Appendix 1:
Ayurvedic Words and Their
English Meanings
Scientific Basis for
Ayurvedic Therapies
edited by
Brahmasree Lakshmi Chandra Mishra
Appendix 1:
Ayurvedic Words and Their
English Meanings
oil massage
fleshy growth
Adhoga Amlapitta
regurgitation through the rectum
recurrence of tumor
frequent eating
exogenous factors
fire, digestive juice, hormones
heat therapy
Ahara rasa
absorbed digested nutrients
Ahara Rasayana
herbal dietary supplement
Ahara sakti
digestive power
eagerness, anxiety
prolapse of the iris
Ajasrik Rasayana
dietary supplement to keep the process of new
tissue formation
general appearance
Alochaka pitta
pitta located in the retina responsible for
enterotoxic diarrhea
Ama dosa
undigested food and other materials
Amaja anaha
variety of constipation due to undigested
rheumatoid arthritis
subacute glaucoma
the process of heating the product in
presence of some herbal drugs
Amruthaprasa rasayanam
a preparation of herbal drugs in concentrated
jaggary syrup
bloated abdomen due to the accumulation of
© 2004 by CRC Press LLC
Scientific Basis for Ayurvedic Therapies
ophthlmic preparation to be applied or rubbed
gently on the conjunctiva
Antuja unmada
psychosis due to exterior origin
a kind of enema
Anuvasan vasti
enema with medicated oils
Anuvsana basti
oil enema
body-weight loss
supraorbit neuralgaia
glandular swelling
Apana vata
responsible for the excretion of urine and
eating improperly cooked food
fat reducing
harmful food
acquired due to unhealthy lifestyle
loss, going away, destruction of
neoplasm; fibroid
preparation obtained by fermentation
subconjunctival hemorrhage
ovulation inducing
general well-being
Asadhya vrana
incurable ulcers
Asathmya bhojana
hypersensitive or incompatible food items
urolithiasis, urinary calculi
Astavidha pariksa
eight-point examination
Asthapana basti
herbal decoction enema
transient lipids
Ati sthulya
obesity and morbid obesity
Avagalana or utplavana
subluxation of lens
instillation of nasal drops
acid indigestion
Avrana Shukla
corneal opacities
sugar-based semisolid preparation
decrease in life span
knowledge of life; Vedic health science
Bala thailam
medicine prepared in oil for improving
Baluka sveda sand fomentation
Basti medicated enema
Beejadosha genetic disorder
Beeja poshana treatise to better the quality and quantity
of semen
Bhaishajya kalpana formulation of a dosage form
Bhasma literally ash; incinerated metal or minerals
Bhauma earth
Bhavana drava trifala decoction
Bheda histopathological differentiation
Bhedan and lekhan incise and drainage
Bhedana penetrating
Bhutavidya science of evil spirit
Bhutonmada grahavesa (sychosis)
Brimhan repletion of the body tissue
Buddhi intellect
Buddhimandya mentally retarded
Cetana consciousness
Chakrikas small cakes
Chikitsa therapy
Chinabandha bandage of eye
Churna powder
Daiva spiritual
Daivavyapasraya cikitsa spiritual treatment
Darun vicar serious diseases
Dashavidha pariksha ten methods of examination
Dashmool roots of ten herbs
Deergham ayu long life
Deva vyapashraya chikitsa devine therapy
Dhamani nerve supply to artieries
Dhamapana insufflation
Dhara steady flow of liquids
Dhasamoola Rishtam hot-water extract of roots of the ten herbal
medicines that is
Dhatu tissues
Dhatukshaya degeneration of essential constituents
Dhatupak janya vikriti a disease caused by a defective metabolism
leading to derangement
in body-tissue (seven dhatus) transformation
Dhatus tissues; there are seven dhathus: rasa (ingested
food), raktha (blood), mamsa
(muscles), medas (fat), asthi (bone), majja (bone marrow), and shuklam (semen); rasa is
converted to raktha and so on until it is finally converted into shuklam
Dhatuvahasrotas place of conversion of tissues
Dhatu-vriddhi tissue growth
Dhatwagni deranged metabolism
Dhatwagni chikitsa correction of metabolic defects
Dhoomra medicated smoking
Dhuma nasya smoke inhalation
Dhumapana medicated smoking
Dhwaja bhangam erectile dysfunction
Dipana materials that stimulate digestive juices
Divavyapashraya spiritual interventions
Divyausadhi divine medicinal plants
Dola yantra, khalva yantra, musha yantra instruments used in preparation of bhasmas
Dooshti vitiation
Dooshyas tissues that are the site of a disease
Dosa biomaterials, bioenergy, bodily humor
Dosasushti vitiation of dosa
Dravaka liquefacients
Dravya Rasayana therapy with dietary supplements
Drishtimani lens
Dushtavrana infected ulcer
Dushya that which can get vitiated like tissues
Dushyas culpable
Dwirarbuda metastasis of tumor
Ekadesavriddhi enlargement of particular tissue
Gairika red chalk
Gala throat
Galaganda goiter
Garbhini pregnant women
Ghee, Ghrita, or Ghruta dehydrated butter
Ghritika buttermilk
Gomutra cow urine
Grahani irritable colon
Grahan restrained movement
Grahas planets
Grahavesa influence of planets
Granthi minor neoplasm
Gridhra eagle
Gridhrasi sciatica
Gudabhramsa rectal prolapse
Gulma intra-abdominal swellings
Guna attribute or respect
Gunas-sattva, raja, tama three qualities of mind, mental constitution
Halimaka fulminant hepatic failure
Haridra meha yellowish urine (like turmeric)
Hasti meha urine similar to an elephant in rut
Hima cold infusion
Hingula cinnabar
Hrdaya heart
Hritkantha Daha burning sensation rising up from the stomach
or lower chest toward
the neck
Iksu meha urine similar to sugarcane juice and very sweet
Indriyartha sensorial
Ingalekam cinnabar
Jangama ausadhis prepared from animal products
Jangha thigh
Janu knee
Jara-janya manasa vikara psychiatric problems of the aged
Jatharagni digestive fire
Jeevaneya ganam group of herbs to increase the vigor and
Jeevaneya ghrutham ghee-based medicine used to prolong life
Jihva tongue
Jvara-Atisara infective diarrhea
Kajjali amalgum of sulfur and mercury
Kala time, rhythm
Kalaka choroid
Kala meha black urine
Kalka crushed plant material
Kalyanakam ghrutham a preparation in liquefied butter used for
treating oligospermia
Kalyanakam kashayam water extract of certain herbs indicated for
Kamala hepatitis
Kamsya bell, metal
Kamya Rasayana rasayana given with certain special aim
Kandaras tendons
Kandu itching
Kanji rice gruel
Kapha biological material, water humor, mucus, dosa
Kapha and raktavaha srotasa lymphatic and circulatory system
Kaphadhara Kala mucous lining of the stomach
Kapha dosa mucus and mucoid, interlinking functions and constituents
of the body
Kapha Grahani dysentery predominant
Kaphahara/Kaphashamaka measures or drugs that pacify kapha
Kaphaja granthi or arbuda adenoma
Kaphaja Linganasha mature cataract
Kaphaj linganash mature cataract
Karma action
Karna ear
Karnika cornea
Karshan the depletion of body tissues
Kasa cough
Kashay rasa astringent
Kashaya/kwatha decoction
Kastha ausadhi herbal preparation
Kati low back
Katu pungent
Katu vipak bitter
Kavalika dressing
Kaya chikitsa medicine
Khalva stone mortar
Khanja monoplegia
Khara hard
Klaibyam impotence
Klama fatigue
Kleda waste products of adipose tissues
Kledaka one of the five types of kapha dosa
Klinnavartma blephritis
Kosta intestine
Kostashakhasrita kamala hemolytic jaundice
Kotham necrosis
Kricchravitka, alpavitka passing small quantity of stool
Krimi helminthiasis including microbial infection
Krimijanya due to worms
Krishnapatal iris
Krura koshtha extremely harsh bowel
Ksara meha the urine is like a solution of alkali in smell, color,
and taste
Kshara alkali
Ksharakarma application of caustics
Kshaudrameha excessive urine with sweet taste like honey
Kshayaja due to emaciation
Ksheernartava amenorrhea
Ksudraka svasa asthma
Kukunder oscoccygis bone
Kumba kamala hepatic failure
Kupipakwa vidhi procedure used for preparing mercury bhasma
Kushta bhasma-like preparation of Unani-tibb
Kutipraveshika patient/concerned specialized living in a hut
Kwatha decoction
Laala meha the urine is slimy and contains threads like that of
Lagan chalazion
Laghu lightweight, small
Lakshanika chikitsa symptomatic treatment
Langhana depletion or reducing therapy, no food intake
Lavan salty
Leen lens falling back into vitreous chamber
Lehyam medicinal preparation in jaggary syrup
Lekhan scraping
Lekhana scraping
Lepa ointment
Lepana application of medicated paste
Linga symbol of male organ
Linganasha dosha liquified lenticular material
Lingarsha genital growths, genital wart
Lingavridhikara yoga drugs used for enlargement of penis
Loha iron
Loka-purusa samya balance with universe
Maans muscle
Maans lolup greedy to flesh
Madhumeha diabetes
Madhur sweet
Madhyama middle path or medium
Madhyama koshtha moderate bowel
Mahamarma very important vital organ
Maharasa main metals, also used for mercury
Mahasrotas gastrointestinal tract
Majja bone marrow
Majja meha the urine looks like marrow
Mala excretion, stool
Mamsa muscle, soft tissue
Mamsarbuda neoplasm of soft tissue
Mamsashrit Patal fleshy part or choroid
Manas mind
Manasika psychological factors
Manas Rasayana rasayana for the improvement of intellect
Manassila arsenic
Manayah gems
Mandal orbits
Mandbudhi low intelligence
Manjistha meha foul-smelling urine that is slightly red
Manodaihika vyadhis psychosomatic diseases
Manovaha srtoas psychological channels
Mansa dhatwagni digestive power in the muscle tissues
Marana the process of burning or calcination
Margavaran obstruction of passage
Marma vital part
Marma ghat vital’s trauma
Matruj avayava maternal organ ovum
Meda fat
Medadhatu adipose tissue
Medaja originated from fatty tissue
Medas patal choroid
Medhaja granthi or arbuda lipoma lipid tumor or lipoma
Medhya intellect
Medhya Rasayana brain tonics
Medodhatwagni fat-specific energy
Medomay steostasis
Medoposhakansh nutritive food, fatty food
Medoroga disease of the fat tissue
Meha immunity
Mithyaaharavihara unwholesome diet and regimen
Mool root
Mrudu koshtha extremely weak bowel
Mukha oral cavity
Mula sthana center of origin
Mulika root
Murccha, Moha, Tamaka loss of consciousness, fainting
Mutra urine
Nadi pulse
Nadi svedan steam fomentation by tube
Nadipariksa pulse examination
Naimittic Rasayana rasayana is given only for partial period for
certain number of days
Naishthiki chikitsa spiritual therapy
Nakulandhyatva retinoblastoma
Nanatmaj vadhis many kinds of vataj diseases
Napumsaka eunuch
Narasimha rasayanam a formula to delay the aging process
Nasa nose
Nash destruction
Nashtartava menopause
Nasya nasal drops
Nasya karma errhines therapy
Nasya karma nasal infiltration
Navana nasya inunction errhine
Netra eyes
Nidan diagnosis
Nidana pancake five methods of diagnosis
Nidana purvarupa immediate signs, premonitory symptoms
Nija endogenous factors
Nila meha bluish urine
Nirama stool without enterotoxin
Niruha vasti medicated enema with decoction
Niruttha/varttara end product of nirutthikarana
Nirutthikarana filtration/separation
Ojakashaya immunity
Ojas the final product of all seven dhathus
Ojas meha urine that looks like honey
Onychomycosis ringworm of the nails
Pachaka Pitta digestive enzymes
Pachana digestant
Pakshma heat therapy
Pakshmakopa trichiasis, blephritis
Pakvasaya lower part of gastrointestinal tract
Palashmakopa entropion
Panaki hepatorenal syndrome
Pancamahabhuta five basic elements
Pancendriya pariksa examination of the five sense organs
Panchakarma five cleansing procedures (vaman, virechan, siro-virechan, anuvasan, and
nirooha vastis)
Pandu anemia
Pangu paraplegia
Parada, rasa, suta, maharasa, rasendra various names for mercury
Paratantra kamala obstructive jaundice
Parinama Sula ulcerative dyspepsia, duodenal ulcer
Parooshakadi ganam group of herbs starting with Phoenix pusilla
Parpams term for bhasmas used in Siddha medicine system
Parpati, rasayoga mercury preparations
Parthive substances derived from earth
Pashchat karma postoperative procedures
Patal coats
Patana yantra a pot pertaing to an apparatus used for
sublimation or distillation for
preparing bhasma
Patra pind sveda poultice
Phalasarpis preparation in liquefied butter, mainly used
for women to increase fertility
Phalavarti, snehavarti anal suppositories
Phanita hot infusion
Pichu cotton plug
Pipali Piper longum
Pishti triturated drug with specified liquids prepared by
exposing to sun or moon
Pista meha urine that is white and thick; similar to a solution of
corn flour
Pitta biological fire, metabolic catabolic enzymes
Pitta dosa the functions of tissue interchange and conversion
Pittaja originated from pitta
Pittala brass
Pittashaya gall bladder
Pittaviridhi serum bilirubin
Poorvakarma preoperative procedures
Pooyastrava panopthalmitis, hypopion ulcer
Pothaki trachoma
Prabhava unique action
Pradhana dhatu primary metal
Pradhana karma main cleansing procedures
Prakopa transformation of growth into metastatic tumors
Prakriti constitution
Prakritisthapani chikitsa restorative treatment
Pralepa application of thin medicament paste in the affected part
Pramana build, size
Pramana vijnana anthropometry
Pramehas urinary disorders
Pramoha impairment in functioning of mind
Prana respiration
Pranavaha srotas respiration
Pranyama breathing exercises
Prasara metastasis
Prasna pariksa interrogation
Prasrutha measure/equivalent of one handful
Prastari Arma pterygium
Prasuti delivery
Pratimarsha topical application
Pravahika dysentery
Pravala shells
Pravara type of body constitution
Prayoga experiment
Purishaja anaha variety of constipation due to stool
Purishasanga, purishanaha accumulation of feces
Purva karma preparatory procedures
Purvarupa prodromal signs/symptoms
Pushta overweight
Putapaka heating with cow dung cakes
Puttam cow dung cake or made pits with cow dung cakes
Puyalasak dacryocystitis
Raja menstrual blood
Rajas prakriti authoritarian mental constitution
Rajata silver
Rajayakshma tuberculosis
Rajonivritti menopause
Rakta blood
Raktaarbudanasna anticancer drug
Rakta-Atisara hemorrhagic diarrhea
Rakta meha blood red
Raktamokshana bloodletting
Rakta-pradara menorrhagia
Raktarbuda tumors that exudate blood
Raktashodhaka blood purifier
Raktasrava profuse hemorrhage
Raktavaha srotas circulatory system
Rakthasthambhaka styptics
Ranjaka pitta type of biliary fluid
Ras blood
Rasa absorbed food nutrients, mercury preparations
Rasa ausadhi metallic preparation
Rasa dhatu plasma tissue
Rasa karpur mercuric subchloride
Rasalinga symbol of power
Rasashala laboratory of an alchemist
Rasashastra Ayurvedic pharmacy of mercury preparations,
Rasavadins alchemists
Rasayana Ayurvedic drug preparation to increase the life span
Rasvidya Indian alchemy
Ratna gems
Rihti pupil
Roga disease
Roganashani chikitsa curative therapy
Rogibala ability to defend against diseases
Rog pariksha clinical examination
Rog viakhya clinical description
Rohini sixth layer of skin, similar to epithelium
Ropana healing
Ruk pain
Ruksha dry
Rupa clinical manifestation
Sabda voice
Sadanga pariksa six-point examination
Sadhya curable
Sadhyasadhyata prognosis
Sahaja genetic
Sahaya dhatu secondary metal
Sama stool with enterotoxin
Samana balanced
Samana vata vata that stimulates the digestive enzymes
Saman vikruti decreased hepatic conjugation
Samanya shodhana general purification
Samasanhanan nara proportionate body
Samhanana body structure
Samhita text
Samprapti pathogenesis
Samshodhana purification procedures
Samshodhana chikitsa detoxification therapy
Samskara process
Samudra-sauviram mercuric perchloride
Samyak vedhan proper pricking
Sanair meha urine passes very slowly
Sanchaya localization of growth
Sandhi junctions
Sandhigat vata osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis
Sandrajala vetrious humor
Sandra meha urine kept overnight
Sang biliary stasis
Santarpan restorative treatment
Sara quality of tissues
Sastra chikitsa surgical treatment
Sathavari gulam preparation of herbs made with jaggary used
for female infertility
Sathavaryadi ghrutham medicine prepared in liquefied butter for
female infertility
Sathya Yuga time period in history when the rule of
justice prevailed and all people
were happy
Satmya adaptability
Sattva pharmaceutical process, consciousness, intelligence
Sattvavajaya counseling therapy
Sattvika prakrti examination of the psyche
Satva liquid containing active ingredient
Satvavajaya chikitsa psychotherapy
Sauvarcala, saindhava, vida, audbhida types of salt
Savrana Shukla corncal ulcers with perforations
Seka fomentation
Sesa Sesamum indicum oil
Shakhasrita kamala intra- and extra-hepatic jaundice
Shalya tantra surgery
Shamana pacifying, palliative
Sharava mud tray
Sharira human body
Shashkakshipaka ophthalmoplegaia
Shatadhoutha Ghrita medicated ghee
Sheeta cold
Shefa penis
Shilajit asphaltum
Shiro head
Shiro vasti flow of liquid on the head
Shleshak kapha type of kapha dosa
Shleshma another name for kapha or phlegm
Shodana chikitsa therapy by elimination of vitiated pathogens
Shodhana detoxification
Shodhana karma measures of internal purification
Shonitarma pterygium
Shotha localized swelling/edema
Shothahara anti-inflammatory
Shrunga horn of a cow
Shuddha, sishra, pooti loha quality of iron bhasma
Shukadosha diseases of external genitalia caused by the use of
Shuklam semen
Shuklarma pterygium
Shukra semen
Shuktika bitot's spots/xeophthalmia
Shwetapatal sclera-white of eye
Shweta-pradara mucous in the urine
Siddha dugdha medicated milk
Siddha ghruta smedicated ghee
Siddh Makardhwaja preparation containing oxide form of mercury
Sikata meha urine contains sandlike particles
Sindoora drug prepared by the process of sublimation
Sira different channels
Siraharsha scleritis
Sirajal acute orbital cellulites
Siravedha bloodletting
Sirobasti treatment of head and neck with oils
Sirotpat episclerities
Sirstalvantargatam manah skull
Sisa, naga lead
Sita meha urine is sweet and very cold
Smriti memory
Smruti memory
Smrutim Medha good intellect, good recalling ability
Snana bath
Snayu ligament
Snehana oleation
Snehana chikitsa oleation therapy
Snehapan intake of medicated fats
Sodhana chikitsa purification therapy
Sokatisara diarrhea due to sorrow
Somana chikitsa curative therapy
Sopham swelling
Soul spirit
Spandan muscle spasm
Sparsahsnutwam tenderness
Sparsa skin/touch
Sphik gluteous
Srotamsi channels, microscopic pores
Srotas channels, pores
Srotas pariksa examination of channel
Srotorodh channel blockage
Stambha numbness
Sthana samsraya secondary growth
Sthayi stored form
Sthoulyam hugeness
Sthula obese
Streeroga gynecological disorders
Streeshareer anatomy of the female reproductive system
Stree stanya breast milk
Sukra dhatu reproductive tissue, semen
Sukra meha urine mixed with semen
Sukravahasrotas path through which semen passes
Sukshma minute, delicate
Sukumaram ghrutham a preparation of herbals in liquefied butter
for the treatment of
male and female infertility
Sukumaram kashayam water extract of certain herbs, used for male
and female infertility
Sukumaram lehyam a preparation of herbs in concentrated
jaggary syrup used to treat
male and female infertility
Sura meha urine resembles wine (sura) with a clear top and cloudy
at the bottom
Surya-namaskar sun-yoga-asana (body positions)
Suwarna gold
Svasa increased or difficult breathing, dyspnea
Svedana fomentation
Svedana karma sudation therapy
Swaras fresh juices
Swarna bhasma gold bhasma
Swasthavritta and ritucharya daily and seasonal health regimens
Swatantra kamala hepatocellular jaundice
Taila oil
Takra buttermilk
Talaka arsenic trisulphide
Talu palate
Tamaka svasa bronchial asthma
Tamas inertia
Tamra copper
Tandra lassitude
Tantriks practitioners of black magic
Tantu threads
Tara pupil
Taraka iris
Tarunam vayah ability to remain young
Teekshna pointed
Teevravastha acute phase
Tejojalashrit Patal outermost layer in which there exists aqueous
Tikshna guna severe taste
Tiksna sharp
Tikta bitter
Tikta-Amlodgara bitter and acid regurgitation
Tilapista nibha clay-colored stool
Timira refractive errors, premature cataract, or other serious
causes of blindness
Toda paresthesia
Trapa tin
Tridosa three dosas (vatta, pitta, and kapha)
Trikatu three bitter herbs
Triphala group of three herbs (Embelica officinalis, Terminalia belerica, and Terminalia
Tritiya patalgat dushti disorders of the third coat
Trivanga bhasma bhasma containing lead, tin, and zinc
Twak bark
Udaka water
Udaka meha urine is clear; is in large amounts; and is white, cold,
and odorless
Udara abdomen
Udaram, jalodhar, or asadhya ascites
Unmada roga psychosis
Uparasa there are eight uparasa: gandhaka (sulphur), gairic (ochre), kasis (ferrous sulphate),
sphatica (potash alum), hartal (orpiment), manashila
(realgar), anjana (lead), kankustha (rhubarb)
Upasaya-anupasay exacerbating and relieving factors
Upataraka cilliary body
Urdhvaga Amlapitta regurgitation through the mouth
Urdhwajatrugat of the upper level of the clavicle
Uru thigh
Ushna veerya dry
Ushnavata cystitis/urethritis
Uthara sthanam last volume
Utklesha hypersalivation
Utsangini chalation
Utsangini lagan chalazion
Vadanasthapana analgesics
Vaikrintaka tourmaline
Vajikarana aphrodisiac therapy
Vaman therapeutic emesis
Vamathu vomiting
Vapavahan visceral and omental fat
Vardhanana Rasayana rasayana dose is increased slowly to the
highest level, maintained
at that level, and then decreased slowly to
the base line
Vartka a mixture of five metals
Vartma eyelids
Vasa fatty substance
Vasa meha urine looks like liquid muscle fat and may be passed
Vasti Ayurvedic enema therapy; karma-enema
Vata biological humor related to nervous system
Vatadoshas represents functions of movements or propulsions
Vata grahani constipation predominant
Vataja caused by vitiated vata
Vataparyay supraorbital neuralgia
Vata rakta gouty arthritis
Vatatapika rasayana treatment that can be given to outdoor
Vata vyadhi nervous disorders
Vati, gutika, or guggulu preparations in pill form
Vaya age and aging
Vayu air, wind; another name of vata
Veda knowledge
Vedana severe pain
Veerya potency
Vega Dhara a controlling natural urges
Viadhi heitu etiology
Vibandha constipation
Vidaryadi kashayam water extract of some herbs to enhance body
tissues repair
Vidaryadi lehyam preparation of herbs in jaggary syrup for
body tissue repair
Vikriti imbalance of dosas
Vilekhan scraping
Vipaka postdigestive effect
Virecana karma purgation therapy
Virek purgation
Viruddha Ahara incompatible food
Viruddh asana incompatible exercise
Viryalpata impotence
Visa poison
Vishaghna detoxifier
Vishesha shodhana special purification
Vishtambha obstruction
Vismriti amnesia
Vitiated dosas toxic materials
Vrana ulcer
Vriddhipatra shastra scalpal
Vrisya aphrodisiac
Vrukkas fat around the body organs
Vyadhi disease
Vyadhi hetu etiology
Vyakti expression of symptoms
Vyayama sakti physical strength
Yakrut liver
Yakruta dhatwagni manya decreased hepatic uptake
Yakruta shotha hepatocellular damage
Yakrutodara hepatomegaly
Yakrutshosh cirrhosis
Yapya difficult to treat
Yavakshara salt of potassium and sodium
Yonidhavana vaginal douche
Yoniroga/yonivyapat vaginal diseases
Yuktivyapashraya nondrug and drug modalities
Yukti vyapashraya chikitsa rational therapy
Om Tat Sat
humble salutations to H H Maharshi ji, Brahmasri
Sreeman Lakshmi Chandra Mishra ji and other eminent medical scholars and
doctors for the collection)
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