporum,
which can be categorized
on the basis of natural habitat into three broad groups.
Eight of them live
saprophytically in soil (geophilic). M. boulardi is
reported only from the African republic
of Guinea. There is only one report of M. boulardi. The
majority of the species of
dermatophtes produce two types of conidia in culture. The
smaller, pyriform to obovate
conidia are known as microaleuriospores; the larger
conidia are called macroaleuriospores
which are multiseptate, echinulate, variable in size and
shape (fusiform to
obovate), and thin or thick walled. They are born singly
or in hyphae. The length of
conidia are 5 to 100 mm and width 3 to 8 mm, with two to five cells. The type species
Microsporum is
M. audouinii. The important species include M. audouinii, M. canis, M.
gypseum, M. fulvum, and M. nanum. Trichophyton — Macroaleuriospores are smooth and either thin or
and range from clavate to fusiform in shape. They are
born singly or in clusters.
Microaleuriospores are spherical either pyriform or
clavate and are borne singly or in
chains (in grapelike bunches). The genus Trichophyton has
25 valid species. The type species
is T.
Some important species are T. equinum (teleomorph
unknown), T. mentagrophytes (teleomorph
Arthoderma benhamiae, A. vanbreuseghemii), T.
rubrum (teleomorph unknown),
T. schoenleimii (teleomorph
unknown), T. soudanes (teleomorph unknown), T. verrucosum
(teleomorph unknown), and T. violaceum (teleomorph-unknown).
The common names
of fungal diseases are listed in Table 28.1.
28.6 Diagnostic Methods
The method of diagnosis in the ancient period was
according to sign and symptoms of
the disease, because pathological investigations were not
possible. Generally round, bluish,
or reddish spots are formed on the skin. Sometimes boils
or eruptions may also be
produced. The spots generally spread and sometimes
coalesce with other spots to form
irregular bigger spots.
In conventional medicine, krami rogas are
diagnosed by the following laboratory test
methods: potassium hydroxide (KOH) squash tests, culture
techniques, agar blocks technique.
Om Tat Sat
humble salutations to H H Maharshi ji, Brahmasri
Sreeman Lakshmi Chandra Mishra ji and other eminent medical scholars and
doctors for the collection)
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