Scientific Basis for
Ayurvedic Therapies
edited by
Brahmasree Lakshmi Chandra Mishra
Immunomodulation: Therapeutic Strategy
Ashish A. Mungantiwar and Aashish S. Phadke
5.1 Introduction
Why is it that there is always some lucky
soul who does not get sick when the flu is going
around the office? Or why is it when the
chicken pox is sending all the kids home from
school, there are a few who remain untouched?
Why do only some in a family develop
allergies or bacterial infection? Some
attribute this phenomenon to simple luck, whereas
others attribute it to strong genes. The
answer is a bit more complex.
A large number of diverse disease states
threatening mankind, such as chronic and
recurrent viral and fungal infections, human
immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection,
allergies, and cancer, are believed to have
resulted from altered functioning of the immune
system. The immune system helps an individual
toward establishing an infection-free
state. Disturbances in the internal state of
order of the host immune system results either
in the terms of hyperactivity, hypoactivity,
or the inability to distinguish self from nonself
that would lead to disease. Such
multidimensional response would require proper control
through immunomodulation.
It is true that our genes affect our immune
system; we call that
influence of natural
. We cannot change our genetic makeup, but we
can definitely strengthen our
immune system to fight against diseases.
The immune system can be stimulated and
suppressed by various physical, chemical,
and biological agents. These include
steroids, cytotoxic drugs, and various natural products
of microbial, animal, and plant origin.
Although an antigen-specific immunomodulator
is desirable, reliable agents for sustained
therapeutic effects are being investigated.
The suppression of the immune system
associated with tuberculosis (TB), cancer,
or HIV infection is characterized by a reduction
in the number and phagocytic
function of neutrophils and macrophages
as well as a reduction in the intracellular
bactericidal capacity of these cells. This
profound suppression of the individual elements
of the system allows opportunistic pathogens
to overwhelm the host so that secondary
infection becomes the most common cause of
the mortality in such individuals.
An attempt to overcome this problem has been
made by introducing the concept of prohost
This approach aims at administering drugs to
bolster immune defense
against infections.
Several naturally occurring and synthetic
substances like bacillus calmette
and guerin (BCG),
muramyl dipeptide,
interleukin–1 (IL-1),
and colony-stimulating
have been used to enhance resistance against
infections. However, these
substances share several limitations. One of
their major drawbacks is the necessity to
administer them parenterally, which often
leads to local reactions such as granuloma
formation. Another factor is the cost of
therapy, which can be prohibitive. Against this
background, the potential of Ayurvedic
therapy appears to be encouraging.
Ayurveda emphasizes the promotion of health
with a concept of strengthening host
defense against diseases. The concept of
immunostimulation through Ayurveda has been
used successfully in the treatment of
immunocompromised conditions like acquired
immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), TB,
cancer, and hepatic disease.
5.2 Etiology
The cellular components of the immune system,
which are essential in controlling
infections, include macrophage, T-cell and
B-cell subset, natural killer cell, lymphokine
activated killer cell, and cytotoxic
lymphocyte. Generation of an effective immune
response involves two major groups of cells:
lymphocytes and antigen-presenting cells.
Lymphocytes are one of many types of white
blood cells produced in bone marrow that
circulate in the blood and lymph system and
reside in various lymph organs. The major
population of lymphocytes is B-lymphocytes
(B-cell) and T-lymphocytes (T-cell). There
are two well-defined subpopulations of
T-cells: T helper cells (T
) and T cytotoxic cells
). T
- and T
-cells can be distinguished from one another
by the presence of either
membrane glycoprotein CD4 or CD8 on their surfaces.
T-cells displaying CD4 generally
function as T
-cells, whereas those displaying CD8
generally function as T
-cells. The
-cell recognizes and interacts with the
specific antigen (microbe). Interaction takes
place with the help of major histocompatability
complex (MHC) II molecule. Once the
interaction takes place, T
-cell activates and secretes various growth
factors known as
cytokines. The secreted cytokines play an
important role in activating various cells of
the immune system, like the B-cell, T
-cell, and macrophage.
Recently, it has become clear that two
distinct subsets of CD4 helper T-cells (T
-cells) secrete different pattern of
cytokines as shown in the Table 5.1. T-cells respond
to antigenic stimulation with a transient
burst of cytokine production.
The key differences
are expressions of interferon-gamma (IFNg
), tissue necrosis factor-alpha (TNFa
), interleukin-
2 (IL-2), and granulocyte macrophage
colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) by T
clones and interleukin-4 (IL-4) and
interleukin-5 (IL-5) by T
clones. T
-cells stimulate
the production of three of the hallmark
features of the allergic disease: mast cells, eosinophils,
and immunoglobin E (IgE) antibodies. The
cytokines responsible for these activities
are IL-4 for IgE production
and IL-5 for eosionphilia.
Cytokines released by T
to a substantial increase in the ability of
macrophages to kill a wide variety of intracellular
pathogens and to enhance the development of
long-term immunity to those organisms.
The understanding of T-cell-mediated
immunoregulation suggests a number of potential
therapeutic applications in TB, hepatic
disorders, HIV infections, etc.
5.2.1 Apoptosis
Apoptosis is a mode of cell death in which
single cells are deleted in the living tissue.
The term is derived from ancient Greece,
meaning the falling of leaves from trees or petals
from flowers. It is characterized by
structural changes that appear with great fidelity in
cells of widely different lineage.
Cytokines Released by CD4 T-cells
Cytokines Functions T
-Cells T
IL-2 T-cell proliferation + _
IL-3 T- and B-cell proliferation ++ ++
IL-4 Activation of T-cell, B-cell, and
_ ++
IL-5 Eosinophil production _ ++
IL-10 Inhibition of T-cell _ ++
Activation of macrophage ++ _
Stimulation of inflammation ++ _
GM-CSF Stimulation of macrophage ++ +
5.2.2 Signal Pathway to Trigger Apoptosis and
Its Intervention through Ayurveda
Several pieces of evidence implicate a rise
in cellular-free calcium as a critical event for
apoptosis. A moderate but sustained increase
in intracellular calcium has been demonstrated
to produce cell death. However, because
calcium is implicated in signaling for a
multitude of cellular activities, including
proliferation and differentiation, it seems
unlikely that a simple influx of calcium from
outside the cell activates a specific pathway
for apoptotic death. Apart from increased
calcium levels, there are signals that contribute
toward apoptosis. These are protein kinase A
and protein kinase C. Protein kinase C has
a negative effect on apoptosis. Therefore,
factors that stimulate protein kinase C will inhibit
apoptosis. For example, activated macrophage,
IL-1, and GM-CSF both activate protein
kinase C and inhibit apoptosis.
Inhibition of apoptosis is useful in the
treatment in AIDS, making Ayurveda a potential
treatment as well. Many ayurvedic medicinal
plants have been found to modulate the
process of apoptosis. For example, the plants
Boerhaavia diffusa
Tinospora cordifolia
have been shown to stimulate macrophage and
GM-CSF and inhibit apoptosis.
Other diseases in which apoptosis is
implicated are cancer, autoimmune disease, and
neurodegenerative disease. The rate at which
cancer grows depends on the comparative
rates of cell division and cell death.
Apoptosis is an efficient way of preventing malignant
transformation because it removes genetically
malformed cells. Abnormal apoptosis can
promote the development of cancer by either
allowing the accumulation of normal cells
or preventing their removal. AIDS is another
condition where the balance between the
rate of CD4 death and cell replacement
becomes abnormal. It is believed that apoptosis
plays an important role in lymphocyte depletion
in AIDS.
Neurodegenerative diseases are also becoming
the focus of much research as the census
of the aging population increases. For
example, it is hypothesized that apoptosis may play
a role in Alzheimer’s disease or motor
neurone disease. In addition, anticancer effects
produced by several anticancer drugs have
been shown to induce apoptosis, thus aiding
in removal of cancerous cells. The modulation
of apoptosis may assist the manipulation
of the aging process. Indian medicinal plants
offer prospects for the modulation of the
balance between proliferation and apoptosis.
The potential of several medicinal plants
described in Ayurveda needs to be tapped.
5.3 Immunomodulation and Concept
in Ayurveda
Out of the eight branches of Ayurveda, the
vajeekarana tantra
branch is the
one that is concerned with the
immunomodulation. According to Ayurveda, the common
cause of all diseases may be due to contact
with environmental factors and aging. The
latter is inevitable and the other cause can
be avoided only by scrupulously puritan
patterns of living. Ayurveda claims to be
able to slow down the process of aging successfully.
is a treatment in which the body constituents
are prepared to adapt to a
selective tissue endowment program. This
concept in modern scientific understanding
would mean the enhancement of immune
responsiveness of an organism against pathogens
by nonspecifically activating the immune
system with immunomodulatory agents
of plant origin. It is now recognized that
immunomodulation could provide an alternative
or complement to conventional chemotherapy
for a variety of diseased conditions; this is
especially the case when host defense
mechanisms have to be activated under the conditions
of impaired immune responsiveness.
© 2004 by CRC Press LLC
Immunomodulation: Therapeutic Strategy
through Ayurveda
drugs are believed to slow down the aging
process (
) and provide a defense
against diseases (
improve the host resistance of an individual,
to prevent aging and diseases. Specific diets
and lifestyle changes are also advised in
is made up of
primarily means essential seven vital
rasa (lymphatics),
(adipose tissues),
(bone marrow and nervous tissue), and
(reproductive element).
means the
path or channel for the same. So,
are those that bring about proper uptake,
growth, and improvement of essential seven
vital tissues.
provide long life,
good intellect, the ability to remain young,
and general well-being.
5.3.1 Mode of Action of
drugs act on the immune system. On ingesting
the appropriate formulation of
in the appropriate season by a qualified
Ayuravedic physician, the beneficial
effects of
are seen. What, then, are these
drugs that have so many vital
life-enhancing properties? The ancient
writers of Ayurveda have endowed the drugs with
multiple properties of delaying aging,
improving mental functions, and giving freedom
from several diseases including those caused
by infections. How can these
, which
otherwise seem to be simple herbs having a
different number of phytochemicals, influence
such a wide variety of body functions? To the
scientific mind, it appears impossible to
credit one plant with such an apparently
disparate variety of effects — almost as though
it were a magic potion! It seemed possible
only if the drugs were modulating an endogenous
system of the body, setting into motion a
whole cascade of events that will act on
the different organs and produce its myriad
The immune system has connections with a
number of other organs and can directly
or indirectly influence the actions of many
other organs, including the brain. By acting
primarily on the immune system like
macrophages, the simple chemical of the herbs
through the activating cytokine network could
produce all the actions that have been
attributed to them. This hypothesis was
proved scientifically by Dhanukar et al.
In one
set of experiments,
were given to rats whose macrophages had been
with a fat lipofundin. In this setup, the rasayanas were unable to stimulate macrophages
further and were thus unable to prevent
stress-induced organ damage. Rasayana shows
myriad actions on other organs by acting on
the immune system. The classification of
5.4 Scientific Basis of Ayurvedic
Immunomodulation Therapies
Commercially available rasayana herbal formulas and supporting clinical and biological
5.4.1 Terminalia Chebula (Haritaki)
Terminalia chebula is an antibacterial, antioxidizing,
anti-inflammatory, and immunomodulatory
agent. The topical administration of an
alcoholic extract of the leaves of T. chebula
was found to heal much faster as indicated by
decreased period of epitheliazation. The
tensile strength of the tissue, which was
treated with T.
chebula, was increased by 40%.26
rasayanas is presented in Table 5.2.
studies are listed in Table 5.3. Studies on
single rasayana herbs are presented here.
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68 Scientific Basis for Ayurvedic Therapies
Biochemical studies revealed a significant
increase in total protein, DNA, and collagen
contents in the granulation tissue of the treated
wound. Reduced lipid peroxide levels
in the treated wounds suggest that T. chebula possesses antioxidant activity. The extracts
of T. chebula were found to significantly suppress yields of cytomegalo virus (CMV) in
lungs of mice. Thus, T. chebula may be beneficial for the prophylaxis of CMV disease in
immunocompromised patients.27 The extract of T. chebula was also found to inhibit
human immunodeficiency virus-1 reverse
transcriptase with (IC50) £ 50 mg/ml.28
5.4.2 Emblica officinalis (Amlaki)
Emblica officinalis is a rich source of vitamin C. The fruits of E. officinalis have been used
by Ayurveda as potent rasayana and also for the treatment of diverse etiology disease.
Perhaps there is no other drug in any other
system of natural medicine with such a vast
range of attributed effects. In an
experimental study, it was reported that E. officinalis could
bring about a significant weight gain in the
subjects together with an increase in serum
total protein content.29 It is used as an
antioxidizing, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory
agent.30 The antioxidant activity of E. officinalis resides in tannoids. Tannoids have been
found to increase superoxide, catalase, and
glutathione peroxidase.31
Classification of Rasayanas
No. Classification Remarks
1 Kutipraveshika Patient has to stay in a very specialized manner in the kuti (hut or
home) specifically made as per the needs of rasayana
2 Vatatapika rasayana Can be given on an out-patient department basis; person
consume it while doing his or her normal
duties and staying at
his or her own home
3 Kamya rasayana Rasayana that are specifically used for benefit of
specific system
(e.g., for bone marrow Withania somnifera and Asparagus
4 Naimittika rasayana Rasayana given only for partial period for certain
number of days
5 Agasrik rasayana Rasayana commonly used to keep the process of
formation of vital
tissue (e.g., milk)
6 Sharira rasayana Rasayana working on physical levels (e.g., Emblica officinalis)
7 Medhya rasayana Rasayana working on mind for the improvement of
intellect (e.g.,
Bacoppa manorial, Centella asiatica)
8 Vardhanana rasayana Dosage of drug has to be increased slowly and kept at
highest level
and then once again tapered down (e.g., Piper longum, Semecarpus
9 Achara rasayana Based on a code of conduct, which keeps oneself to attain good
mental and spiritual health; if one follows Achara rasayana, one
can be keep away from anxiety, stress, and
thereby from all
diseases that are generated due to stress
10 Ahar rasayana Food is considered as rasayana (e.g.,
11 Dravya rasayana Drug therapy is considered under this; drug therapy includes
single herbal, polyherbal, and herbo-mineral
modern scientific medicine also states that
good diet, nutrition,
proper lifestyle management, supportive
family, good counseling,
and stress control help reverse the damage
already done to the
immune system
Clinical Evidence of Some Compound Formulas
Compound Formula Clinical and Biological
Studies Ref.
Septilin tableta
Each tablet contains Balsamodendron mukul,
Exts. Maharsnadi, Phyllanthu emblica,
Tinospora cordifolia, Rubia cordifolia,
Moringa pterygosperma, Glycyrrhizasperma
Σ Septilin possesses immunomodulatory and
plant principles, which strengthen
the nonspecific immune responses of the body;
Septilin stimulates the phagocytosis by
macrophage activation, increases the
polymorphonuclear cells, and helps overcome
infections; Septilin builds up resistance to
and helps prevent reinfection
Σ Septilin significantly enhanced gain in
strength in incision wounds and wound
and epithelialization in excision wounds
Σ One tablet was given to younger patients
twice a
day, and one tablet was given to elder
patients three
times a day; doses have been found to be
useful for
upper respiratory tract infections; 50% of
patients showed excellent results; 30%
good results with no recurrent attacks upon
month follow-upc
Σ Septilin enhances both primary and secondary
immune response in mice immunized with sheep
red blood cells and counteracts IgG and IgM
suppression induced by prednisolone when
administered orally with immunosuppressive
(prednisolone); the mechanism of immune
protection by Septilin treatment could probably
due to increased number of activated
by Septilin treatmentd
Mentat Tableta
Each tablet contains Hydrocotyl asiatica,
Withania somnifera, Acorus calamus,
Aspargus racemosus, Emblica officinalis,
Evolvulus alsinoides, triphala
Σ Mentat tablets have been used as a general
and vitalizer and as a memory enhancer
Σ Clinical studies have shown that it improves
memory quotient in normal subjects of
different age
groups, increases memory span and attenuates
fluctuations of attention in normal subjects,
improves learning ability in childrene
Liv 52a
Each tablet contains Capparis spinosa,
Cinchorium intybus, Solanum nigrum,
Cassia occidentalis, Tamarix gallica,
Terminalia arjuna, Achillca millefolium,
Mandhura bhasma
Σ In a clinical trial of Liv 52 vs. placebo in
malnourished children, a dose of one tablet
a day for 6 months showed significant
improvement in body weight, height, total
albumin, and globulin levels; appetite also
improved remarkablyf
Σ Liv 52 significantly improves chronic
hepatitis and
cirrhosisg as observed from clinical trials
on 300
patients with hepatitis.
TABLE 5.3 (continued)
Clinical Evidence of Some Compound Formulas
Compound Formula Clinical and Biological
Studies Ref.
Geriforte Tabletsa
Each tablet contains Chyavanprash
concentrate, Exts. Capparis spinosa,
Solanum nigrum, Cassia occidentalis,
Terminalia arjuna, Achillea millefolium,
Tamarix gallica, Mandhur bhasma, saffron,
amber, makardhwaj, Asparagus
adscendens, Caesalpinia digyna,
racemosus, Withania somnifera,
glabra, Centella asiatica, shilajeet, Terminalia
chebula, Mucuna pruruiens, Myristica
fragrans, Piper longum, Maceeugenia
caryophyllata, Elettaria cardomomum,
Carum coptieum, Curcuma longa, Exts.
Berberis aristata, Adhatoda vasica, Eclipta
alba, Celastrus paniculaus, Argyreia apecosia,
Abhrak bhasma, loh bhasma, jasa bhasma
Σ Geriforte, an indigenous herbo-mineral
preparation, claimed to be a useful
general tonic and restorative
Σ Geriforte prevented stress-induced changes in
adrenal, restraint ulcers, liver toxicity,
and milkinduced
leucocytosis; these properties indicate the
presence of antistress (adpatogenic
properties) of
Σ A placebo-controlled clinical trial with
was conducted in 280 postsurgical patients;
it was
observed that Geriforte therapy promotes
regeneration and helps in wound healing by
increasing the availability of essential
amino acids
and elements for primary healing of the
wounds; a substantial improvement in
was observed in 78.57% of patients, and 75%
patients gained weighti
day for 15 days up to 6 months showed a
improvement in physical and mental activity
improvement in appetite; weight gain was
observed in 80 to 85% of the patientsj
Each supplement contains vitamin C
derived from Emblica officinalis (amla)
several other herbal products
Σ Ten normal healthy volunteers were given
chyawanprash for 16 weeks; they received 15 g/day;
it was observed that chyawanprash reduces
postprandial glycemia in the oral glucose
test and reduces blood cholesterol level to a
significantly greater extentl
Σ In a controlled clinical study using chyawanprash
awaleha as an adjuvant in the treatment of
pulmonary TB, it was observed that the
could augment the recovery process as well as
improved nutritional status of the subjectsm
aHimalaya Drug House.
bZandu Pharmaceuticals, Dabur
Pharmaceuticals, Baidynath Pharmaceuticals.
Σ In an open trial in 50 patients, two tablets
twice a
5.4.3 Piper longum (Pippali)
Piper longum is indicated in treatment of chronic
dysentery and worm infestations. Pippali
rasayana, an Ayurvedic herbal medicine prepared from P. longum and Butea monosperma,
is prescribed for the treatment of chronic
dysentery and worm infestations. P. longum
significantly increases macrophage migration
inhibition and phagocytic activity.32
Enhancement of host resistance is the
possible mechanism of recovery from giardial
5.4.4 Glycyrrihza glabra (Yashtimadhu [Parts Used:
Glycyrrihza glabra is an immunomodulator and antioxidant.
Glycyrrhizin, a triterpenoid
glycoside obtained from G. glabra, is found to inhibit ribonucleic acid (RNA) viruses such
as measles; polio vaccine viruses type 1, 2,
and 3; and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) viruses
such as herpes type 1 and 2.33 Polysaccharide
fractions obtained from the root of G. glabra
induce nitric oxide production from
5.4.5 Allium sativum (Lahsuna)
Allium sativum (garlic) is an antimicrobial, antitumor,
hypolipemic, antiarthritic, and
hypoglycemic agent. These characteristics
have been linked to their influences on immune
functions in various ways.35 The herb has
been found to enhance human immune functions
by stimulating peripheral blood mononuclear
cells. Diallyl sulfide in A. sativum is known
to exert anticarcinogenic activity.36 Allicin
from garlic has been found to induce programmed
cell death and the arrest of proliferation in
cancer cells.
5.4.6 Semecarpus anacardium (Bhallatak [Parts Used:
Extract of nut preparation of Semecarpus anacardium is effective against a variety of diseases
like arthritis, tumors, and infections. An
extract of S.
anacardium at a dose
of 150 mg/kg
significantly reduced the lysosomal enzyme
activity in arthritic animals37 and displayed
significant inhibition of tumor cells with IC50
of 1.6 mg/ml.38
5.4.7 Commiphora mukul (Guggul)
Commiphora mukul is used as an anti-inflammatory,
antihyperlipidemic, and immunomodulatory
agent. A placebo double-blind randomized
controlled trial of C. mukul, at 50 mg
twice daily, was conducted on patients with
hypercholesterolemia.39 C. mukul decreased
total cholesterol by 11.7%, low-density
lipoprotein (LDL) by 12.5%, triglyceride by 12%,
and the ratio of total cholesterol/high
density lipoprotein (HDL) by 11.1%.
5.4.8 Tinospora cordifolia (Guduchi [Parts Used:
Tinospora cordifolia (TC) is used for the treatment of jaundice,
skin disease, diabetes, anemia,
emaciation, and infections. Plant extracts
are known to stimulate macrophages and
enhance their phagocytic activity and
intracellular killing activity. Immunosuppression
associated with deranged hepatic function and
sepsis results in poor surgical outcome in
© 2004 by CRC Press LLC
72 Scientific Basis for Ayurvedic Therapies
obstructive jaundice. T. cordifolia was reported to improve surgical outcome by
host defenses.31 Active principles of T. cordifolia were found to possess anticomplementary
and immunomodulatory activities. Syringin
(TC-4) and cordiol (TC-7) inhibited
classical complement pathway. The compound
also gave rise to significant increase in
immunoglobin G (IgG) antibodies in serum.
Both humoral and cell-mediated immunity
enhancement were dose-dependent enhanced. T. cordifolia has been found to activate the
mononuclear cells to release cytokines like
GM-CSF and IL-1. Whole aqueous extract of
T. cordifolia has been evaluated as an adjuvant in clinical
conditions like obstructive
jaundice, TB, and cancer chemotherapy and has
been found to increase the efficiency of
conventional therapies. T. cordifolia is also shown to specifically stimulate
and enhance their phagocytic activity. In a
recent double-blind randomized controlled
trial,40 it also was shown to increase the
production of nitric oxide in TB patients, causing
increased macrophage stimulations. TB patients
who took T.
cordifolia extract
along with
conventional anti-TB treatment showed
increased radiological recovery and sputum conversion
as compared with conventional anti-TB
treatment alone.
5.4.9 Azardicta indica (Neem [Parts Used: Leaves])
Azardicta indica is reported to have several therapeutic
effects, including being anti-infective
and anxiolytic and having general
immunopotentiating ability.41 It is widely studied
for various beneficial properties. The
aqueous extracts of neem leaves enhance the phagocytic
activity of macrophages. Neem is found to enhance the production of IL-2, IFN-g,
and TNF-a. In human volunteers, it
stimulated humoral immunity by increasing antibody
levels and cell-mediated immunity by
increasing total lymphocyte and T-cell count in 21
days. The therapeutic potential of neem is mediated through its influence on the immune
system, which is in consonance of the
Ayurvedic concept of rasayana.
5.4.10 Asparagus racemosus (Shatavari [Parts Used:
Whole Plant])
Asparagus racemosus is used as an immunomodulator and
antioxidant. The aqueous extract
of the whole plant of A. racemosus gives protection from biological, physical,
and chemical
stresses.42 Treatment with A. racemosus significantly inhibited suppression of
activity and production of IL-1 and TNF-a by murine macrophages induced by 17 weeks
of treatment with ochratoxin A.43 Studies on
the mechanisms of action revealed that it
produced immunostimulation. Aqueous extracts
of A. racemosus are also found to suppress
the myelosuppressive effects of single and
double doses of cyclophosphamide.44
5.4.11 Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha [Parts Used:
Withania somnifera is one highly acclaimed rasayana. W. somnifera is an
anti-inflammatory, and antioxidizing agent. W. somnifera effectively inhibits the inflammatory
process. It can also bring about a specific
reduction in a-2 macroglobulin synthesis,
unlike the conventionally used nonsteroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and has
anti-oxidant activity.45 The herb is
described to act as rasayana
and medhya. In a clinical
study on patients of anxiety neurosis, ashwagandha was observed to reduce the symptoms
of anxiety. One month of treatment with the
drug has shown symptomatic relief in mental
fatigue, and immediate memory span. In
another study, the herb has been shown to be
effective in cases of depression. In yet
another double-blind placebo-controlled clinical
study46 on the extract of ashwagandha involving both normal and depressive
it was observed that the test extract showed
an excellent improvement in mental functions.
Experiments with extracts of Ashwagandha protected animals against infections in
and immunosuppressed states induced by
hemisplenectomy or surgery. This plant also
produced leucocytosis with predominant
neutrophilia and prevented leucopenia induced
by cyclophosphamide.47
5.4.12 Aloe vera (Ghritkumari)
Aloe vera is a plant exclusively used in skin-care preparation and
other health-care products.
It is also found to possess anticancer
activity. Supplementation of aloe vera gel has
been found to suppress the incidence of
hepatocarcinogenesis induced by diethylnitrosamine
and 2-acetylaminofluorene in male rats.48 The
extract from leaf gel contains glutathione
peroxidase activity.49 The low molecular
weight constituent of this extract inhibits
the release of reactive oxygen species by
human polymorphonuclear leucocytes. The
inhibitory effect of these compounds has been
shown to be an indirect result of the
diminished availability of intracellular free
5.4.13 Solanum nigrum (Kakamachi)
Solanum nigrum is an anti-inflammatory and hepatoprotective
agent. Steroidal glycosides
isolated from S. nigrum are found to possess antineoplastic activity against
solid tumor
cell lines.51 The hepatoprotective activity
of S. nigrum may be due to their ability to
suppress the oxidative degradation of DNA in
the tissue debris.52
5.4.14 Bacopa monnieri (Brahmi)
Bacopa monnieri is used as an antiallergic, antistress, and
memory-enhancing agent. In a
double-blind randomized controlled clinical
trial in 76 subjects,53 B. monnieri showed
significant effect on the retention of new
information. Follow-up tests showed that the
rate of learning was unaffected, suggesting
that B. monnieri decreases the rate of forgetting
newly acquired information.
5.4.15 Boerhaavia diffusa (Punarnava [Parts Used:
The plant Boerhaavia diffusa (BD) is used as an antiarthritic, immunomodulatory, and
antistress agent. Alkaloidal fraction of
roots of BD was found to attenuate myelosuppressive
effects of cyclophosphamide. BD is known to
potentiate macrophage phagocytic
activity. It is also shown to increase GM-CSF
levels upon oral administration, inhibiting
5.4.16 Ocimum sanctum (Tulasi)
Ocimum sanctum is used as an antistress, antioxidizing, and
immunomodulatory agent. The
ethanolic extract of O. sanctum revered the changes in plasma levels of corticosterone
induced by exposure to acute and chronic
stress.54 Banerjee et al.55 have studied the modulatory
influence of the alcoholic extract of leaves
of O. sanctum on various enzyme levels
in the liver, lung, and stomach of mice. Oral
treatment with extract significantly elevated
the activities of cytochrome P 450,
cytochrome b5, and arylhydrocarbon hydroxylase, all
of which are important in the detoxification
of carcinogens as well as mutagens. These
observations suggest that leaf extract or its
active principle may have a potential role in
the chemoprevention of chemical
5.4.17 Shilajit (Asphalt)
Shilajit is an exudate of selected rocks occurring in the Himalaya
region. It is a complex
mixture of both organic and inorganic matter
and is considered to be an effective remedy
for many diseases. It was investigated for
its effect on memory, learning, and anxiety. It
was reported that Shilajit enhanced the acquisition of learning and memory in aged
while exhibiting a marked reduction in
anxiety levels. This neurochemical effect of Shilajit
is attributed to decrease in
5-hydroxytryptamine turnover with an increase in dopaminergic
activity.56 To add the multifaceted activity
of Shilajit, a study was designed by Oureshi
et al.57 to investigate the cytological and
biological effects of Shilajit
and its response to
the changes induced by cyclophoshamide. The
study showed that Shilajit
exhibited cytotoxic
effects and inhibited the carcinogenic
potential of cyclophosphamide. In experimental
studies, it has also been observed that Shilajit activates macrophage and enhances cytokine
5.4.18 Chyawanprash Awaleha: A Polyherbal Rasayan Formulation
Chyawanprash awaleha (CA) is a polyherbal Ayurvedic rasayan preparation described in
Charak Samhita and contains the pulp of E. officinalis as the prime ingredient. This preparation
is popularly used in India and many other
countries as a health supplement.
In a controlled clinical study using CA as an
adjuvant in the treatment of pulmonary
TB, it was observed that the preparation
could augment the recovery process in addition
to an improved nutritional status of the
Recently, the anticarcinogenic property of CA
has also been studied. It has been shown
to reduce tumor weight in mice. A clinical
study was undertaken to estimate the radioprotective
effect of CA. The study included patients with
head and neck cancers undergoing
radiotherapy. It was observed that CA
conferred an excellent protection to the tissues
from the burning effects of radiation, in
comparison with controls.59 The tumor regression
rate was also noted to be higher in the CA-treated
group. These results may be suggestive
of possible antioxidant effects of E. officinalis contained in the preparation.
5.5 Immunomodulation Therapies
5.5.1 Tuberculosis
There is considerable evidence that failure
to control or resolve infectious disease often
results from an inappropriate rather than
insufficient immune response. A good example
is TB. In this condition, T-cell immunity is
decreased; the TH-cell is not able to
produce sufficient IFN-g to activate macrophage, which can kill mycobacterium TB.
Intervention in this situation could be aimed
at expanding protective TH
1-cells or
alternatively enhancing the key protective
response macrophage activation by IFN-g.
Current therapy consists of antibacterial
drugs like Rifampicin, Isoniazid, Pyrazinamide,
and Ethambutol for a period of 4 to 6 months.
Significant success rate is achieved
with this regimen. Treatment of TB with rasayana has shown significant improvement
in treatment period.
Treatment of TB with Ayurveda includes
various rasayana like T. cordifolia and CA. The
latter is a wonderful remedy that provides
strength and sustenance to the patient. It was
mentioned earlier that using CA as an
adjuvant in the treatment of pulmonary TB58 could
augment recovery process. It also increases
the appetite. The dosage in the beginning
should be two teaspoonfuls with milk on an
empty stomach twice daily; as the patient
gains strength, the dosage should be
A double-blind randomized clinical trial40 of
T. cordifolia was conducted in TB patients
along with a conventional anti-TB regimen for
an initial 2-month intensive period. It
was observed that when conventional anti-TB
regimen was given along with 500 mg of
T. cordifolia three times daily, the sputum conversion time
was 2 weeks as compared
with 4 weeks in the conventional group; there
was also hastened radiological recovery
as compared with the conventional regimen.
This effect was observed due to increased
nitric oxide production by T. cordifolia, which caused increased macrophage phagocytic
5.5.2 Hepatic Disorder
In recent years, rapid progress has been made
in understanding the relationship between
various cells of the liver and pathobiology
of cellular events responsible for an acute and
chronic hepatic damage. Kupffer cells, which
are present in the liver, are the most versatile
cells. The activity of these cells is a major
determinant of outcome of any liver injury.60 It
has been reported that excess activation of
Kupffer cells damages the liver,61–63 whereas
hepatic fibrosis is linked with suppressed or
subnormal activity of these cells. Thus,
modulation of Kupffer64 cells activity
through the immune system would be a weapon
against liver disorders. Obstructive Jaundice
In the management of obstructive jaundice,
present preoperative therapy aims at decompressing
the biliary tract and controlling infection
with antibiotics and vitamin K if there
is a disturbance in hemostasis. Despite
improvement in preoperative care, the surgical
outcome of these patients has remained
poor.65,66 Endotoxemia resulting from depressed
Kupffer cells is a well-known feature of
obstructive jaundice. Based on Ayurvedic literature,
it has been observed that rasayana like T. cordifolia could be
a useful therapeutic
armamentarium in the treatment of obstructive
jaundice. In a clinical trial of T. cordifolia
as an add-on regimen to conventional therapy,
two groups of patients were well matched
with respect to clinical features and hepatic
and immune functions.67 The neutrophil
activity of these patients was significantly
lower as compared with normal healthy donors.
After biliary drainage, bactobilia was
observed.67 Therapy with T. cordifolia significantly
decreased the mortality from 92 to 40%. This
was also associated with a decrease in
speticemia. T. cordifolia was found to potentiate the depressed neutrophil activity.
A randomized double-blind placebo-controlled
clinical trial also showed a significant
reduction in mortality rates.20 Moreover, at
the cellular level remarkable results were
shown; patients suffering from obstructive
jaundice taking T.
cordifolia showed an
in serum GM-CSF levels. The neutrophils of
these patients also showed an increased
phagocytic activity, making T. cordifolia an effective treatment for patients with obstructive
jaundice.20 Asymptomatic Carriers of Hepatitis B
In asymptomatic carriers of hepatitis B
antigen, elimination of viral antigen is necessary
to prevent future hepatic dysfunction and to
reduce transmission. Although the role of
nonspecific cellular immunity is not clearly
defined, defects in monocyte have been
reported68 and immunomodulators like
levamisole and interferons have been shown to
eliminate antigen.69 Therapy with rasayana such as T. cordifolia (16 mg/kg/day) for 2
months led to seroconversion in 37.5% of
patients. This rate was three times higher than
that observed in the intracellular killing
capacity of monocytes.20 HIV Infection
HIV is a disease starting from the stage of
latent infection, progressing into the severe
immunodeficiency state of AIDS, and finally
ending in death. HIV is a smart bug. Unlike
the other lente viruses, which possess only
three genes, HIV has six more functional genes.
These are responsible for producing numerous
drug-resistant mutant variants.
Review of the scenario of the modern highly
active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) is
depressing. The scenario consists of reverse
transcriptase inhibitors and a protease inhibitor.
Failure to eliminate the virus from
sanctuaries, an increase in the number of resistant
variants of the virus, severe toxicity
manifestations, a significant increase in risk of TB,
very poor improvement in longevity, and
prohibitive costs are some of the reasons why
HAART cannot be considered as a choice
therapy. The practical utility of a vaccine in
preventing the disease also holds very little
Under these circumstances, certain studies
mentioned in Ayurvedic texts have been
examined to find possible solutions. Ayurveda
mentions sexually transmitted communicable
progressive wasting disorder. Excessive
indulgence in sex and abnormal sexual
practices are suggested to be the cause of
loss of vitality and immunity (ojakashaya) leading
to a wasting disorder.
According to Ayurveda, the loss of ojas is responsible for a progressively wasting disorder.
Ojas is the creamy by-product of shukra dhatu. It is the ultimate strength of the body.
Debility, wastage, fear, depression, a
feeling of wretchedness, and a loss of coordination
in sense and motor organs are all signs of
damage to ojas. Ayurvedic texts also reveal that
shukra, the seventh tissue of the body, is of two types. One type is present all
over the
body and responsible for strength, vitality,
and glow (shukra is probably related to the
steroid hormones of the body). The other
type, beej shukra, is responsible for gamete
production. Ayurveda authoritatively states
that the formation of shukra begins only after
the complete development of bone marrow (majja dhatu). The complete formation of shukra
dhatu occurs in females and males at 16 and 23 years of age, respectively.
According to
modern endocrinology, adolescent changes
occur when red bone marrow in the long bones
of a child is transformed into fatty yellow
marrow. This produces extra gonadal steroids,
which send a positive feedback to the
hypothalamus and activate the hypathalmopituitary
gonadal axis. This is the beginning of
functioning of the gonads. The Ayurvedic hypothesis
of the origin of shukra from majja dhatu appears
Cells need oxygen for survival, but the
uncoupled single oxygen radical also causes
oxidation damage to the cell. It is indeed an
oxygen paradox of the cell. In HIV, reactive
oxygen species activate nuclear transcription
factor, an obligatory factor for HIV replication.
It also aids apoptosis of CD4 cells and thus
helps disease progression.
With this background of HIV disease
pathology, the mind–body holistic concept of
Ayurveda should be an interesting option for
treating psychological factors and for treating
HIV. Rasayana that are classified as achar rasayana, ahar rasayana, and dravya rasayana are
helpful in reversing the damage already done
to the immune system. Ahaar
rasayana (food
as a drug) such as black gram, milk, ghee,
and meat are advised. Black grams are well
known to be a good source of alpha lipoic
acid. Ghee has a special place in increasing the
Some of the plants that have shown anti-HIV
activity include Cichorium
intybus,70 Glycyrrhiza
glabra,71,72 Grifola
frondosa,73 Punica granatum,70 curcumin,70 and aloe vera.74 In one
study, aloe vera juice (20 oz/day) was used
in conjunction with essential fatty acids and
amino acid supplements to treat 29 patients.
There were 15 AIDS, 12 AIDS-related complex
(ARC), and two HIV seropositive patients that
continued with regular medication, including
Azidothymidine (AZT),74 an antiviral drug
used to combat AIDS. After 6 months, all
patients showed clinical improvement; 25% of
those positive for p24 core antigen converted
to nonreactive, anemia induced by AZT showed
improvement in all patients, and
the patients gained an average of 7% in body
Acemennan, a water-soluble polysaccharide
obtained from aloe vera, is found to be
responsible for this anti-HIV activity. The
anti-HIV activity of acemannan probably results
from inhibiting glycosylation of viral
glycoproteins. However, the prominent effect is by
enhancing the effect of AZT. Researchers
believe that use of acemannan may reduce the
amount of AZT by as much as 90%.75 This is
quite significant. AZT is extremely expensive
and is also associated with side effects such
as anemia and a decrease of white blood cell
production. Acemannan is commercially
available as CARRISYN by Carrington Laboratories
in Irving, TX.
In a clinical study in patients in the early
stages of AIDS, Acemannan showed some
promise. In this study, 14 HIV patients who
were prescribed oral Acemannan (800 mg/
day) demonstrated significant increases in
circulating monocytes and macrophages. In
particular, the number of large circulating
monocytes increased significantly, indicating
improvement in phagocytizing, processing, and
presenting cells in blood.75
Although Acemannan may be helpful in the
beginning stages of AIDS, a recent study76
indicates that it may be of little value in
patients with advanced HIV disease.
Glycyrrhizin, a major constituent of G. glabra, is also showing great promise in the
treatment of HIV-related disease, including
AIDS. In one study, 10 HIV patients without
AIDS took 150 to 225 mg of glycyrrhizin
daily.77 After 1 to 2 years, none developed
symptoms associated with AIDS or ARC;
however, one of the 10 patients in a matched
control group developed ARC and two
progressed to AIDS and subsequently died. In yet
another study, when glycyrrhizin was
administered in daily doses of 200 to 800 mg
intravenously, after 8 weeks the groups
presented increased helper T-cell count, improved
helper/suppressor T-cell ratio, and improved
liver function.78
5.6 Conclusions and Future Prospective
The immune system is a complex system,
involving an interwoven network of biochemical
mechanism. The concept of rasayana as
mentioned is Ayurveda is a holistic approach and
constitutes an important approach to handle
with subjects of immunity. The objective of
research on rasayana should focus not only on its immunomodulatory activity, but also on
other effects such as antistress, antiaging,
antioxidant, adaptogenic, and anti-HIV. The list
of herbs in rasayana is exhaustive by itself. Rasayana formulas provide tremendous potential
to be tapped for immunomodulatory activity.
It is equally important to arrive at a
consensus in regards to the utilization of
herbs in a holistic manner in order to deliver
their multidimensional benefits to mankind.
Om Tat Sat
humble salutations to H H Maharshi ji, Brahmasri
Sreeman Lakshmi Chandra Mishra ji and other eminent medical scholars and
doctors for the collection)
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