Scientific Basis for
Ayurvedic Therapies
edited by
Brahmasree Lakshmi Chandra Mishra
The drug was effective when given either before or after
enterotoxin binding and when given either intraluminally
or parenterally; it did not inhibit
the stimulation of adenylate cyclase by cholera
enterotoxin and caused no histological
damage to intestinal mucosa.
Berberine also
markedly inhibited the secretory response of
E. coli heat-stable
enterotoxin in the infant mouse model. Although the mechanism of
Name of Formulation Activity Dose Adjuvant Ref.
Gangadhara curna Digestive,
1–3 g three
Jaggery, buttermilk
and honey
Hingvashtaka curna Carminative,
1–2 g two
Warm water before
Agnimukha curna Carminative,
1–3 g two
Buttermilk 5
Bilvadi curna Carminative,
2–6 g two
Buttermilk (50–100
Kutajaghana vati Antidysenteric 250–500 mg two
Buttermilk (50–100
Jatiphaladi vati Antimotility,
60–120 mg three
Buttermilk and
Karpura vati Antimotility,
120–240 mg two
Honey 8
Kutajarishta Digestive,
15–30 ml two
Equal quantity of
Kutajavaleha Antidysenteric
5–10 g three
Water 8
Sankha bhasma, Kapardika bhasma,
or Pravala
digestive, and
0.25–0.5 g two
Lemon juice before
Agasthisutaraja rasa Antidiarrheal 60–120 mg three
Cumin, nutmeg
Kanakasundara rasa Antidiarrheal 60–120 mg three
Buttermilk 8
action of the drug is not yet known, these data provide a
rationale for its apparent clinical
usefulness in treating acute diarrheal disease.47 Medicinal Herbs (Boerhaavia diffusa, Berberis
aristata, Tinospora cordifolia,
Terminalia chebula, and Zingiber officinale)
The antiamoebic effect of a crude drug formulation
against Entamoeba histolytica was
studied. The formula is composed of five medicinal herbs:
Boerhaavia diffusa, Berberis
aristata, Tinospora cordifolia, Terminalia chebula, and Zingiber
officinale. The dried and pulverized
plants were extracted in ethanol together and
individually. In vitro amebicidal
activity was studied to determine the minimal inhibitory
concentration (MIC) values of
all the constituent extracts as well as the whole
formulation. The formulation had an MIC
of 1000 mg/ml as compared with 10 mg/ml of metronidazole. In experimental cecal
in rats, the formulation had a curative rate of 89%; with
the average degree of
infection (ADI) reduced to 0.4 in a group dosed with 500
mg/kg/day as compared with
an ADI of 3.8 for the sham-treated control group of rats.
Metronidazole had a cure rate
of 89% (ADI = 0.4) at a dose of 100 mg/kg/day and cured
the infection completely (ADI
= 0) when the dosage was doubled to 200 mg/kg/day. There
were varying degrees of
inhibition of the following enzyme activities of crude
extracts of axenically cultured
amoebae: deoxyribonuclease, ribonuclease, aldolase,
alkaline phosphatase, acid phosphatase,
alpha-amylase, and protease.48
Ayurvedic plants having inhibitory activity on
enteropathogenic bacteria are shown in
1. Madhava, Madhavanidanam, Part I,
Upadhyaya, Y., Ed., Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office,
Varanasi, U.P. India, 1973, chap. 3, p. 141.
2. Anon., The
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3. Agnivesha, Caraka Samhita, Part
II, Pande, G., Ed., Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office, Varanasi,
U.P. India, 1970, chap. 19, p. 556.
4. Susruta, Susruta Samhita,
Acharya, Y.T., Ed., Chaukhambha Orientalia, Varanasi, U.P. India,
1997, chap. 40, p. 210.
5. Anon., Yogaratnakara, Part I, Sastri, B., Ed., Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series
Office, Varanasi, U.P.
India, 1973, p. 254.
6. Anon., Hand
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Research in Indian Medicine and Homoeopathy, New Delhi,
India, 1978, chap. 4, p. 49.
7. Sharngadhara, Sharngadhara Samhita,
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8. Das, G., Bhaishajyaratnavali,
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9. Bhavamishra, Bhavaprakasha, Part II, Misra, B., Ed.,
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10. Cakrapani, Cakradatta, Sharma, P.V., Ed.,
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chap. 3, p. 47.
11. Anon., Ayurveda Sarasamgraha, Shree
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India, 1986, p. 547.
12. Dhyani, S.C., Kaya Chikitsa,
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chap. 70, p. 236.
Table 21.2.
13. Acharya, Y.T., Siddhayoga Samgraha, Shree Baidyanath Ayurved Bhavan Ltd., Nagpur,
India, 1976, p. 23.
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16. Chakraborty, A. and Brantner, A.H., Antibacterial
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29. Rani, S. et al., Anti-diarrhoeal evaluation of
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Gastroduodenal Ulcers
Krishnamurthy Sairam and Sailaja Vani Batchu
22.1 Introduction
In Ayurveda, peptic ulcers or gastroduodenal ulcers
generally refer to parinamasula. It
is the disease of the gastrointestinal tract, especially
the stomach. Abdominal pain during
digestion is the main symptom in these diseases. Earlier
Ayurvedic classics like Charaka
Samhita and Sushrut Samhita mentioned
abdominal pain as relating to digestion but not
as a separate clinical entity.1,2 For the first time, in
7th century A.D., Madhavakar
described this disease separately with the name parinamashula in
his famous treatise,
Madhava Nidana, which
mainly deals with the etiology and pathology of different diseases.
He has given a precise description of parinamasula,
but Vijayarakshita, the commentary
of Madhava
Nidana, later elaborated it. This
disease has been mentioned in all
the later books like Bhavaprakash,
Yogaratnakar, Sharangadhara
Samhita, and Chakradatta.3–5
Apart from the stress placed on food habits and personal
hygiene, some herbal drugs
have also been mentioned in the treatment of this
disease. The gastric ulcer (GU) remains
a major global health problem, eluding satisfactory
therapeutic regimen. Modern medicine
has not adequately evaluated the usefulness of natural
drugs in ulcer therapy,
although studies have been reported.
It is now assumed that the antiulcer drugs ultimately
balance the aggressive factors
(acid, pepsin, H. pylori, bile salts) and defensive
factors (mucin secretion, cellular mucus,
bicarbonate secretion, mucosal blood flow, cell turnover,
etc.).6 New etiological factors,
such as involvement of free radicals7 and H. pylori,8,9
have gained attention. Resistance of
H. pylori to
antimicrobials10 and poor patient compliance due to multiple doses11 are
reported to be major causes for the failure of antiulcer
therapy. This necessitates using
newer antibacterials and reducing doses during therapy.
Antiulcer drugs with antioxidant
and antibacterial effects would be superior to combined
therapies.12 These attributes are
found with herbal drugs.
In this chapter, literature on Ayurvedic therapies of GUs
and duodenal ulcers (DUs) is
reviewed and compared with therapies in conventional
medicine. Many similarities
between the two systems are noted.
22.2 Clinical Description, History, and Epidemiology
According to Ayurveda, abdominal pain that is aggravated
during digestion is known as
Various synonyms of parinamashula
mentioned in the texts (i.e.,
paktishula, annavidahajashula,
etc.) are related to food and digestive
According to Ayurveda, the word parinama implies
digestion. It actually starts after the
emptying of the stomach. The word shula refers to
pain. Hence the pain that occurs during
the digestion period is called parinamashula.
Similarly, in conventional medicine, peptic ulcer disease
(PUD) is described to be associated
with epigastric pain exacerbated by fasting and
improvement with food. The patient
has a history of alterations in bowel habits, especially
diarrhea or constipation.13
As discussed earlier, the GU or DU has not been
recognized as a separate clinical entity,
making information on history and epidemiology limited.
22.3 Etiology
When we compare and contrast GUs and DUs, both seem to be
very much similar. PUD,
according to the modern concept, is a multifactorial
disease.13 The causes include genetic,
dietetic, psychological (stress and emotional factors),
endocrine, and drug-induced infections.
The common result of all these initiating factors is a
breakage in mucous membrane
of either the stomach or duodenum (common sites). There
may be a difference in incidence,
placement of ulcer, symptomatology, or prognosis of DUs
and GUs, but the presence or
absence of an ulcer is determined by a delicate interplay
between the aggressive factors
(acid and pepsin) and defensive factors (mucosal
The defense mechanism of the gastrointestinal mucosa
against aggressive factors, such
as hydrochloric acid, bile acid, free radicals, H. pylori colonization,
nonsteroidal antiinflammatory
drugs (NSAIDs), etc., mainly consists of functional,
humoral, and neuronal
factors.14 These coincide with the Ayurvedic concept of
PUDs, where it is believed to be
an imbalance between kapha and pitta. The
important factors responsible for ulcerogenesis
are described below.
22.3.1 Offensive Factors
Pitta represents
the aggressive factors such as acid and pepsin. Vata is the
main factor in
production of pain and represents the neuronal part of
acid secretion. The symptomatology
of parinamashula
and PUD have similar symptoms such as pain in
the epigastrium and
other sites, nausea, vomiting, and pain relieving with
intake of food (in DUs) or after
digestion (i.e., in an empty stomach or with vomiting [in
GUs], heartburn, abdominal
pain, etc.) Acid and Pepsin Secretion
The role of hydrochloric acid in the pathogenesis of
gastric ulcer is well established.15
Many commonly used antiulcer agents heal ulcers by blocking
acid secretion. H. pylori colonization
H. pylori, a
gram-negative bacterium, is found in more than 90% of DU cases and 75% of
GU cases.16 Clinical outcomes associated with H. pylori infection
include GU, DU, gastric
adrenocarcinoma, and gastric-mucosa–associated lymphoid
tissue lymphoma. The pathogenicity
of H.
pylori depends on bacterial and host
factors.16 Even though there have been
advances in eradication of H. pylori in
peptic ulcer patients by using multiple therapies,
there are several reports on the limitations of such
treatments, such as resistance to H. pylori11
and poor patient compliance due to multiple doses.12
Further treatment can be accompanied
by nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and
pseudomembraneous colitis.17 These adverse
effects contribute to patient noncompliance and reduce
the efficacy of therapy. Histamine
Histamine has been found in the gastric wall and is a
powerful stimulant for gastric
secretion. Histamine blockers such as ranitidine have
been reported to prevent even
psychological stress-induced gastric ulceration.18 Drugs (NSAIDs)
NSAIDs are widely prescribed for treating many
conditions. The risk of ulcer complications,
such as bleeding, perforation, and death, is increased
approximately fourfold in
NSAID users. NSAIDs disrupt the GI mucosal-protective and
acid-limiting properties of
prostaglandins (PGs) and also have a direct topical
irritant effect. NSAIDs induce gastric
damage through generation of reactive oxygen species.19
Adverse side effects may be
significantly reduced through the use of cyclooxgenase-2
(COX-2)–specific inhibitors.20 Free Radicals
Free radicals are defined as chemical species possessing
unpaired electrons. The role of
oxygen-derived free radicals has been demonstrated in
acute and chronic ulceration.21
Several natural drugs have been reported to have
antioxidant activity, which contributes
to their activity.22–24
22.3.2 Gastric Mucosal Defense Mechanisms
The role of kapha is that of mucosal defensive
mechanism and was clearly mentioned in the
pathogenesis of parinamashula in 7th
century A.D. According to modern medicine, the malfunctioning
of certain defensive (protective) mechanisms of the GI tract
mucosa are the
important determinants in the development of ulcers.
These mechanisms are presented here. Mucus-Bicarbonate Barrier
The entire surface of the gastric mucosa is covered by a
continuous layer of mucus gel,
which has a variable thickness of less than 500 mm.25 Mucus is made up of glycoprotein
and contains sulfhydryl groups (-SH), which protect the
mucosa from free-radical–induced
injury.26 Mucus provides a mixing barrier at the mucosal
surface and also prevents the
activation of pepsinogen to pepsin apart from providing a
microenvironment for repair
and restitution.27 Gastric Mucosal Renewal and Restitution
The rapid proliferation of gastric mucosa plays an
important role in mucosal protection
during normal state and after mucosal damage.28 Gastric Motility
Gastric motility changes have been reported to cause both
gastric and duodenal ulceration.
29 Incompetence of the pyloric sphincter and delayed
gastric emptying may lead to
stasis and delayed clearing of refluxed duodenal
contents; these actions can lead to increase
gastric release and a subsequently higher rate of acid
secretion. Mucosal and Submucosal Blood Flow
Constituents of mucosal blood flow are important in
mucosal defense. They play a vital
role in protecting the mucosa by delivering oxygen,
nutrients, and bicarbonate to the cells.
They also remove hydrogen ions that have penetrated the
mucus-bicarbonate and epithelial
barrier.30 Prostaglandins
PGs, namely, prostaglandin E and prostaglandin I (PGE and
PGI), have been shown to
protect against experimental necrotic damage. PGs
increase gastric mucosal blood flow,
mucus, and bicarbonate secretion and strengthen the mucus
bicarbonate barrier. Thus,
inhibition of the production predisposes the stomach to
injury. The beneficial effects of
COX-2 inhibitors are still controversial.31 Antioxidants
Antioxidants are stated to be any substance, even present
at low concentrations compared
with those of an oxidizable substrate, that significantly
delays or prevents oxidation of
that substrate. Uncontrolled oxidation in aerobic
organisms produces oxidative stress, cell
damage, and eventually cell death. An array of cellular
defense systems exists to counterbalance
reactive oxygen species (ROS).32 Antioxidants neutralize
free radicals, thus
protecting essential micro- and macromolecules in the
body from the oxidative damage.
22.3.3 Other Causative Factors
Other causative factors can be broadly divided into three
types: diet (ahara), lifestyle
(vihara), and seasonal (kala) factors. Dietetic Factors (Ahara)
Excessive use of sour, salty, pungent, spicy, astringent,
and dry foods; alcohol intake; oil;
mustard; pulses (e.g., peas, beans); and a nonvegetarian
diet may all lead to ulcer development.
Consuming food before digesting a previous meal, eating
incompatible food, and
being gluttonous may also cause peptic ulcers.
There are also recent reports from modern medicine on the
influence of food on the
genesis of GUs and DUs.34–36 Factors such as being a
male, having a family history of
ulcers, having an O-blood type, skipping breakfast or
more than one meal, drinking
excessive amount of coffee, and smoking cigarettes were
reported to be associated with
increased incidences of DUs.37 Lifestyle Factors (Vihara)
Lifestyle factors include the following:
1. Physical factors — Examples include excessive
exercise, hard work, excessive
sexual indulgence, excessive exposure to sun or fire,
waking up at night, and
suppressing natural urges.
2. Mental factors — Examples include anger, grief,
anxiety, and depression.
3. Psychological factors — Lifestyle factors can be
equated with psychological factors.
Although there has not been much information on patterns
of life on ulcers
in conventional medicine, there are reports on the
psychological changes, which
are an immediate fallout of these physical factors.
4. Stressful life events — According to modern medicine,
these events have been
associated with the onset or symptom exacerbation of some
of the most common
chronic disorders of the digestive system, including
functional GI disorders,
inflammatory bowel disease, gastroesophageal reflux disease,
and PUD.38 There
is considerable evidence that supports the role of
stressful life events in the
etiology of PUD. These mechanisms involve both the
cortical and subcortical
levels.39 Many investigators have suggested the role of
ROS in stress-induced
5. Cigarette smoking — This is a major lifestyle risk
factor for the development and
recurrence of peptic ulcers. The association between
ulcerative disease and smoking
cannot be explained on the basis of an effect on gastric
secretion of acid or
pepsin, blood flow, or pancreatic secretion.
6. Seasonal factors (kala) —
Seasonal factors, including rainy season, autumn, spring,
cold weather, evening time, midday, midnight, and
sunrise, may trigger ulcer
22.4 Pathogenesis
According to Ayurveda, in his description of the
gastroduodenal ulcers, Madhavakar
has not mentioned the specific etiological factors.
However, he did state that all the
exogenous and endogenous factors that cause the vitiation
of vata are responsible for
the initiation of pathogenesis of ulcers; kapha and pitta are also
involved.33 Hence the
provocating factors mentioned in reference to shularoga were
found to be relevant for
gastrodudenal ulcers. Because of the indulgence in
specific etiological factors, the dosas
may start accumulating at their own sites followed by
vitiation. The vitiation of any one
of these dosas may disturb other dosas. Even
when one of the three dosas is in a state of
vitiation, the biofire (i.e., agni) tends
to be deranged, hindering the process of digestion
and leading to the formation of defective juices from
inadequate digestion of food (ahara
The stomach (amashaya) is the site of specific kaphas (kledakakapha,
pachakapitta, and
samanavata). According to Ayurveda, kledakakapha protects
the stomach from the ill effects
of pachakapitta. The role of samana vata is to stimulate the pachakapitta.
So, the eroding
effect of pitta is counteracted by kledakakapha and
vata maintains the motility and movements
of the stomach. Because of indulgence in etiological
factors, the displaced kapha
from its site admixtures with the pitta and is
inactivated with the help of vata, which
produces the pain during the period of digestion. Parinamashula is
a tridoshik disease,
but pitta is the predomint dosa, as it plays important role
during the period of digestion
(i.e., parinamakala).
22.5 Clinical Examination
The cardinal feature of this disease, according to
Ayurveda, is pain in the abdomen during
the process of food digestion. Important sites of the
pain are the epigastrium (kukshi), flanks
parshwe), umbilical region (nabhau),
retrosternal region (stanantare), and back (prishtamoola
pradesha); the
pain sometimes occurs in all the above mentioned sites simultaneously
(sarveshu). There are seven clinical types mentioned, but
basically they are derived from the
permutations and combinations of three dosic states. Pain
may be aggravated through the
consumption of a specific variety rice (raktashali)
and may be relieved by taking a meal and
vomiting. As in modern medicine, the food habits and
other personal clinical history features
(e.g., previous drug intake) are taken into
consideration, and modern techniques such as
radiological and histological examinations are routinely
22.6 Clinical Course and Prognosis
The characters of pain are burning (daha), dull
aching (swalpa ruk), flatulence (borborygmi),
trembling (vepana), and acute continuous pain (dirgha santata ruk). Borborygmi
is due to vata
with systemic features of flatulence, constipation, and
restlessness. These symptoms can be
relieved by a hot and fatty diet. Burning sensation due
to pitta with systemic features of
thirst, restlessness, and excessive perspiration can be
aggravated (shula vriddhi) by sour and
salty food intake. Dull aching and continuous acute pain
due to kapha with systemic features
including nausea, drowsiness, and vomiting can be
vitiated by pungent and bitter food.
The dual (dwandaja) type and triple (tridoshaja)
type are clinical mixtures of abovementioned
three types of parinamashula. The tridoshaja variety
is associated with excessive
weakness and markedly diminished digestive capacity; it
is considered incurable.
22.7 Therapy
In Ayurveda, the whole armamentarium of treatment of any
disease has been broadly
divided into two types: biopurificatory (samshodhana)
and palliative (samshamana), along
with avoidance of causative factors (nidana parivarjana):
1. Samshodhan
therapy41,42 — This type of treatment is used
in strong and suitable
persons who can bear the impact of various procedures
like langhan, vaman,
virechan, anuvasan, and niruha
2. Samshamana
— Limited drugs have been mentioned41,42 for
this type of treatment
3. Nidana
parivarjana — Also known as the withdrawal
from the etiological factors,
nidana parivarjana is considered to be crucial in the treatment of this
(see Tables 22.1 and 22.2).
The main principle of treatment of parinamashula is
aimed at the following: (1) alleviation
of excited vata, (2) controlling or reducing
the hyperactivity of pitta, and (3) repairing and
maintaining the integrity of the rasavaha srotas situated
at the site of lesion by increasing
the kapha.
22.7.1 Diet and Regularized Lifestyle (Pathya ahara and Vihara)
Bajra, wheat, Indian gooseberry (amalaki), milk,
buttermilk, and all bitter and sweet foods
are compatible. Mental and physical rest are also helpful
to control the symptoms of the
disease. Anger, grief, waking up at night, and excessive
exposure to sun, cereals (e.g.,
blackgram, sesame), excessive sour and salty foods,
alcohol, and foods that are heavy for
digestion are all considered incompatible for a proper
lifestyle and diet.
22.7.2 Conventional Therapies
Conventional drugs are reviewed here to understand their
mechanism of action, which
can be correlated with Ayurvedic drugs discussed later.
This section also highlights their
TABLE 22.1
Single Herbal Drugs
Drug Form of Drug Dosage
Patola Ghee
prepared with fruits 25 ml twice daily with milk
Shatavari Root
Ghee prepared with roots
3-4 g three times with milk
25 ml twice daily with milk or hot water
Yashtimadhu Root
powder 4–5 g three times daily
Aswagandha Root
powder 4–5 g three times daily
Bhringaraja Powder
of whole plant 4–5 g four times daily
Amalaki Powder of
fruit pulp 1 g twice daily
Aparajita Root
paste 4–5 g twice daily
TABLE 22.2
Compound Ayurvedic Formulas Used in the
Treatment of Gastroduodenal Ulcers
Preparation Type Name of Preparation
Churna [powder] Avipattikara churna
Amalaki Rasayan
Avaleha Kushmandavaleha
Gutika [pill] Shankha vati
Mahashankha vati
Bhasma [ash] Shankha bhasma
Varata bhasma
Shambooka bhasma
Lauha [iron
preparations] Saptamrita lauha
Dhatri lauha
Mandur Shatavari mandur
Rasaushadhi Sutashekhara ras
Kamadudha ras
Pravala panchamrit
Khanda Narikelakhanda
balance of therapeutic efficiency to adverse effects,
drug interactions, and the need for
alternative strategies. Antacids
The effect of antacids on the stomach is due to partial
neutralization of gastric HCl and
inhibition of pepsin. Although adverse effects with
antacids are minimal, significant
adverse reactions can occur with long-term use.43 Histamine H2-Receptor Antagonists
Histamine H2-receptor antagonists (H2RAs) competitively
inhibit histamine action at all
H2 receptors. Their main clinical use is as inhibitors of
gastric-acid secretion. There are
reports suggesting non–acid-related effects contributing
to the activity of H2RAs defying
the previously held view as only antisecretory drugs.44
Reports suggest that the central
nervous system (CNS) may be partially responsible for
antiulcerogenic activities of
H2RAs.45 This correlates well with the Ayurvedic view of
influence of psychological factors
and the use of adaptogens (rasayanas) for
ulcer therapy. Human gastric carcinoid was
detected during the development of tolerance and rebound
acid secretion during the longterm
treatment with H2RAs.46 Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs)
Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) act by irreversible
interaction with the SH group of the H+-
K+adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase), forming a disulphide
bond. Reported side effects
include headache, diarrhea, skin rash, and reversible
abnormalities in biochemical liver
function tests. Long-term inhibition has been reported to
produce gastric carcinoma,47
achlorhydria, and hypergastrenemia.48 Omeprazole has been
reported to reduce the secretion,
synthesis, and gene expression of pepsinogen, which may
create problems in the
protein digestion and result in diarrhea.49 There are
reports of potential CNS side effects
after PPI treatment, which need further evaluation.50
PPIs have also been reported to have
some drug interactions. Recently, lansaprasole has been
reported to potentiate vecuronium-
induced paralysis in patients.51
22.8 Preventive Measures
Preventive measures essentially include dietary
intervention and lifestyle changes based
22.9 Scientific Basis of Ayurvedic Therapies
Because the etiological factors for gastroduodenal ulcers
in Ayurveda and conventional
medicine are similar (e.g., imbalance of offensive [vata] and
defensive factors [kapha]),
animal models used to evaluate modern medicine are often
used to evaluate Ayurvedic
on the factors as suggested in Ayurveda (see Sections
22.4 and Section 22.7).
The upcoming review of some selected drugs gives an
elaborate and clear view of how
modern evaluation models are suitably used for screening
natural drugs. The success of
Ayurvedic drugs in the commercial market depends on
stringent evaluation followed
closely in line with modern experimentation and clinical
evaluation. One of the major
hurdles is to clearly define the composition of Ayurvedic
drugs and the identification of
active ingredients. Without the knowledge of active
ingredients, the product cannot be
standardized or the amount of active ingredient cannot be
quantified and would fall short
of drug enforcement standards. Investigations not taken
to this level will be of academic
interest only and not of any practical value. This review
gives major trust for drugs that
have been actively quantified or have been standardized for
active ingredients.
22.9.1 Animal Studies Musa sapientum var. paradisiaca (Unripe Plantain
Plantain banana has been subjected to extensive
experimental and clinical studies. Dried
powder of banana pulp (DRBP) was effective against experimental
ulcers.52 The antiulcer
activity of DRBP was reported to be due to its
predominant effect on mucosal defensive
factors rather than on the offensive acid-pepsin
Ethanolic extract of banana was reported to increase the
accumulation of eicosonoids
like PGE, prostaglandin I2 (PGI2), and leukotrienes B4,
and C4/D4 (LTB4, C4/D4) in the human
gastric and colonic mucosal incubates.56 Many active
principles such as steryl-aclyglycosides,
and sitoindosides I-IV were isolated and characterized
from many vegetables and
bananas and were reported to have antiulcerogenic
activity both in animal and human
models.57–59 Methanolic extract of banana was reported to
have an antioxidant effect but
was devoid of anti-H. pylori activity
in vitro.24 Tambrabhasma
Herbomineral preparations have been widely mentioned in
Ayurveda.60 Tambrabhasma
(TMB), a traditional preparation of copper (containing
CuO ≥ 44.45% £ 66.13%, Fe2 O3
< 6.03%, and S < 2.75%) has been advocated for use
in amlapitta. Tambrabhasma
antiulcer activity against experimental GUs and DUs. The
activity of tambrabhasma was
ascribed due to a decrease in offensive acid-pepsin
secretion and an increase in defensive
factors; the effect was also free from toxicity.61,62 Mahakasya Drugs
A water decoction of ginger, which makes up one of the
constituents of mahakasyaya drugs,
along with a water decoction of Piper longum and
a colloidal solution of Ferula
foetida, has
been reported to protect against cold-restraint stress,
aspirin, and pyloric-ligation–induced
GUs in rats. Although increase in offensive acid-pepsin
secretion was observed in this
study, the increase in defensive mucin secretion was
sufficient enough to protect against
experimental ulcers.63 Bacopa monniera (Bramhi)
Bacopa monniera Wettst.
(syn. Herpestis monniera L.; scrophulariaceae) is classified as a medhya
rasayana, a class
of plant drugs used to promote mental health and improve memory and
intellect.64 It is a classic example where an adaptogenic
drug has antiulcer activity. It is
intriguing that Bacopa monniera has shown
both anxiolytic and antidepressant activity.65–67
Bacopa monniera contains
active chemicals, such as bacoside A, which have been reported to
be responsible for facilitation of memory68 and the
antiulcerogenic effect.69
Fresh juice of Bacopa monniera and its
standardized methanolic extract, containing 35%
of bacoside A,23 has been reported to have an
antiulcerogenic effect. Bacopa
monniera extract
(20 mg/kg) showed no effect on offensive factors, but it
increased the defensive factors.
Bacopa monniera showed
significant antioxidant effect per se in stressed animals. In vitro
studies with H. pylori showed significant inhibition
at the concentration of 1000 (mg/ml
of Bacopa
monniera extract.70 Even though
effective antimicrobial therapy is available to
eradicate H.
pylori infection, current therapies
require patients to ingest multiple agents
several times a day for at least 1 week, leading to
noncompliance of treatment schedules.
An antiulcer agent having anti-H. pylori activity
can have better compliance among
patients and can also decrease incidences of drug
interactions. Bacopa monniera extract also
increased in vitro
accumulation of PGs on human colonic mucosa
22.9.2 Clinical Studies DRBP
The clinical effectiveness of DRBP was confirmed by
radiological and endoscopic studies in
the several clinical trials. DRBP was found to decrease
or delay the relapse of peptic ulcer
for 6 to 12 months after a 3-month continuous treatment
at the dose level of 1 g four times/
day. It became commercially available as Musapep® after
phase IV clinical trials. A doubleblind
study71 done at multiple centers has shown that about 40
to 70% of endoscopically
proved DUs healed after 12 weeks of treatment with DRBP,
as compared with about 16%
with placebo. In another clinical study72 with Musapep in
nonulcer dyspepsia (NUD), there
was a reported 75% relief in symptoms after 8 weeks of
treatment compared with 20% in
the control. The authors advocated that the therapeutic
trials with this dose justified the use
of DRBP on clinical grounds to be safe and effective in
the treatment of NUD. Satavari mandur
Effect of Satavari
mandur was studied in 40 cases of parinamashula,
including 10 cases of
peptic ulcer, 15 cases of erosive mucosal disorder, and
15 cases of NUD. The improvement
was assessed by clinical and radiological or endoscopic
findings, together with the biochemical
study of gastric juice in eight patients. The drug was
given in a dose of 3 g/day
in two divided doses with ghee for 2 months in NUD cases
and 3 months in peptic ulcer
cases. A significant improvement was observed in all the
groups, but it was more prominent
in ulcer dyspepsia than NUD. Satavari mandur showed
significant improvement in
healing ulcers (marked healing of 50%, partial healing of
30% in ulcer group) as well as
significant improvement in symptoms. The biochemical
study of gastric juice in eight
patients showed a significant increase in mucosal
defensive factors such as decreased cell
shedding, increased individual carbohydrates, and
increased total carbohydrate to protein
ratio. These findings indicate the drug was promoting the
mucosal defensive mechanism
rather than affecting the acid and pepsin secretion.41 Eclipta alba (Bhringaraja)
Om Tat Sat
humble salutations to H H Maharshi ji, Brahmasri
Sreeman Lakshmi Chandra Mishra ji and other eminent medical scholars and
doctors for the collection)
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