Scientific Basis for
Ayurvedic Therapies
edited by
Brahmasree Lakshmi Chandra Mishra
The main symptoms and signs were relieved completely in 3
months, and the patients’
appetites increased. The liver regained normal
morphology, jaundice disappeared, blood
pressure became normal, and ascites were not detected.
Hepatomegaly and splenomegaly
were reduced. Although the cirrhotic changes in the liver
are irreversible, the hepatic functions
can be maintained with the rest of the healthy tissues by
this treatment.11
14.6 Liver Cancer
In Ayurveda, tumors are discussed under the names granthi and arbuda to
designate basic
common neoplasms, which can appear in any tissue or organ
of the body. Granthi, or
minor neoplasm, is a localized small swelling within the
subcutaneous fat tissue, muscle,
or blood veins; it is round, erect, and knotted. Arbuda, or
major neoplasm, is a spherical,
stable, massive, painless swelling occurring at one site;
it expands slowly with deeper
roots. Immobile recurrence of arbuda at the
site of previous swelling is called ashyarbuda.
When two arbudas appear simultaneously the condition is known as dvirarbuda,
indicates their malignant nature.12, 13
The different abnormal growths of pre- and postcancerous
states and malignant and
nonmalignant stages arising from various organs are
grouped and known as cystic
growths (gulma), benign growths (apaci),
lymphatic growths (gandamala), bone tumor
(asthila), cystic tumors (mutragranthi), vaginal tumors (yonikarnini),
and systemic tumors
and balmika). These growths represent
morbid anatomy as neoplasm.13 Both
allopathic and Ayurvedic systems generally refer to
neoplasms as the uncoordinated
abnormal cell growth found within particular organs or
body tissues.
The words vataja,
pittaja, or kaphaja tumors
(adenoma) or medhaja (lipoma) or a combination
of any two of them is used to signify a benign neoplasm
where one or two of the
three major bodily systems (tridosas) are out
of control. Benign tumors are not very harmful
because there is still coordination among the systems,
which to some extent controls the
damage. Malignant abnormal growth has been indicated as tridosaja neoplasm
tumors), because the three major bodily systems have lost
mutual coordination and cannot
prevent damage to tissues, resulting in a deadly morbid
TABLE 14.6 (continued)
Patent Ayurvedic Formulas for Hepatobiliary Disorders
Formulation, Manufacturer, and Ingredients
and Dose Ref.
Stimuliv (Fraco-Indian Pharmaceuticals Ltd.)
Kalamegha, Bhringaraja, Parpata, Bhumyamalaki
Viral hepatitis,
hepatomegaly, loss of
appetite, constipation (2
tablets/tsp two times/
Vasuliv (Vasu Pharmaceuticals Ltd.)
Bringaraj, Punarnava, Sharapunkha, Kasni, Bjumyamlaki,
Kalamegh, Katuki
Liver dysfunction,
hepatomegaly, jaundice,
viral hepatitis, alcoholic
liver diseases (2 tablets
three times/day)
According to conventional medical pathology, primary
malignant hepatic tumors may
arise from any constituent cells of the liver. Cancer
arising from two types of cells are very
common: liver cell cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma) and
carcinoma of the biliary epithelium
(cholangiocarcinoma). Other rare tumors that arise from
the liver tissue include
fibrolamellar carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma,
epithelial hemangioendothelioma,
angiosarcoma, Kaposi’s sarcoma, hepatoblastoma, and
hepatocellular adenoma. In addition
to these malignant primary liver cancers, metastatic
involvement of the liver is also
very common because of the extreme chance of spreading
cancer from several parts of
the body to the liver.
14.6.1 Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), also referred to as a
fatal malignancy, is regarded as one
of the most aggressive tumors with poor prognosis. It has
a worldwide incidence of 250,000
to 1,000,000 patients annually.14 HCC is prevalent in
Asia and Africa where annual incidence
of 500 cases occurs per 100,000 population.15 In China, HCC was
the third cancer
killer, and annual deaths from HCC have exceeded 110,000,
accounting for approximately
45% of the total HCC deaths in the world.16 According to
1996 annual statistics, in the U.S.
there have been more than an estimated 19,500 new cases
of HCC and 15,200 deaths due
to this cancer. This estimate is based on incidence rates
of the Service, Epidemiology, and
End Results (SEER) program from 1979 to 1992.17 Etiology of Liver Cancer
According to Ayurvedic texts, cancer is a disease
resulting from the derangement of
bodily systems due to dietary constituents (chemical
carcinogenesis). It differs according
to each person’s pathogens (exogenous) and constitutions
(genetic, bijadosa).13 Sushruta
called the sixth layer of the skin Rohini (the skin
layer with the nature of growth), which
represents the Western medical word epithelium,
the layer of cells forming the epidermis
of the skin and the surface layer of the mucous membranes
where most cancers originate.
Pathogenic injuries to the inner layer of the dermis can
be caused by the imbalances of
three bodily systems or lifestyle errors, such as
unhealthy foods, poor hygiene, or
behavioral habits and physical trauma resulting in
ulcerous conditions. Because of the
fast-growing nature of these tissues, the process of
healing often leaves tiny scars. These
slow-healing ulcers may develop into early neoplasms,
which are complicated and
difficult to cure.13
HCC is a multifactorial and multistage process whose
precise etiology is not known.
Both chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis are considered major
precipitating factors. HBV or
HCV infection results in tumor initiation.14 Other
factors include the ingestion of high
amounts of aflatoxins, occupational exposure to vinyl
chloride or similar toxic chemicals,
and alcoholism. Long-term use of oral contraceptives and
angiogenic therapy have also
been found to cause liver cancer development in fewer
cases. Pathogenesis of Liver Cancer
In Ayurveda, Sushruta has proposed six stages of pathogenesis,
which apply more to the
neoplasms (especially liver tumors) because of their
metastatic nature:
1. Localization of growth (sanchaya)
2. Transformation of growth into metastatic tumors (prakopa)
3. Metastasis (prasara)
4. Secondary growth (sthana samsraya)
5. Expression of symptoms (vyakti)
6. Histopathological differentiation (bheda)
On the basis of tridosas concept, pitta present
in each and every cell is responsible for
digestion and metabolic function. In liver cancer, the
decreased state of deranged metabolism
imbalance) results in the excessive growth of
the liver tissue and creates
metabolic crisis where anabolic phase exceeds the
catabolic phase (aggravation of vatha
forces and suppression of kapha forces)
resulting in proliferation. It is clearly stated that
liver enlargement (ekadesavriddhi)
is accompanied by weight loss (anyasthaniyakshaya) in
liver cancer.18 Diagnosis of Liver Cancer
In early stages, liver cancer usually has no noticeable
symptoms. Hepatomegaly (yakrutodara),
with moderate pain (ruk) or
tenderness (sparsahsnutwam) that is localized to the
Ayurvedic description for bilirubin metabolism. (From Mali, M.D. and
Kulkarni, P.H., Ayurved and Hepatic
Disorders, Sri
Satguru Publications, Delhi,
Ayurvedic description for bilirubin metabolism3
Erythrocytes Blood (Rakta)
Macrophages of the spleen
and bone marrow
Excess dosa in blood and pitta
Kidney Bile
Bilrubin conjugate Intestine Intestinal digestion
Urobilin Stercobilinogen Normal stool and urine
THE LIVER Bilirubin
Bilirubin – Albumin
(Unconjugated bilirubin)
Bilirubin diglucoronide
(Conjugated bilirubin)
Toxic pitta (Sampitta)
Metabolism and
Non-toxic pitta
(Niram pitta)
Non-toxic pitta (Nirampitta)
upper abdomen or the right upper quadrant, is often the
major complaint from the HCC
patients.19 Macroscopically, the tumor may be a solitary
mass with multiple necrotic
(kotham) nodules or may present diffusely, which infiltrates the
liver and usually is cirrhotic.
On microscopical examination, several abnormal
architectural patterns of malignancy
(e.g., trabecular, pseudoglandular, solid, etc.) exist,
and these tumors are mitotically
active. In certain cases, abdominal swelling (sopham) due to
liver enlargement with or
without ascites also occurs. Pyrexia, pain, or fractures
due to bone metastasis are some of
the rare presentations of preneoplastic syndromes.
Anorexia (aruchi), weight loss, hypercalcemia,
hypoglycemia, hyperlipidemia, hemotologic, and neurologic
syndromes are also
Although serum alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) is a highly
specific marker in HCC cases,
ultrasonographic screening is also recommended because
AFP levels are not always elevated
in the early stages of HCC (in 30% of cases). Presence of
alkaline phosphatase
isoenzymes, carcinoembryonic antigen, and human chorionic
gonadotropin are other associated
complications in HCC patients. Bleeding of esophageal
varices may present as a
terminal sequele. Treatment
HCC is an important cause of morbidity and mortality
worldwide. The course of clinically
apparent disease is rapid, and if untreated, most
patients die within 3 to 6 months of
diagnosis. Individual prognostic factors such as the
extent of the disease, the site of
metastasis, histological condition of the tumor, and the
biochemical abnormalities have
to be considered in selection of a therapy. Ayurvedic Treatment Modalities
In Ayurvedic classical texts, specific treatment
protocols for liver cancer were not mentioned.
Ayurvedic practitioners are taking the advantage of
available knowledge of treatment
on cancer from the old classical texts and are applying
those methods in liver cancer
management. Empowerment, participation in the healing
process, relief of cancer symptoms,
time and personal attention, and reduced cost of care are
essential elements in the
Ayurvedic management of liver cancer.
The fundamental principles of Ayurveda are finding the
cause of an illness and restoring
the balance between the three major bodily systems by
supplying deficient substances
and by reducing the excessive ones (tridosa siddhanta). Anticancer therapeutic approach
can be divided into four categories:
1. Restoration of balance (prakritisthapani chikitsa)
2. Curative therapy (roganashani chikitsa)
3. Restoration of normal function (rasayana chikitsa) and spiritual therapy (naishthiki
4. Surgery (considered only as a last resort)
Unlike Western medicine, which mostly epitomizes the one
symptom–one disease–one
drug paradigm, Ayurvedic medicines are holistic and go a
long way to substantiate the
defects and deficiencies of medical practices. General Line of Treatment
1. Purification process (sodhana chikitsa including panchakarma)
using internal and
external medications which can eliminate pathogens (dosas)
clinical manifestations that occur during HCC (see Figure
2. Curative therapy (samana chikitsa) pacifies pathogens (dosas)
3. Correction of metabolic defects (dhatwagni chikitsa)
4. Immunotherapy (rasayana prayoga)
5. Anticancerous drugs (vyadhipratyanika chikitsa)
6. Symptomatic treatment (lakshanika chikitsa)
7. Surgical treatment with herbal and mineral medicines (Sastra chikitsa)18
The herbal treasure chest of ancient Ayurveda offers a
host of new phytochemicals that
can be used both preventively and clinically to manage a
spectrum of liver-related imbaleffective
therapies for liver diseases, but also their underlying
scientific principles based
on an extensive literature search of Ayurvedic texts and
research reports on hepatoprotective
herbs with anticancerous property. Ayurvedic
practitioners are using Ayurvedic
Many Ayurvedic drug manufacturers are designing their own
appropriate drug formuladients;
these agents may operate synergistically, producing
tremendous therapeutic
benefits, lowering risks on adverse effects, and avoiding
unnecessary supplemental therapy.
The benefit of an herbal formula is that it can nourish
the body as a whole by
supporting various organ systems, yet its main focus will
be on nourishing the liver and
its functions. These formulations are reported to work on
multiple biochemical pathways
and are capable of influencing several organ systems
simultaneously. This kind of orientation
makes the Ayurvedic approach to liver cancer especially
attractive. Allopathic Treatment
Among allopathic treatment modalities, surgery is seldom
of value for hepatic metastases
nor is hormonal therapy. In radiotherapy using
intraarterial 131iodine-lipiodol20 or
90yttrium, microspheres,21 the clinical benefits are of
modest value because of side effects
like fibrosis, pneumonitis, neurological abnormalities,
colitis, enteritis, malabsorption, and
sterility. Although chemotherapy is an essential
component of an effective multidisciplinary
cancer treatment program, current systematic therapies
with 5-fluorouracil, floxuridine,
doxorubicin, mitomycin-C, and cisplatin are less
effective and responses are
partial (5 to 25% range) and short lived.22
Radiotherapy and chemotherapy also damage adjacent
healthy cells and increase the
possibility of developing a secondary cancer; many times,
the mortality increases by the
toxicity of the drug or radiation rather than the
disease. Other approaches, namely, hepatic
artery embolization with chemotherapy, alcohol ablation,
ultrasound guided cryoablation,
immunotherapy with monoclonal antibodies, and gene
therapy with retroviral vectors,
are also of only minimal benefit. Liver transplantation
may be considered as another
therapeutic option, but again the recurrence of tumor or
metastases after transplantation
has limited its usefulness. The major drawback with the
treatment of HCC is that it has
a significant propensity to develop metastases with major
sites spreading to other parts
of the liver, lymph nodes, lungs, bones, adrenal glands,
and the peritoneal cavity.23 Multifocal
HCC is a very difficult neoplasm to treat due to the lack
of efficacy of chemotherapeutic
regimes and the inaccessibility of this tumor to surgical
procedures. The World
Health Organization (WHO) also categorized hepatic
cancers under group 3 tumor, for
which there are no effective drugs.24
ances, including hepatocarcinoma. Tables 14.2 and 14.3 describes
not only efficient and
text preparations that utilize the recent research
outcomes on anticancer herbs (Table 14.5).
tions (Table 14.6). These herbal formulas contain
multiple chemical agents as active ingre-
Given the lack of useful therapies for this disease,
there is a great need to discover
drugs that are selectively cytotoxic only to hepatic
cancer cells without damaging the
body’s other normal cells. Because Ayurvedic herbal
therapies have the potential to
inhibit cancer cells without damaging normal cells, liver
cancer patients who already
are crippled with the disease and burdened by
chemotherapy-induced toxic side effects
are often turning to seek help from Ayurvedic physicians.
Patients hope for a better cure
without adverse side reactions from Ayurvedic therapies.
The high cost of conventional
medicine is also driving the search for alternatives in
other medical systems such as
14.7 Prevention of Hepatic Diseases
Prevention is a preferred strategy than cure, especially
for chronic hepatic diseases such
as liver cancer. Regular intake of hepatoprotective
herbal tonics would be beneficial in
this strategy. It may also be argued reasonably that
prevention of viral infection by HBV
vaccine may help prevent HCC. The antifibrotic agents
prolyl 4-hydroxylase inhibitor
(HOE 077), sho-saiko-to (TJ-9), and interferon can also
reduce the risk of development of
14.8 Scientific Basis
14.8.1 Phyllanthus
niruri/amarus (Bhumyamalaki) Clinical Trials
In a clinical study26 conducted on 55 patients with
chronic viral hepatitis, all the 30
patients under P. amarus treatment were cured within 3
months with remarkable recovery
of liver functions and inhibition of HBV replication.
Another study27 indicated that 59%
of the P.
amarus-treated patients became HBAg
negative. In Vivo and In Vitro Studies
The aqueous extract of P. amarus not
only increased the life span of the N-nitrosodiethylamine-
induced HCC-bearing rats from 33 to 52 weeks, but also
normalized gamma
glutamyl transpeptidase and serum HCC marker activity.28
The ethanolic extract exhibited
a hepatoprotective effect on alcohol toxicity in rats and
in carbon tetrachloride and galactosamine-
induced cytotoxicity in primary cultured rat
hepatocytes.29 P. amarus extract
inhibited HBAg secretion in Alexander, a human
hepatocellular carcinoma cell line,
because of its ability to down-regulate HBV messenger
ribonucleic acid (mRNA) transcription
and up-regulate HBV enhancer I activity.30 It also
inhibited HBV polymerase
activity and decreased episomal HBV DNA content.31
14.8.2 Picrorrhiza
kurroa (Katuki) Clinical Trials
The active principle of katuki is kutkin. The
standardized preparation used in studies is
Picroliv. In a placebo-controlled trial32 with acute
viral hepatitis patients, P.
kurroa (375 mg
three times/day for 14 days) normalized liver function
test (LFT) parameters with quicker
clinical recovery and 100% clinical and biochemical
clearance. In Vivo and In Vitro Studies
P. kurroa acts
as a direct viricidal agent and alters biotransformation of the toxins. In
studies33,34 it inhibited the uncoupling between respiration
and oxidative phosphorylation
and aflatoxin-induced lipid peroxidation in rats. In
addition, it caused the reversal of lowdensity
lipoprotein binding to paracetamol and lowered bilirubin
level by biliary flow
stimulation. It also showed a protective role against
ethanol and carbon tetrachlorideinduced
toxicity in rat hepatocytes.35 During Plasmodium berghei infection in Mastomys
caucha, it
showed hypolipidemic property by regulating lipolytic enzymes.36 As an
inhibitor of hepatocarcinogenesis, it normalized liver
function enzymes and reduced liver
enlargement and hepatic nodular formation in
N-nitrosodiethylamine-induced hepatocarcinoma
14.8.3 Podophyllum
hexandrum Linn. (Giriparpata, Vanatrapusi) Clinical Studies
P. hexandrum (active
constituent: Podophyllotoxin) is a hepatic stimulant, blood purifier,
and raktaarbudanasna
(anticancer drug). Etoposide (VP-16), a
semisynthetic derivative of
podophyllotoxin, has been used against HCC for several
years. P-glycoprotein, an energydependent
drug efflux pump that reduces intracellular concentration
of drugs in tumor
cells, seems to be less effective in reducing VP-16
concentration in hepatoma cell lines;
this drug is found to be more efficient in
hepatocarcinoma.38 In a phase II study on
anticancer effectiveness of VP-16 in combination with
epirubicin, 3% of 36 HCC patients
achieved complete response, 36% had partial response, and
31% exhibited stable disease;
the disease progressed in another 31% of patients.39 In Vivo and In Vitro Studies
P. hexandrum has
the property of karyoplastic and causes mitotic arrest, nuclear fragmentation,
and impaired spindle formation dispersing the
chromosomes. Necrosis and rapid
reduction of the cytochrome oxidase are suggested mechanisms
for its antitumor property.40
14.8.4 Tinospora
cordifolia (Guduchi) Clinical Trials
In a study41 with malignant obstructive jaundice
patients, T. cordifolia decreased morbidity
and mortality due to liver cell failure. In addition, a
92.4% survival rate after treatment
without blood poisoning was noticed when compared with
only a 40% survival rate on
conventional treatment. As an immunomodulator, it
strengthened host defense and normalized
phagocytic and killing capacities of neutrophils. In another
study42 with hepatitis
patients, the treatment showed symptomatic relief with
improvement in yellow discoloration
of urine and body and reduction of LFT parameters. Of a
total of 20 cases, 75% were
cured and 25% improved from their illness. In Vivo and In Vitro Studies
T. cordifolia prevented
fibrosis by hepatic tissue regeneration, membrane stabilization, and
activation of kupffer cells in carbon
tetrachloride-induced liver damage in rats.43 In experimental
animal tumors, it increased IgG antibodies and enhanced
humoral- and cellmediated
immunity.44 It not only stimulated the proliferation of
stem cells and increased
white blood and bone marrow cells, but also reduced tumor
volume by 58.8%, which was
comparable with cyclophosphamide.45
14.9 Summary and Conclusion
The complete cure of liver diseases such as HCC is one of
the biggest challenges in the
medical world. Scientific researchers in medical sciences
are conducting multidirectional
research on various aspects of hepatic disorders in order
to determine useful remedies for
these dreadful diseases. New findings discussed are a
result of the development of
Ayurvedic science through the ages and their
accomplishments in modern cancer therapeutics.
The details of experimental and clinical studies
conducted on single and compound
Ayurvedic preparations for their efficacy against liver
cancer and other hepatic
ailments are also important; they strongly emphasize
Ayurvedic therapy as a scientifically
feasible medical practice and an unconventional entity.
Research in this field should be
sustained and strengthened in order to better understand
its scientific merit and determine
its utility for a heterogenous population. Hepatic
diseases are no longer inevitable and
can be prevented and effectively treated. Ayurvedic
medicine now has an opportunity to
contribute to the end of liver cancer’s long scourge of
The authors are highly thankful to the authorities and
staff of the literary research and
documentation department, Central Research Institute
(Siddha), Chennai, India for permitting
the use of their library facilities.
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Antimutagenic Effect of Ayurvedic Therapies
Satwinderjeet Kaur
15.1 Introduction
The purpose of this article is to explore the
antimutagenic effect of Ayurvedic therapies,
as this effect may be an underlying mechanism
of their therapeutic uses. Also, these
products may act to supplement antimutagens
in our diets which have now become
essential in order to combat the unavoidable
environmental mutagens to which we are
constantly exposed.
15.2 Background
A technologically advanced society creates an
environment that warrants exposure to
different types of genotoxic substances. The
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) from living
organisms is continuously exposed to
exogenous or endogenous damaging agents as a
result of which there is a substantial level
of DNA damage. It has been hypothesized that
DNA damage contributes to organismal
senescence and the increased risk for specific agerelated
DNA lesions can interfere with most DNA
metabolisms, including
replication, transcription, and recombination
as well as other important cell functions (e.g.,
cell-cycle regulation or cell division).
Cancer initiation is classically associated with the
induction of mutations on specific oncogenes
or tumor suppressor genes due to the
presence of unrepaired DNA lesions produced
by endogenous or exogenous genotoxic
agents. The somatic mutation theory proposes
that changes in DNA are responsible for
changes that bring about senescence and
Exposure to mutagens and carcinogens either
endogenously or exogenously is unavoidable.
Cigarette smoking, diet, infection, and
chronic inflammation account for a large
proportion of cancers. Epidemiological
studies have indicated that cigarette smoking
significantly elevates the risk of tumor
development in the upper-aerodigestive tract and
in other organs.
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons,
N-nitrosamines, and many mutagens
and carcinogens and their precursors have
been detected from cigarette smoke condensate.
The total calorie intake and fat intake
appear strongly associated with enhancement
of human cancer development.
Lipid peroxidation yields exocyclic propano-,
and malondialdehyde adducts in DNA to induce
The mutagens and carcinogens
may be present as microcomponents in various
The compounds
include naturally occurring pyrrolizidine
alkaloids, ptaquiloside, and cyasin. Mycotoxins
like aflatoxin B
, sterigmatocystin, and fumonisin exist as
contaminants in food. Hepatocarcinomas
developed in people who are living in areas
where alfatoxin B
is highly
contaminated in diet show a characteristic
mutation in the p53 gene, namely, change of
G to T at the third position of codon 249.
It is practically difficult to completely
eliminate mycotoxin contamination of food materials.
Heterocyclic amines (HCAs) are produced under
normal cooking conditions, especially
in the overcooked fish and meat. HCAs are
metabolized by the cytochrome P450
family, especially by CYP1A2 to
-hydroxyamino derivatives, and are then
esterified to
the ultimate forms that produce DNA base
Infection and chronic inflammation
may produce oxidative agents in addition to
cytokines and chemokines that enhance cell
proliferation, increasing the chance of
replication error and genetic change.
15.3 Mechanism of Mutagenic Activity
The generation of reactive oxygen species
(ROS) in biological systems, either by normal
metabolic pathways or as a consequence of
exposure to chemical carcinogens, has been
extensively studied.
Free radicals generate oxidative damage to
main cellular components
such as DNA, lipids, carbohydrates, and
proteins; they have been implicated in the
aging phenomena, ischemia,
autoimmune diseases,
and neural cell death.
is now universally agreed that the ROS
generation contributes to the multistage process
of carcinogenesis.
Evidence has accumulated that lack of
protection against free-radicals
and lack of repair of oxidative damage in
biological macromolecules have a significant
role in mutagenesis and carcinogenesis.
Kawanishi and co-workers
reported that
sequence-specific oxidative damage to DNA may
play an important role not only in
carcinogenesis but also in aging.
15.4 Prevention
There are two complementary strategies for
preventing chronic degenerative diseases. The
first one is avoidance of exposure to
recognized risk factors which evolves through risk
assessment and risk management. The risk
management is based either on risk communication
and health education for controlling
lifestyle risk factors or on suitable regulations
for controlling environmental risk factors.
The other strategy is to favor the intake of
protective factors and to modulate the host
defense mechanisms. This approach is more
practical and is referred to as
chemoprevention. It is based on dietary and pharmacological
interventions, has already found extensive
application in the field of cardiovascular disease,
and is encountering a growing interest in
cancer prevention.
Food is a complex mixture that may contain
mutagenic or carcinogenic compounds such
as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and
heterocyclic amines present in meat.
On the
other hand, food may contain protective
antimutagenic or anticarcinogenic substances
that are mostly present in plants. It is
important to maintain a varied nutritionally balanced
diet in which food antimutagens outweigh the
mutagens. Inhibition of mutagenesis or
carcinogenesis is generally not based on one
mechanism. Protection against cancer can
occur at different stages of the complicated
processes of carcinogenesis. Compounds and
complex mixtures with antimutagenic activity
have different modes of action and act in
parallel at different levels. As inhibitors,
they may prevent the formation of mutagens,
such as the endogenous formation of
nitrosamines. As blocking agents, they can prevent
the biotransformation of promutagens into
reactive metabolites by inhibiting metabolic
activation, stimulating detoxification
enzymes, or scavenging reactive molecules. As suppressing
agents, they may modulate intracellular
processes, which are involved in DNA
repair mechanisms, tumor promotion, and tumor
Discovery and exploration
of compounds possessing antimutagenic and
anticarcinogenic properties are of great
Om Tat Sat
humble salutations to H H Maharshi ji, Brahmasri
Sreeman Lakshmi Chandra Mishra ji and other eminent medical scholars and
doctors for the collection)
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