History of Sanskrit
If, however, Vedic was no longer a natural tongue,
but was already the scholastic dialect of a class, how
much truer is this of the language of the later literature
! Sanskrit differs from Vedic, but not in conformity
with the natural development which appears in living
languages. The phonetic condition of Sanskrit remains
almost exactly the same as that of the earliest Vedic.
In the matter of grammatical forms, too, the language
shows itself to be almost stationary ; for hardly any
new formations or inflexions have made their appearance.
Yet even from a grammatical point of view the
later language has become very different from the
earlier. This change was therefore brought about, not
by new creations, but by successive losses. The most
notable of these were the disappearance of the subjunctive
mood and the reduction of a dozen infinitives
to a single one. In declension the change consisted
chiefly in the dropping of a number of synonymous byforms.
It is probable that the spoken Vedic, more
modern and less complex than that of the hymns, to
some extent affected the later literary language in the
direction of
simplification. But the changes in the
language were mainly due to the regulating efforts of
the grammarians, which were more powerful in India
than anywhere else, owing to the early and exceptional
development of grammatical studies in that country.
Their influence alone can explain the elaborate nature
of the phonetic combinations (called Sandhi) between
the finals and initials of words in the Sanskrit sentence.
It is, however, the vocabulary of the language that
has undergone the greatest modifications, as is indeed
the case in all literary dialects ; for it is beyond the
power of grammarians to control change in this direc22
tion. Thus we find that the vocabulary has been greatly
extended by derivation and composition according to
recognised types. At the same time there are numerous
words which, though old, seem to be new only because
they happen by accident not to occur in the Vedic
literature. Many really new words have, however, come
in through continual borrowings from a lower stratum
of language, while already existing words have undergone
great changes of meaning.
This later phase of the ancient language of India
was stereotyped by the great grammarian Panini towards
the end of the fourth century B.C. It came to
be called Sanskrit, the " refined
or " elaborate
tay literally "put together"), a term not found in
the older grammarians, but occurring in the earliest
epic, the Rdmdyana. The name is meant to be opposed
to that of the popular dialects called Prdkrita, and is
so opposed, for instance, in the Kdvyddarca, or Mirror
of Poetry', a work of the sixth century A.D. The older
grammarians themselves, from Yaska (fifth century B.C.)
onwards, speak of this classical dialect as Bhdshd, "the
speech," in distinction from Vedic. The remarks they
make about it point to a spoken language. Thus one
of them, Patanjali, refers to it as used " in the
and designates the words of his Sanskrit as " current
in the world." Panini himself gives many rules which
have no significance except in connection with living
speech ; as when he describes the accent or the lengthening
of vowels in calling from a distance, in salutation,
or in question and answer. Again, Sanskrit cannot
have been a mere literary and school language, because
there are early traces of its having had dialectic variations.
Thus Yaska and Panini mention the peculiarities
of the "Easterns" and "Northerners," Katyayana
to local divergences, and Patanjali specifies words
occurring in single districts only. There is, indeed, no
doubt that in the second century B.C. Sanskrit was
actually spoken in the whole country called by Sanskrit
writers Aryavarta, or " Land of the Aryans," which lies
between the Himalaya and the Vindhya range.
who spoke it there ? Brahmans certainly did ; for
Patanjali speaks of them as the "instructed" (gishta),
the employers of correct speech. Its use, however, extended
beyond the Brahmans ; for we read in Patanjali
about a head-groom disputing with a grammarian as
to the etymology of the Sanskrit word for "charioteer"
(suta). This agrees with the distribution of the dialects
in the Indian drama, a distribution doubtless based on
a tradition much older than the plays themselves. Here
the king and those of superior rank speak Sanskrit,
while the various forms of the popular dialect are
assigned to women and to men of the people. The
dramas also show that whoever did not speak Sanskrit
at any rate understood it, for Sanskrit is there employed
in conversation with speakers of Prakrit. The theatrical
public, and that before which, as we know from
frequent references in the literature, the epics were
recited, must also have understood Sanskrit. Thus,
though classical Sanskrit was from the beginning a
literary and, in a sense, an artificial dialect, it would
be erroneous to deny to it altogether the character of
a colloquial language. It is indeed, as has already been
mentioned, even now actually spoken in India by
learned Brahmans, as well as written by them, for
every-day purposes. The position of Sanskrit, in short,
has all along been, and still is, much like that of
Hebrew among the Jews or of Latin in the Middle
Whoever was familiar with Sanskrit at the same time
spoke one popular language or more. The question as
to what these popular languages were brings us to the
relation of Sanskrit to the vernaculars of India. The
linguistic importance of the ancient literary speech for
the India
of to-day wT
ill become apparent when it is
pointed out that all the modern dialects excepting those
of a few isolated aboriginal hill tribes spoken over the
whole vast territory between the mouths of the Indus
and those of the Ganges, between the Himalaya
and the
Vindhya range, besides the Bombay
Presidency as far
south as the Portuguese settlement of Goa,
are descended
from the oldest form of Sanskrit. Starting from their
ancient source in the north-west, they have overflowed
in more and more diverging streams the whole peninsula
except the extreme south-east. The beginnings of these
popular dialects go back to a period of great antiquity.
Even at the time when the Vedic hymns were composed,
there must have existed a popular language which
already differed widely in its phonetic aspect from the
literary dialect. For the Vedic hymns contain several
words of a phonetic type which can only be explained
by borrowings on the part of their composers from
popular speech.
We further know that in the sixth century B.C., Buddha
preached his gospel in the language of the people, as
opposed to that of the learned, in order that all might
understand him. Thus all the oldest Buddhist literature
dating from the fourth or fifth century B.C. was composed
in the vernacular, originally doubtless in the dialect of
Magadha (the modern Behar), the birthplace of BudPALI
dhism. Like Italian, as compared with Latin, this early
popular speech is characterised by the avoidance of
conjunct consonants and by fondness for final vowels.
Thus the Sanskrit sutra,
thread/' and d/iarma,
become sutta and dhamma respectively, while vidyut,
lightning," is transformed into vijju. The particular
form of the popular language which became the sacred
idiom of Southern Buddhism is known by the name of
Pali. Its original home is still uncertain, but its existence
as early as the third century B.C. is proved beyond the
range of doubt by the numerous rock and pillar inscriptions
of Acoka. This dialect was in the third century
B.C. introduced into Ceylon, and became the basis of
Singhalese, the modern language of the island. It was
through the influence of Buddhism that, from Agoka's
time onwards, the official decrees and documents preserved
in inscriptions were for centuries composed
exclusively in Middle Indian (Prakrit) dialects. Sanskrit
was not familiar to the chanceries during these centuries,
though the introduction of Sanskrit verses in Prakrit
inscriptions shows that Sanskrit was alive during this
period, and proves its continuity for literary purposes.
The older tradition of both the Buddhist and the Jain
religion, in fact, ignored Sanskrit entirely, using only the
popular dialects for all purposes.
But in course of time both the Buddhists and the
Jains endeavoured to acquire a knowledge of Sanskrit.
This led to the formation of an idiom which, being in the
main Prakrit, was made to resemble the old language by
receiving Sanskrit endings and undergoing other adaptations.
It is therefore decidedly wrong to consider this
artificial dialect an intermediate stage between Sanskrit
and Pali. This peculiar type of language is most
pronounced in the poetical pieces called gathd or
"song," which occur in the canonical works of the
Buddhists, especially in the Lalzta-vistara, a life
of Buddha. Hence it was formerly called the Gatha
dialect. The term is, however, inaccurate, as Buddhist
prose works have also been written in this mixed
The testimony of the inscriptions is instructive in
showing the gradual encroachment of Sanskrit on the
popular dialects used by the two non-Brahmanical religions.
Thus in the Jain inscriptions of Mathura (now
Muttra), an almost pure Prakrit prevails down
to the first
century A.D. After that Sanskritisms become more and
more frequent, till at last simple Sanskrit is written.
Similarly in Buddhist inscriptions pure Prakrit is relieved
by the mixed dialect, the latter by Sanskrit. Thus in the
inscriptions of Nasik, in Western India, the mixed dialect
extends into the third, while Sanskrit first begins in the
second century A.D. From the sixth century onwards
Sanskrit prevails exclusively (except among the Jains) in
inscriptions, though Prakritisms often occur in them.
Even in the literature of Buddhism the mixed dialect
was gradually supplanted by Sanskrit. Hence most of
the Northern Buddhist texts have come down to us in
Sanskrit, which, however, diverges widely in vocabulary
from that of the sacred texts of the Brahmans, as well as
from that of the classical literature, since they are full of
Prakrit words. It is expressly attested by the Chinese
pilgrim, Hiouen Thsang, that in the seventh century the
Buddhists used Sanskrit even in oral theological discussions.
The Jains finally did the same, though without
entirely giving up Prakrit. Thus by the time of the
Muhammadan conquest Sanskrit was almost the only
written language of India. But while Sanskrit was
its ancient supremacy, the Prakrits had exercised
a lasting influence upon it in two respects. They
had supplied its vocabulary with a number of new words,
and had transformed into a stress accent the old musical
accent which still prevailed after the days of Panini.
In the oldest period of Prakrit, that of the Pali A$oka
inscriptions and the early Buddhistic and Jain literature,
two main dialects, the Western and the Eastern, may be
distinguished. Between the beginning of our era and
about 1000 A.D., mediaeval Prakrit, which is still synthetic
in character, is divided into four chief dialects. In the
west we find Apabhrain^a (" decadent ") in the valley of
the Indus, and aurasenl in the Doab, with Mathura as
its centre. Subdivisions of the latter were Gaurjarl
(Gujaratt), Avanti (Western Rajputdni),
and Mahdrdshtrl
(Eastern Rdjputdnt). The Eastern
Prakrit now appears
as Mdgadhl, the dialect of Magadha, now Behar, and
Ardha- Mdgadhl (Half - Magadhi), with Benares
as its
centre. These mediaeval Prakrits are important in connection
with Sanskrit literature, as they are the vernaculars
employed by the uneducated classes in the Sanskrit
They are the sources of all the Aryan languages of
modern India.
From the Apabhramqa are derived Sindhl,
Western Panjabl} and Kashmiri; from
aurasenl come
Eastern Pa?ijabl and Hindi (the old
Avanti), as well as
Gujaratl ; while from the two forms of Mdgadhl are
descended Mardthl on the one hand, and the various
dialects of Bengal on the other.
These modern vernaculars,
which began to develop from about 1000 A.D., are
no longer inflexional languages, but are analytical like
English, forming an interesting parallel in their develop2
ment from ancient Sanskrit to the Romance dialects in
their derivation from Latin. They have developed literatures
of their own, which are based entirely on that of
Sanskrit. The non-Aryan languages of the Dekhan, the
Dravidian group, including Telugu, Canarese, Malayalam,
and Tamil, have not indeed been ousted by Aryan
tongues, but they are full of words borrowed from Sanskrit,
while their literature is dominated by Sanskrit
On the very threshold of Indian literature more than
three thousand years ago, we are confronted with a body
of lyrical poetry which, although far older than the literary
monuments of any other branch of the Indo-European
family, is already distinguished by refinement and
beauty of thought, as well as by skill in the handling of
language and metre. From this point, for a period of
more than a thousand years, Indian literature bears__
^smj^ygjiisively religions sfonrpj. even those latest productions
of the Vedic age which cannot be called directly
religious are yet meant to further religious ends. This
is, indeed, implied by the term u Vedic." For veda,
primarily signifying
(from vidy
" to know "),
" sacred lore," as a branch of literature. Besides
this general sense, the word has also the restricted
meaning of "sacred book."
In the Vedic period three well-defined literary strata
are to be distinguished. The first is that of the four *
Vedas, the outcome of a creative and poetic age, in
which hymns and prayers were composed chiefly to
accompany the pressing and offering of the Soma juice
or the oblation of melted butter (ghrita) to the gods. The
four Vedas are "
collections," called samhitd, of hymns
and prayers made for different ritual purposes. They
are of varying age and significance. By far the most
important as well as the oldest for it is the very foundation
of all Vedic literature is the Rigveda, the "Veda
of verses" (from rich, "a laudatory stanza"),
entirely of lyrics, mainly in praise of different gods. It
may, therefore, be described as the book of hymns or
psalms. The Sama-veda has practically no independent
value, for it consists entirely of stanzas (excepting only
75) taken from the Rigveda and arranged solely with reference
to their place in the Soma sacrifice. Being meant
to be sung to certain fixed melodies, it may be called the
book of chants {saman). The Yajur-veda differs in one
essential respect from the Sama-veda. It consists not
only of stanzas {rich), mostly borrowed from the Rigveda,
but also of original prose formulas. It resembles the
Sama-veda, however, in having its contents arranged in
the order in which it was actually employed in various
sacrifices. It is, therefore, a book of sacrificial prayers
(yajus). The matter of this Veda has been handed down
in two forms. In the one, the sacrificial formulas only
are given ; in the other, these are to a certain extent
intermingled with their explanations. These three Vedas
alone were at first recognised as canonical scriptures,
being in the next stage of Vedic literature comprehensively
spoken of as "the threefold knowledge" {trayi
The fourth collection, the Atharva-veda, attained to
this position only after a long struggle. Judged both
by its language and by that portion of its matter which is
analogous to the contents of the Rigveda, the Atharvaveda
came into existence considerably later than that
Veda. In form it is similar to the Rigveda, consisting
for the most part of metrical hymns, many of which are
taken from the last book of the older collection. In
spirit, however, it is not only entirely different from the
Rigveda, but represents a much more primitive stage of
thought. While the Rigveda deals almost exclusively
with the higher gods as conceived by a comparatively
advanced and refined sacerdotal class, the Atharva-veda
is, in the main, a book of spells and incantations appealing
to the demon world, and teems with notions about
witchcraft current among the lower grades of the population,
and derived from an immemorial antiquity.
These two, thus complementary to each other in contents,
are obviously the most important of the four Vedas.
As representing religious ideas at an earlier stage than
any other literary monuments of the ancient world, they
are of inestimable value to those who study the evolution
of religious beliefs.
The creative period of the Vedas at length came
to an end. It was followed by an epoch in which there
no longer seemed any need to offer up new prayers to
the gods, but it appeared more meritorious to repeat
those made by the holy seers of bygone generations,
and handed down from father to son in various priestly
families. The old hymns thus came to be successively
gathered together in the Vedic collections already mentioned,
and in this form acquired an ever-increasing
sanctity. Having ceased_to_pxoduce poetry^ the priesthood
transferredjheir creative energies to the_elaboration
of the sacrificial ceremonial. The result was a ritual
system far surpassing in complexity of detail anything
the world has elsewhere known. The main importance
of the old Vedic hymns and formulas now came to
be their application to the innumerable details of the
sacrifice. Around this combination of sacred verse and
rite a new body of doctrine grew up in sacerdotal tradi-
tion, and finally assumed definite shape in the guise of
distinct theological treatises entitled Brahmanas,
" books
dealing with devotion or prayer
(brahman). They evidently
did not come into being till a time when the
hymns were already deemed ancient and sacred revelations,
the priestly custodians of which no longer fully
understood their meaning owing to the change undergone
by the language. They are written in prose throughout,
and are in some cases accented, like the Vedas themselves.
They are thus notable as representing the oldest
prose writing of the Indo-European family. Their style
is, indeed, cumbrous, rambling, and disjointed, but distinct
progress towards greater facility is observable
within this literary period.
The chief purpose of the Brahmanas is to explain the
mutual relation of the sacred text and the ceremonial,
as well as their symbolical meaning with reference
to each other. With the exception of the occasional
legends and striking thoughts which occur in them,
they cannot be said to be at all attractive as literary
productions. To support their explanations of the
ceremonial, they interweave exegetical, linguistic, and
etymological observations, and introduce myths and philosophical
speculations in confirmation of their cosmogonic
and theosophic theories. They form an aggregate of
shallow and pedantic discussions, full of sacerdotal conceits,
and fanciful, or even absurd, identifications, such
as is doubtless unparalleled anywhere else. Yet, as the
oldest treatises on ritual practices extant in any literature,
they are of great interest to the student of the history
of religions in general, besides furnishing much important
material to the student of Indian antiquity in
It results from what has been said that the contrasts
between the two older phases of Vedic literature are
strongly marked. The Vedas are poetical in matter and
form ; the Brahmanas are prosaic and written in prose.
The thought of the Vedas is on the whole natural and
concrete ; that of the Brahmanas artificial and abstract.
The chief significance of the Vedas lies in their mytho;
logy ; that of the Brahmanas in their ritual.
The subject-matter of the Brahmanas which are
attached to the various Vedas, differs according to the
divergent duties performed by the kind of priest connected
with each Veda. The Brahmanas of the Rigveda,
in explaining the ritual, usually limit themselves to the
duties of the priest called hotri or "
reciter," on whom
it was incumbent to form the canon (castra) for each
particular rite, by selecting from the hymns the verses
applicable to it. The Brahmanas of the Sdma-veda are
concerned only with the duties of the udgatriox
of the Samans ; the Brahmanas of the Yajur-veda with
those of the adhvaryu, or the priest who is the actual
sacrificer. Again, the Brahmanas of the Rigveda more
or less follow the order of the ritual, quite irrespectively
of the succession of the hymns in the Veda itself. The
Brahmanas of the Sdma- and the Yajur-veda, on the
other hand, follow the order of their respective Vedas,
which are already arranged in the ritual sequence. The
Brahmana of the Sdma-veda, however, rarely explains
individual verses, while that of the Yajur-veda practically
forms a running commentary on all the verses of the
The period of the Brahmanas is a very important
one in the history of Indian society. For in it the
system of the four castes assumed definite shape, fur-
nishing the frame within which the highly complex
network of the castes of to-day has been developed.
In that system the priesthood, who even in the first
Vedic period had occupied an influential position, secured
for themselves the dominant power which they have
maintained ever since. The life of no other people has
been so saturated with sacerdotal influence as that of the
Hindus, among whom sacred learning is still the monopoly
of the hereditary priestly caste. While in other
early societies the chief power remained in the hands of
princes and warrior nobles, the domination of the priesthood
became possible in India as soon as the energetic
life of conquest during the early Vedic times in the
north-west was followed by a period of physical inactivity
or indolence in the plains. Such altered conditions
enabled the cultured class, who alone held the
secret of the all-powerful sacrifice, to gain the supremacy
of intellect over physical force.
The Brahmanas in course of time themselves acquired
a sacred character, and came in the following
period to be classed along with the hymns as qruti or
"hearing," that which was directly heard by or, as we
should say, revealed to, the holy sages of old. In the
sphere of revelation are included the later portions of
the Brahmanas, which form treatises of a specially
theosophic character, and being meant to be imparted or
studied in the solitude of the forest, are called Aranyakas
or " Forest-books." The final part of these, again, are
philosophical books named Upanishads, which belong
to the latest stage of Brahmana literature. The pantheistic
groundwork of their doctrine was later developed
into the Vedanta system, which is still the favourite
philosophy of the modern Hindus.
Works of Vedic " revelation
" were deemed of higher
authority in cases of doubt than the later works on
religious and oivil usage, called smriti or "
as embodying only the tradition derived from ancient
We have now arrived at the third and last stage ot
Vedic literature, that of the Sutras. These are compendious
treatises dealing with Vedic ritual on the one
hand, and with customary law on the other. The rise of
this class of writings was due to the need of reducing
the vast and growing mass of details in ritual and
custom, preserved in the Brahmanas and in floating
tradition, to a systematic shape, and of compressing
them within a compass which did not impose too great
a burden on the memory, the vehicle of all teaching and
learning. The main object of the Sutras is, therefore,
to supply a short survey of the sum of these scattered
details. They are not concerned with the interpretation
of ceremonial or custom, but aim at giving a plain
and methodical account of The whole course of the
rites or practices with which they deal. For this purpose
the utmost brevity was needed, a requirement
which was certainly met in a manner unparalleled elsewhere.
The very name of this class of literature, stitray
" thread" or "clue" (from sivy "to
sew"), points to its
main characteristic and chief object extreme conciseness.
The prose in which these works are composed
is so compressed that the wording of the most laconic
telegram would often appear diffuse compared with it.
Some of the Sutras attain to an almost algebraic mode
of expression, the formulas of which cannot be understood
without the help of detailed commentaries. A
characteristic aphorism has been preserved, which
illustrates this straining after brevity. According to it,
the composers of grammatical Sutras delight as much
in the saving of a short vowel as in the birth of a
son. The full force of this remark can only be understood
when it is remembered that a Brahman is deemed
incapable of gaining heaven without a son to perform
his funeral rites.
Though the works comprised in each class of Sutras
are essentially the same in character, it is natural to
suppose that their composition extended over some
length of time, and that those which are more concise
and precise in their wording are the more recent ; for
the evolution of their style is obviously in the direction
of increased succinctness. Research, it is true, has
hitherto failed to arrive at any definite result as to the
date of their composition. Linguistic investigations,
however, tend to show that the Sutras are closely
connected in time with the grammarian Panini, some
of them appearing to be considerably anterior to him.
We shall, therefore, probably not go very far wrong
in assigning 500 and 200 B.C. as the chronological limits
within which the Sutra literature was developed.
The tradition of the Vedic ritual was handed down in
two forms. The one class, called Qrauta Siltrasy because
based on qruti or revelation (by which in this case the
Brahmanas are chiefly meant), deal with the ritual of the
greater sacrifices, for the performance of which three or
more sacred fires, as well as the ministrations of priests,
are necessary. Not one of them presents a complete
picture of the sacrifice, because each of them, like the
Brahmanas, describes only the duties of one or other
of the three kinds of priests attached to the respective
Vedas. In order to obtain a full description of each
ritual ceremony, it is therefore needful to supplement
the account given by one frauta Sutra from that
furnished by the rest.
The other division of the ritual Sutras is based on
smriti or tradition. These are the Grihya Sutras, or
" House Aphorisms," which deal with the household
ceremonies, or the rites to be performed with the
domestic fire in daily life. As a rule, these rites are not
performed by a priest, but by the householder himself
in company with his wife. For this reason there is,
apart from deviations in arrangement and expression,
omission or addition, no essential difference between the
various Grihya Sutras, except that the verses to be repeated
which they contain are taken from the Veda to
which they belong. Each Grihya Sutra, besides being
attached to and referring to the Crauta Sutra of the same
school, presupposes a knowledge of it. But though thus
connected, the two do not form a unity.
The second class of Sutras, which deal with social and
legal usage, is, like the Grihya Sutras, also based on
smriti or tradition. These are the Dharma Sutras, which
are in general the oldest sources of Indian law. As is
implied by the term dlia-mia,
religion and morality,"
their point of view is chiefly a religious one. The)'
- are
closely connected with the Veda, which they quote, and
which the later law-books regard as the first and highest
source of dharma.
From the intensely crabbed and unintelligible nature
of their style, and the studied baldness with which they
present their subjects, it is evident that the Sutras are
inferior even to the Brahmanas as literary productions.
Judged, however, with regard to its matter, this strange
phase of literature has considerable value. In all other
ancient literatures knowledge of sacrificial rites can only
be gained by collecting stray references. But in the
ritual Sutras we possess the ancient manuals which the
priests used as the foundation of their sacrificial lore.
Their statements are so systematic and detailed that it
is possible to reconstruct from them various sacrifices
without having seen them performed. They are thus of
great importance for the history of religious institutions,
But the Sutras have a further value. For, as the life of
the Hindu, more than that of any other nation, was, even
in the Vedic age, surrounded with a network of religious
forms, both in its daily course and in its more important
divisions, the domestic ritual as well as the legal Sutras
are our most important sources for the study of the
social conditions of ancient India. They are the oldest
Indian records of all that is included under custom.
Besides these ritual and legal compendia, the Sutra
period produced several classes of works composed in
this style, which, though not religious in character, had a
religious origin. They arose from the study of the
Vedas, which was prompted by the increasing difficulty
of understanding the hymns, and of reciting them
correctly, in consequence of the changes undergone by
the language. Their chief object was to ensure the right
recitation and interpretation of the sacred text. One of
the most important classes of this ancillary literature
comprises the Prdtiqakhya Sutras, which, dealing with
accentuation, pronunciation, metre, and other matters,
are chiefly concerned with the phonetic changes undergone
by Vedic words when combined in a sentence.
They contain a number of minute observations, such
as have only been made over again by the phoneticians
of the present day in Europe. A still more
important branch of this subsidiary literature is grammar,
in which the results attained by the Indians in the
systematic analysis of language surpass those arrived at
by any other nation. Little has been preserved of the
earliest attempts in this direction, for all that had been
previously done was superseded by the great Sutra work
of Panini. Though belonging probably to the middle
of the Sutra period, Panini must be regarded as the
starting-point of the Sanskrit age, the literature of which
is almost entirely dominated by the linguistic standard
stereotyped by him.
In the Sutra period also arose a class of works
specially designed for preserving the text of the Vedas
from loss or change. These are the Anukramanis or
Indices," which quote the first words of each hymn,
its author, the deity celebrated in it, the number of
verses it contains, and the metre in which it is composed.
One of them states the total number of hymns, verses,
words, and even syllables, contained in the Rigveda,
besides supplying other details.
From this general survey of the Vedic period we
now turn to a more detailed consideration of the different
phases of the literature it produced.
In the dim twilight preceding the dawn of Indian literature
the historical imagination can perceive the forms of
Aryan warriors, the first Western conquerors of Hindustan,
issuing from those passes in the north-west through
which the tide of invasion has in successive ages rolled
to sweep over the plains of India. The earliest poetry
of this invading race, whose language and culture ultimately
overspread the whole continent, was composed
while its tribes still occupied the territories on both sides
of the Indus now known as Eastern Kabulistan and the
Panjab. That ancient poetry has come cjown to us in
the fonn_eLL-^^-cr>ITprtinn nf hymrre-f^4W4- tfrg Rigveda.
The cause which gathered the poems it contains into a
single book was not practical, as in the case of the Sdmaand
Yajur-veda, but scientific and historical. For its
ancient editors were undoubtedly impelled by the
motive of guarding this heritage of olden time from
change and destruction. The number of hymns comprised
in the Rigveda, in the only recension which has
been preserved, that of the (^akala school, is 1017, or,
if the eleven supplementary hymns (called Valakhilya)
which are inserted in the middle of the eighth book
are added, 1028. These hymns are grouped in ten
books, called mandalasy or "cycles," which vary in
length, except that the tenth contains the same number
of hymns as the first. In bulk the hymns of the Rigveda
equal, it has been calculated, the surviving poems
of Homer.
The general character of the ten books is not identical
in all cases. Six of them (ii.-vii.) are homogeneous. Each
of these, in the first place, is the work of a different seer or
his descendants according to the ancient tradition, which
is borne out by internal evidence. They were doubtless
long handed down separately in the families to which
they owed their being. Moreover, the hymns contained
in these "
family books," as they are usually called, are
arranged on a uniform plan differing from that of the
rest. The first, eighth, and tenth books are not the productions
of a single family of seers respectively, but
consist of a number of groups based on identity of
authorship. The arrangement of the ninth book is in
no way connected with its composers ; its unity is due
to all its hymns being addressed to the single deity Soma,
while its groups depend on identity of metre. The
family books also contain groups ; but each of these
is formed of hymns addressed to one and the same
Turning to the principle on which the entire books of
the Rigveda are arranged in relation to one another, we
find that Books II.-VII., if allowance is made for later
additions, form a series of collections which contain a
successively increasing number of hymns. This fact,
combined with the uniformity of these books in general
character and internal arrangement, renders it probable
that they formed the nucleus of the Rigveda, to which
the remaining books were successively added. It further
seems likely that the nine shorter collections, which form
the second part of Book I., as being similarly based on
identity of authorship, were subsequently combined and
prefixed to the family books, which served as the model
for their internal arrangement.
I The hymns of the eighth book in general show a
mutual affinity hardly less pronounced than that to be
/found in the family books. For they are connected by
numerous repetitions of similar phrases and lines running
through the whole book. The latter, however, does not
form a parallel to the family books. For though a single
family, that of the Kanvas, at least predominates among
its authors, the prevalence in it of the strophic form of
composition impresses upon it a character of its own.
Moreover, the fact that the eighth book contains fewer
hymns than the seventh, in itself shows that the former
did not constitute one of the family series.
The first part (1-50) of Book I. has considerable affinities
with the eighth, more than half its hymns being attributed
to members of the Kanva family, while in the hymns
composed by some of these Kanvas the favourite strophic
metre of the eighth book reappears. There are, moreover,
numerous parallel and directly identical passages in
the two collections. It is, however, at present impossible
to decide which of the two is the earlier, or why it is that,
though so nearly related, they should have been separated.
Certain it is that they were respectively added at
the beginning and the end of a previously existing collection,
whether they were divided for chronological reasons
or because composed by different branches of the Kanva
As to the ninth book, it cannot be doubted that it
came into being as a collection after the first eight books
had been combined into a whole. Its formation was in
fact the direct result of that combination. The hymns to
Soma Pavamana ("the clearly flowing") are composed
by authors of the same families as produced Books
II. VII., a fact, apart from other evidence, sufficiently
indicated by their having the characteristic refrains of
those families. The Pavamana hymns have affinities to
the first and eighth books also. When the hymns of the
different families were combined into books, and clearly
not till then, all their Pavamana hymns were taken out
and gathered into a single collection. This of course
does not imply that the Pavamana hymns themselves
were of recent origin. On the contrary, though some of
them may date from the time when the tenth book came
into existence, there is good reason to suppose that the
poetry of the Soma hymns, which has many points in
common with the Avesta, and deals with a ritual going
back to the Indo-Iranian period, reached its conclusion
as a whole in early times among the Vedic singers. Differences
of age in the hymns of the ninth book have been
almost entirely effaced ; at any rate, research has as yet
hardly succeeded in distinguishing chronological stages
in this collection.
With regard to the tenth book, there can be no doubt
that its hymns came into being at a time when the first
nine already existed. Its composers grew up in the
knowledge of the older books, with which they betray
their familiarity at every turn. The fact that the author
of one of its groups (20-26) begins with the opening
words (agnim lie) of the first stanza of the Rigveda, is
probably an indication that Books I.-IX. already existed
in his day even as a combined collection. That the
tenth book is indeed an aggregate of supplementary
hymns is shown by its position after the Soma book, and
by the number of its hymns being made up to that of
the first book (191). The unity which connects its
poetry is chronological ; for it is the book of recent
groups and recent single hymns. Nevertheless the
supplements collected in it appear for the most part to
be older than the additions which occur in the earlier
There are many criteria, derived from its matter
as well as its form, showing the recent origin of the
tenth book. With regard to mythology, we find the
earlier gods beginning to lose their hold on the imagination
of these later singers. Some of them seem to
be disappearing, like the goddess of Dawn, while only
deities of widely established popularity, such as Indra
and Agni, maintain their position. The comprehensive
group of the Vigve devds, or "All gods," has alone
increased in prominence. On the other hand, an
altogether new type, the deification of purely abstract
ideas, such as " Wrath " and "
Faith," now appears for
the first time. Here, too, a number of hymns are found
dealing with subjects foreign to the earlier books, such
as cosmogony and philosophical speculation, wedding
and burial rites, spells and incantations, which give to
this book a distinctive ^character besides indicating its
recent origin.
Linguistically, also, the tenth book is clearly distinguished
as later than the other books, forming in
many respects a transition to the other Vedas. A few
examples will here suffice to show this. Vowel contractions
occur much more frequently, while the hiatus
has grown rarer. The use of the letter /, as compared
with r, is, in agreement with later Sanskrit,
strikingly on the increase. In inflexion the employment
of the Vedic nominative plural in dsas is on the decline.
With regard to the vocabulary, many old words are
going out of use, while others are becoming commoner.
Thus the particle sim, occurring fifty times in the rest of
the Rigveda, is found only once in the tenth book. A
number of words common in the later language are
only to be met with in this book ; for instance, labh,
" to
take," kala, "time," lakshmi, "fortune,"
evam, "thus."
Here, too, a number of conscious archaisms can be
pointed out.
Thus the tenth book represents a definitely later
stratum of composition in the Rigveda. Individual
hymns in the earlier books have also been proved by
various recognised criteria to be of later origin than
others, and some advance has been made towards
assigning them to three or even five literary epochs.
Research has, however, not yet arrived at any certain
results as to the age of whole groups in the earlier
books. For it must be borne in mind that posteriority
of collection and incorporation does not necessarily
prove a later date of composition.
Some hundreds of years must have been needed
for all the hymns found in the Rigveda to come into
being. There was also, doubtless, after the separation
of the Indians from the Iranians, an intermediate
period, though it was probably of no great length. In
this transitional age must have been composed the
more ancient poems which are lost, and in which the
style of the earliest preserved hymns, already composed
with much skill, was developed. The poets of the
older part of the Rigveda themselves mention predecessors,
in whose wise they sing, whose songs they
desire to renew, and speak of ancestral hymns produced
in clays of yore. As far as linguistic evidence
is concerned, it affords little help in discriminating
periods within the Rigveda except with regard to the
tenth book. For throughout the hymns, in spite of
the number of authors, essentially the same language
prevails. It is quite possible to distinguish differences
of thought, style, and poetical ability, but hardly any
differences of dialect. Nevertheless, patient and minute
linguistic research, combined with the indications derived
from arrangement, metre, and subject-matter, is
beginning to yield evidence which may lead to the
recognition of chronological strata in the older books
of the Rigveda,
Though the aid of MSS. for this early period
entirely fails, we yet happily possess for the Rigveda
an abundant mass of various readings over 2000 years
old. These are contained in the other Vedas, which
are largely composed of hymns, stanzas, and lines
borrowed from the Rigveda. The other Vedas are,
in fact, for the criticism of the Rigveda} what manuscripts
are for other literary monuments. We are
thus enabled to collate with the text of the Rigveda
directly handed down, various readings considerably
older than even the testimony of Yaska and of the
The comparison of the various readings supplied
by the later Vedas leads to the conclusion that the
text of the Rigveda existed, with comparatively few
exceptions, in its present form, and not in a possibly
different recension, at the time when the text of the
Sdma-veda, the oldest form of the Yajur-veda, and the
Atharva-veda was constituted. The number of cases is
infinitesimal in which the Rigveda shows a corruption
from which the others are free. Thus it appears that
the kernel of Vedic tradition, as represented by the
Rigveda, has come down to us, with a high degree
of fixity and remarkable care for verbal integrity,
from a* period which can hardly be less remote than
1000 B.C.
It is only natural that a sacred collection of poetry,
historical in its origin, and the heritage of oral tradition
.before the other Vedas were composed and the
details of the later ritual practice were fixed, should
have continued to be preserved more accurately than
texts formed mainly by borrowing from it hymns which
were arbitrarily cut up into groups of verses or into
single verses, solely in order to meet new liturgical
needs. For those who removed verses of the Rigveda
from their context and mixed them up with their own
new creations would not feel bound to guard such
verses from change as strictly as those who did nothing
but continue to hand down, without any break, the
ancient text in its connected form. The control of
tradition would be wanting where quite a new tradition
was being formed.
The criticism of the text of the Rigveda itself is
concerned with two periods. The first is that in which
it existed alone before the other Vedas came into being ;
the second is that in which it appears in the phonetically
modified form called the Samhita text, due to the labours
of grammatical editors. Being handed down in the
older period exclusively by oral tradition, it was not
preserved in quite authentic form down to the time of
its final redaction. It did not entirely escape the fate
suffered by all works which, coming down from remote
antiquity, survive into an age of changed linguistic
conditions. Though there are undeniable corruptions
in detail. belonging to the older period, the text maintained
a remarkably high level of authenticity till such
modifications as it had undergone reached their conclusion
in the Samhita text. This text differs in hundreds
of places from that of the composers of the hymns ;
but its actual words are nearly always the same as those
used by the ancient seers. Thus there would be no
uncertainty as to whether the right word, for instance,
was sumnam or dyumnam. The difference lies almost
entirely in the phonetic changes which the words have
undergone according to the rules of Sandhi prevailing
in the classical language. Thus what was formerly
pronounced as tuani hi ague now appears as tvaiu hy
agne. The modernisation of the text thereby produced is,
however, only partial, and is often inconsistently applied.
The euphonic combinations introduced in the Samhita
text have interfered with the metre. Hence by reading
according to the latter the older text can be restored.
At the same time the Samhita text has preserved the
smallest minutia? of detail most liable to corruption,
and the slightest difference in the matter of accent and
alternative forms, which might have been removed with
the greatest ease. Such points furnish an additional
proof that the extreme care with which the verbal
integrity of the text was guarded goes back to the
earlier period itself. Excepting single mistakes of tradition
in the first, and those due to grammatical theories
in the second period, the old text of the Rigveda thus
shows itself to have been preserved from a very remote
antiquity with marvellous accuracy even in the smallest
From the explanatory discussions of the Brahmanas
in connection with the Rigveda, it results that the text
of the latter must have been essentially fixed in their
time, and that too in quite a special manner, more, for
instance, than the prose formulas of the Yajurveda. For
the Qatapatha Brdhmana, while speaking of the possibility
of varying some of these formulas, rejects the notion of
changing the text of a certain Rigvedic verse, proposed
by some teachers, as something not to be thought of.
The Brahmanas further often mention the fact that
such and such a hymn or liturgical group contains a
particular number of verses. All such numerical
statements appear to agree with the extant text of
the Rigveda. On the other hand, transpositions and
omissions of Rigvedic verses are to be found in the
Brahmanas. These, however, are only connected with
the ritual form of those verses, and in no way show
that the text from which they were taken was different
from ours.
The Sutras also contain altered forms of Rigvedic
verses, but these are, as in the case of the Brahmanas,
to be explained not from an older recension of the text,
but from the necessity of adapting them to new ritual
technicalities. On the other hand, they contain many
statements which confirm our present text. Thus all
that the Sutra of (Jankhayana says about the position
occupied by verses in a hymn, or the total number of
verses contained in groups of hymns, appears invariably
to agree with our text.
We have yet to answer the question as to when the
Samhita text, which finally fixed the canonical form of
the Rigveda, was constituted. Now the Brahmanas contain
a number of direct statements as to the number of
syllables in a word or a group of words, which are at
variance with the Samhita text owing to the vowel con50
tractions made in the latter. Moreover, the old part of
the Brahmana literature shows hardly any traces of
speculations about phonetic questions connected with
the Vedic text. The conclusion may therefore be drawn
that the Samhita text did not come into existence till
afterthe completion of the Brahmanas. With regard to
the Aranyakas and Upanishads, which form supplements
to the Brahmanas, the case is different. These works
not only mention technical grammatical terms for certain
groups of letters, but contain detailed doctrines about
the phonetic treatment of the Vedic text. Here, too,
occur for the first time the names of certain theological
grammarians, headed by (^akalya and Mandukeya, who
are also recognised as authorities in the Pratigakhyas.
The Aranyakas and Upanishads accordingly form a transition,
with reference to the treatment of grammatical questions,
between the age of the Brahmanas and that of
Yaska and the Pratigakhyas. The Samhita text must
have been created in this intermediate period, say about
600 B.C.
This work being completed, extraordinary precautions
soon began to be taken to guard the canonical text thus
fixed against the possibility of any change or loss. The
result has been its preservation with a faithfulness unique
in literary history. The first step taken in this direction
was the constitution of the Pada, or "word" text, which
being an analysis of the Samhita, gives each separate
word in its independent form, and thus to a considerable
extent restores the Samhita text to an older stage.
That the Pada text was not quite contemporaneous in
origin with the other is shown by its containing some
undoubted misinterpretations and misunderstandings.
Its composition can, however, only be separated by a
short interval from that of the Samhita, for it appears
to have been known to the writer of the Aitareya
Aranyaka, while its author, (^akalya, is older than both
Yaska, who quotes him, and (^aunaka, composer of
the Rigveda Praticdkhya, which is based on the Pada
The importance of the latter as a criterion of the
authenticity of verses in the Rigveda is indicated by the
following fact. There are six verses in the Rigveda 1 not
analysed in the Pada text, but only given there over
again in the Samhita form. This shows that Cakalya did
not acknowledge them as truly Rigvedic, a view justified
by internal evidence. This group of six, which is doubtless
exhaustive, stands midway between old additions
which (Jakalya recognised as canonical, and the new
appendages called Khilas, which never gained admission
into the Pada text in any form.
Om Tat Sat
(My humble salutations to Brahmsree Sreeman Arthur A. Macdonell and also my humble greatulness to great Devotees , Philosophic Scholars for the collection)
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