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Monday, June 24, 2013

Scientific Basis for Ayurvedic Therapies -35

Scientific Basis for
Ayurvedic Therapies 

edited by
Brahmasree Lakshmi Chandra Mishra

The major causes mentioned are unhealthy lifestyle, lack of physical exercise, excessive
indulgence in sleep, and sedentary habits.
In conventional medicine, the etiopathogenesis of IHD includes hyperlipidemia,
increased waist-hip ratio, hypertension, insulin resistance, stress, smoking, alcoholism,
and environmental pollution. Risk factors are causally related to the development of IHD
but do not imply that they are causal to all IHD; they merely indicate that they are the
determinants of the disease in a sufficiently large number of individuals in the population
30.5.1 Risk Factors for Ischemic Heart Disease
The differences in the incidence and prevalence of coronary artery disease among countries
have stimulated the search for factors that might predict the development of the
disease. These are now referred to as risk factors. They include not only the physiochemical
characteristics of the individuals, but also certain aspects of lifestyle such as
diet, smoking, and behavior patterns. It is hoped that the discovery of such risk factors
might help in the effort to prevent coronary heart disease. According to the World Health
Organization (WHO) (1985), the major modifiable risk factors associated with IHD are
serum cholesterol, cigarette smoking, high blood pressure, obesity, lack of physical
activity, and diabetes.
It is recognized that the association of these variables with the disease did not establish
any etiological relationship. Unfortunately, a high proportion of patients who develop
CVD do not have any treatable risk factors. Furthermore, a large proportion of patients

with risk factors do not develop the disease. Most of the reversible risk factors are predictive
of coronary artery disease only in relatively young people; this suggests that in
older people the disease process is principally related to aging rather than one of the
avoidable risk factors.
30.6 Pathogenesis and Pathology
In Ayurvedic texts, the causes of IHD are the intake of excessively hot, heavy, sour,
astringent, and bitter food; physical exhaustion; injury; habitually taking food before the
previous meal is digested; worry; and suppression of natural urges. When vitiated dosas
located in the heart afflict blood (rasa dhatu) to cause pain in cardiac region, the condition
is called heart disease. It is caused by the obstruction to the coronary arteries (dhamanis)
of the heart muscles. Because the heart muscles consume a huge amount of energy, they
need ceaseless nourishment, meaning they demand a good supply of blood. Any impairment
of these blood vessels interferes with adequate blood flow to the heart muscles. If
its blood flow is significantly diminished, then the heart signals its difficulties by registering
pain or discomfort in the chest. The vata located in the heart being obstructed by
kapha and pitta interacts with blood nutrients (rasa), causing pain, fainting, and (cardiac)
In conventional medicine, IHD implies structural and functional abnormalities of the
heart as a consequence of an inadequate supply of blood to its tissue. The heart suffers
from ischemia when the blood supply to the heart is decreased, either due to increased
demand or decreased supply or more commonly due to a combination of both these
factors. Ischemia is caused by the insufficiency of oxygen and reduced availability of
nutrient substrates and inadequate removal of metabolites.4 Once IHD develops, the cells
of the cardiac muscles suffer from a lack of O2 and nutrition, which may be critically low.
The condition is manifested as angina pain. This critical reduction of blood supply is
corrected either spontaneously, by resting, or by drugs. In conditions like unstable angina
and acute myocardial infarction, more aggressive intervention procedures like thrombolytic
drugs and surgical procedures are required to restore coronary blood flow.6
IHD is composed of four clinical syndromes caused by myocardial ischemia: angina
pectoris, acute myocardial infarction, chronic postischemic cardiac failure, and sudden
ischemic cardiac death.4 The four major pathogenic components of IHD are based primarily
on the consideration that the chronic atherosclerotic background determines manifestation
and outcomes of IHD. In addition, the components are also based on multiple acute
stimuli that cause transient or persistent myocardial ischemia and the heart’s response to
ischemia. The pathogenic components of IHD, with their individual etiologic and pathogenic
components, collectively cause the four major ischemic syndromes and determine
their outcomes. The most common cause of IHD is atherosclerotic, the narrowing of the
coronary arteries.
30.6.1 Atherosclerosis
This is a pathological condition that underlines several important disorders, including
coronary artery disease, cerebrovascular disease, and disease of aorta and peripheral

arterial circulation. It involves lesions of the intimal layer of the wall of epicardial coronary
arteries regardless of its nature or pathogenetic and etiologic mechanism. Serum lipids
play a significant role in the genesis and progression of atherosclerosis; low-density lipoprotein
(LDL) cholesterol is an especially strong atherogen. Recently, it has been documented
that oxidation of LDL molecules is needed for its atherogenic action.7,8
The variable severity of coronary atherosclerosis may result from various types of intimal
injury, a variable combination of smooth muscle cell proliferation and lipid ground substance
deposition, fibrinogen and fibrin deposition, and from thrombus organization.
Stimuli may suddenly reduce regional coronary blood flow, transiently or persistently
causing coronary constriction, thrombosis, or both. Weaker stimuli may be sufficient to
cause ischemia in the presence of a severe atherosclerotic background. Flow limiting
stenosis can reduce the coronary flow reserves and cause ischemia when the increase in
myocardial demand is excessive. The responses of the heart to ischemic insult in terms of
the development of collateral blood flow are angina, ischemia, necrosis, heart failure, and
fatal arrhythmias. Of these components of IHD, undoubtedly the most important is the
development of ischemic stimuli. The chronic atherosclerotic background and the response
of the heart predispose or modulate the effects of ischemic stimuli.
30.6.2 Natural Course of Myocardial Ischemia
Inadequate oxygenation causes disturbances in the cardiac function. When ischemic events
are transient, they may cause angina pectoris. If prolonged, they can lead to irreversible
injury to the affected part (myocardial infarction). Reestablishment of blood flow or reperfusion,
either spontaneous or drug- or surgery-induced, constitutes the only rational
therapeutic option for IHD. But it is an established fact that reperfusion of the ischemic
myocardium carries with it some detrimental effects that contribute significantly to the
delayed or loss of functional recovery of the heart.9 The whole phenomenon has given
birth to a well-known entity called ischemic reperfusion injury.10,11
Ischemic reperfusion injury is responsible for delayed or loss of recovery of cardiac
function depending on the duration and extent of preceding ischemia. If the ischemic
period is brief and is not associated with any irreversible myocardial injury, reperfusion
can cause myocardial stunning or postischemic myocardial dysfunction of a relatively
short duration (weeks to months). On the other hand, reperfusion of irreversibly injured
myocardial cells causes permanent loss of cardiac function. It is now well established that
ischemic-reperfusion injury plays a major role in the natural course of almost all forms of
IHD, such as exercise-induced angina, variant angina, unstable angina, acute myocardial
infarction with early reperfusion, coronary angioplasty, coronary graft surgery, and cardiac
30.7 Diagnosis and Prognosis
Ayurvedic diagnosis of heart diseases is made by observing the clinical features, description,
history, location, and characteristics of the pain as described in Section 30.3. In modern
medicine, IHD is diagnosed by physical and laboratory examinations, ECG, stress testing
(treadmill testing), and coronary arteriography.

30.7.1 Physical Examination
The patient’s appearance may reveal signs of risk factors associated with atherosclerosis
or diabetic lesions along with signs of anemia, thyroid disease, and cigarette smoking.
Palpitation can reveal thickened or absent peripheral arterial pulse, which are signs of
cardiac enlargement and abnormal enlargement of cardiac impulse. Examination of the
eyes may reveal increased light reflexes and arteriovenous nicking as evidence of hypertension,
whereas auscultation can uncover arterial bruits; a third or fourth heart sound;
and, if acute ischemia or previous myocardial infarction has impaired papillary muscle
function, a late epical systolic murmur. These disorders may cause angina even in the
absence of coronary artery disease.
30.7.2 Laboratory Examination
Urine is examined for evidence of diabetes mellitus and renal disease. Blood is examined
for measurements of lipids (cholesterol, total HDL, and LDL), glucose, creatinine kinase,
and lactate. A chest x-ray is performed to find gross structural changes secondary to IHD
(i.e., cardiac enlargement, ventricular aneurysm, or signs of heart failure). Chest fluoroscopy
is done to identify the calcification of the coronary arteries.
30.7.3 Electrocardiogram
A 12-lead ECG recorded at rest is normal in about half of the patients with typical angina
pectoris, but there may be signs of an old myocardial infarction. Serial tracings are particularly
useful to look for past or evolving myocardial infarction. They show repolarization
abnormalities (i.e., T-wave and ST segment changes) and intraventricular conduction
disturbances at rest, which are suggestive of ischemic heart disease; they are nonspecific,
because they can also occur in pericardial, myocardial, and valvular heart disease. Typical
ST segment and T-wave changes that accompany episodes of angina pectoris and disappear
thereafter are more specific.
30.7.4 Stress Testing
The most widely used test in the diagnosis of IHD involves recording the 12-lead ECG
before, during, and after exercise on a treadmill or using a bicycle ergometer. The test
consists of a standardized incremental increase in external workload while the patient’s
ECG, symptoms, and arm blood pressure are continuously monitored. Performance is
usually symptom limited and the test is discontinued upon evidence of chest discomfort,
severe shortness of breath, dizziness, and fatigue.
30.7.5 Coronary Arteriography
This invasive diagnostic method outlines the coronary anatomy and can be used to detect
important evidence of coronary artherosclerosis to assess the severity of obstructive lesions
in the major arteries. Coronary arteriography is indicated for the following:
1. Patients with chronic stable or unstable angina pectoris who are severely symptomatic
despite medical therapy and being considered for revascularization (i.e.,

percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty or coronary artery bypass graft
2. Patients with troublesome symptoms that present diagnostic difficulties in whom
there is need to confirm or rule out the diagnosis of coronary artery disease
3. Patients suspected of having left main stem or three-vessel coronary artery disease
based on signs of severe ischemia on noninvasive testing, regardless of the presence
or severity of symptoms
30.7.6 Echocardiography
A two-dimensional echocardiography records the image of the left ventricle (LV), which
can identify regional wall motion abnormalities due to myocardial infarction or persistent
ischemia. This test can also be used as an aid in the diagnosis of IHD.
30.8 Therapy
In Ayurvedic texts, the treatment for all heart diseases is offered to promote biofire (agni)
and to purify the channels by panchakarma in addition to using natural palliative herbs
that have hypolipdemic and antistress activity. For heart diseases with a specific vitiated
dosa, herbs known to mitigate that dosa are given in the form of a decoction or medicated
A few examples of decoctions, medicated ghee, paste, and powders for each type of
heart disease as given in Ashtanghradaya Samhita text are cited here just to show the historic
use of the formulas. Some of these formulas are still used.
30.8.1 Vataja Heart Disease
1. Water decoction of punarnava (Boerhovia diffusa), devadaru, pancamula, rasna (Pluchea
lanceolata), barley grains, bilva (Aegle marmelos), kulattha (Dolichos biflorus), and kola
2. Medicated ghee prepared with the paste of haritaki (Terminalia chebula), sunthi,
(Zinziber officinale), puskaramula (Iris germanica), vayahstha, guduci (Tinospora cardifolia),
kayastha, amalaki (Tinospora cardifolia), salt, and asafetida
3. Powder of dadima (Punica grantum), black salt, sunthi, asafetida, and amlavetasa
4. Paste of puskarahva, sathi (Hedychium spicatum), sunthi, root of bijapura and haritaki
mixed with ksara (yavaksara), and ghee
5. Decoction of yavani, salt, ksara, vaca (Acorus calamus), ajaji (Cuminum cyminum),
ausadha, putidaru, bijahva, palasa, sathi, and pauskara
6. Powder of pancakola (pippali, pippalimula, cavya, citraka, nagra), sathi (Hedychium
spicatum), pathya, guda (jaggery, molasses), bijahva, and pauskara made into a paste
with varuni (a kind of liquor) fried in yamaka (mixture of oil and ghee) and added
with salt
7. Decoction of sunthi or varuni, thin liquor of dadhi (curds), or fermented water
boiled with corn and made into a drink
ghee. These herbs are listed in Appendix 2.

8. Bala taila or sukumara or satapaka yasti taila or mahasneha
9. Decoction or paste of rasna, jinaka, jivanti (Leptedenia reticulate), bala (Sida cordifolia),
vyaghri, punarnava, bharangi (Cleodendron serratum), sthira (Desmodium gangeticum),
vaca, and vyosa, one fourth part of dadhi, and sour liquids
10. Warm oil mixed with sauviraka, curd water, buttermilk, and salt
11. Paste of puskaramula, sunthi, and sati mixed with alkali, water, dehydrated butter,
and salt
12. The paste of haritaki, sathi, puskaramula, pancakola, and matulunga fried in yamaka
and with jaggery, clear wine, and salt
13. Pippalyadi curna is given along with the decoction of triphala, dhanyamla (a sour
drink), decoction of kulattha, curd, madya (alcoholic drink), asava (a type of fermented
drink). The constituents are powders of pippali, ela, vaca, asafetida, yavaksara,
saindhava, sauvarcala, sunthi, and ajmoda (Carium roxburghiana).
30.8.2 Pittaja Heart Disease
1. The treatment is directed to mitigate pitta. Purgation is given with the juice of
draksa (Vitis vinifera), Iksu (Saccharum officinarum), sita (Santalum album), ksaudra,
and parusaka. Along with this emetic therapy is given with sriparni, madhuka
(Glycyrrhiza glabra), honey, sugar, and jaggery and is mixed with water.
2. Medicated ghee is prepared with the decoction or paste of sreyasi, sugar, draksa,
jivaka, rsabhaka, utpala, balam kharjura, kakoli and meda yugma with milk, and ghee.
3. Medicated ghee is prepared with the decoction or paste of prapaundarika, madhuka,
bisagranthi, kaseruka, sunthi, saivala, and milk.
4. Milk is boiled with the decoction of the bark of T. arjuna along with the sugar and
decoction of Pancamula, or Madhuka.
5. Powder of the bark of Terminalia arjuna along with ghee, milk, or jaggery.
30.8.3 Kaphaja Heart Disease
The patient suffering from kaphaja hridroga is given emetic therapy with the help of the
decoction of vaca and nimba and pippalyadi curna. A decoction of T. arjuna, as well as other
treatment given for kaphaja heart disease, is given as a palliative treatment.
30.8.4 Tridosaja Heart Disease
The patient is given a fasting therapy followed by a diet that is suitable for all three dosas.
After ascertaining less aggravated, more aggravated, and moderately aggravated dosas,
the patient is given the following therapies that will balance all dosas:
1. Wheat flour and T. arjuna bark powder boiled with oil, ghee, and jaggery and a
diet of milk as well as rice
2. A mixture of equal parts of fine powder of asafetida, ugragandha (Acorus calamus),
vida, visva, krsna, kustha (Soussera lappa), citraka (Plumbago zeylanica), and yav ksara
mixed with sufficient quantity of sauvarcala and puskaramula along with barley
3. Decoction of dasamula mixed with salt and ksara (alkali preparation)

4. A mixture of equal parts of fine powder of patha, vaca, yava, haritiki, amlaki (Phyllanthus
emblica), vetasa, duralabha (Fagonia arabica), citraka, tryusana, triphala, sathi,
puskaramula, tintidi, dadima (Punica grantum), and root of motulunga
30.8.5 Parasitic (Kramija) Heart Disease
The patients are given rice cooked with meat and ghee along with curd and patala. After
3 days, purgation therapy is given. Dhanyamla mixed with herbs, salt, ajaji, sugar, and
vidanga is also prescribed.
1. Vallabha ghrta — Ghee should be cooked with 50 matured fruits of haritaki and
two palas of sauvarcala (a kind of salt).
2. Baladya ghrta — Ghee is cooked with the decoction of bala, nagabala, and T. arjuna
and one fourth in quantity of the paste of yastimadhu (Glycyrrhiza glabra). (It is
good in rakta-pitta condition.)
3. Arjuna Ghrta — Ghee is cooked with the paste and juice (or decoction) of T. arjuna.
Most of the Ayurvedic formulations contain the bark of T. arjuna. It is one of the most
popular Ayurvedic herbs being used by the Ayurvedic practitioners for the prevention
and management of various CVDs. The stem bark of this plant is used for medicinal
purposes. This herb has been scientifically evaluated and has sufficient data to support
its use in IHD. The other herbs found useful in IHD are Aloe vera, Coleus forskohlli, Inula
recemosa, Andrographis panicilata, Centella asiatica, Piper longum, Picrorhiza kurrora, and Commiphora
mukul. These herbs have also been scientifically evaluated and found to be useful
in the management of IHD. Patent herbal formulas such as Abna, Hartone, and Lipistat
that contain several herbs are also commercially available.
30.9 Scientific Basis
Pharmacological and clinical investigations are reviewed to explore the scientific basis for
the use of Ayurvedic therapies. Clinical and biological studies on several botanicals, including
Crataegus oxycantha, T. arjuna, Inula racemosa, and Astragalus membranaceus, have been
reviewed and found to have therapeutic benefit for the treatment of CVD.12 The studies are
primarily focused on cardioprotective effects against chemical or biological injuries of the
heart. The effects studied include anticoagulant, angiogenic, antiatherosclerotic, anti-infarction,
blood vessel endothelium protection, and anticholesterol. All these effects are, directly
or indirectly, cardioprotective. They can be useful in the management of IHD.
30.9.1 Terminalia arjuna Animal Studies
T. arjuna has been a major treatment for IHD in Ayurveda. Because anticoagulants have
been found useful in IHD, T. arjuna was investigated for a possible anticoagulant activity.
An emulsion of T. arjuna bark powder (10 g/kg) was given to rabbits orally for 7 days at

the dosage of 10 g/kg body weight. The treatment caused a significant increase in prothrombin
time (20 sec vs. 10.01 sec) and decrease in platelet count (44 vs. 473/thousand).
In a similar study13–15 with the alcoholic extract, there was no change in prothrombin time.
A water-soluble portion of the total alcoholic extract of T. arjuna was found to cause an
increase in the force of contraction of a frog heart.16 In later studies,17,18 both negative and
positive ionotropic effects were observed in isolated perfused frog and rabbit hearts and
isolated frog and rat atria. It was suggested that the extract consists of a mixture of
subsatances capable of exerting both positive and negative ionotropic effects.19 The aqueous
extract of T. arjuna was also found to produce dose-dependent sustained hypotension
and bradycardia in dogs.20 Intracerebroventricular and intravertebral injection of the
extract in chloralose anesthetized dogs caused hypotension and bradycardia in doses as
small as 1/10th and 1/20th, respectively, of the intravenous dose. Prior bilateral vagotomy
blocked the bradycardia, associated hypotension, and the ability of the intravertebral dose
of T. arjuna to produce these effects in a lower dose. These observations led the authors
to propose that the active constituent in the extract acts centrally.20 The hypotensive effect
of the alcoholic extract in dogs is abolished by pretreatment with atropine.17
Subsequently, a study19 on the isolated rat thoracic aorta showed that the aqueous extract
caused contraction of the aorta followed by relaxation. The initial contraction was blocked
by propranolol, whereas the vaso relaxant effect was unaffected. Similarly, in another
study,21 both the aqueous extract as well as the fraction of the extract containing tanninrelated
compounds (F2), produced hypotensive effects. The hypotensive effect of F2 was
not affected by pretreatment of rats with propranolol but was attenuated by pretreatment
with atropine. The authors suggested that the hypotensive effect of F2 may be mediated
by cholinergic mechanisms. In another study,22 it was observed that aortic prostaglandin
E2–like (PGE2) activity was enhanced in ischemic rabbit aorta pretreated with T. arjuna.
This finding is significant because PGE2 causes coronary vasodilatation, and this may
explain the beneficial effect of T. arjuna in patients with cornary artery disease (CAD). In
a subsequent study,23 myocardial ischemia in rabbits was produced by isoproternol infusion
and confirmed by ECG and later by histopathological examination. In this study, the
onset of ischemia and its severity were both reduced by T. arjuna. Abana, an herbal formula
containing T. arjuna, significantly increased creatinine phosphokinase (CPK), glutamate
oxaloacetate transaminase (GOT), glutamate pyruvate transaminase (GPT), and gammaglutamyltranspeptidase
(g-GT) in serum following myocardial necrosis.24 The study also
showed that 90% of the protection against reduction in glycogen levels in ischemic rats
was provided by T. arjuna. The beneficial effect of abana was further evident from the
reduction in mitochondrial enzymes, such as g-GT and sorbitol dehydrogenase (SDH), by
44 and 48%, respectively.
T. arjuna has also been reported to possess significant hypolipidemic effect in rabbits
fed T. arjuna bark for 3 months.23 In another study,25,26 it was shown that rabbits fed T.
arjuna along with a high-cholesterol diet showed a lesser increase in total cholesterol and
triglycerides and no change in high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol as compared
with control rabbits. In addition, treating hypercholesterolemic rabbits with T. arjuna led
to a marked reduction in total cholesterol and triglycerides as well as elevation in HDLcholesterol
as compared with hypercholesterolemic control rabbits. The chronic oral
administration of T. arjuna was found to augment the endogenous antioxidant compounds
of rat heart and also prevented oxidative stress associated with myocardial ischemic
reperfusion injury.27 In a recent study,28 pre- and posttreatment of rats with arjunolic acid,
a new triterpene and a potent active principle from the bark of T. arjuna, provided significant
cardiac protection in isoproterenol induced myocardial necrosis in the rats. Clinical Studies
The usefulness of T. arjuna in IHD has been confirmed in many clinical studies.29–31 In one
study,32 T. arjuna was found to be a mild diuretic without any cardiotonic action, but in
another study it was reported to be beneficial.33 A decoction prepared from the bark of T.
arjuna was administered to patients of chronic heart failure (CHF), essential hypertension,
and cirrhosis of the liver. The decoction showed clinical improvement in 42, 62, and 40%
of patients, respectively.33 Improvement in CHF substantiated earlier claims of its cardiotonic
property. On the basis of the description in Chakradutta Samhita (an Ayurvedic text)
that T. arjuna bark powder with milk, water, or ghee causes relief in heart pain,34,35 a clinical
trial in 12 patients with angina pectoris and hemiplegia following cerebral thrombosis
was conducted.17 A total dose of 20 g of crude bark powder of T. arjuna was administered
to the patients in divided doses for 1 month. At the end of this period, approximately 80%
of the patients showed increase in prothrombin time (24.3 ± 2.65 sec vs. 13.4 ± 1.22 sec; p
< 0.001) along with some degree of functional improvement. T. arjuna was also reported
to provide marked improvement in a case of Stokes-Adam’s attack following chest pain
after 3 months of therapy.17
T. arjuna was further tested in 30 patients with stable angina pectoris.35 These patients
were administered 25 mg/kg body weight dose of T. arjuna bark powder divided into
three doses per day. The mean anginal frequency by the end of 3 months had declined
(1.57 ± 1.28 vs. 3.47 ± 1.04/day). By the end of 1 month, 10% of patients did not require
sublingual nitrate. There was concurrent reduction in systolic blood pressure (p < 0.001)
without much change in the diastolic blood pressure. Electrocardiographic improvement
in terms of reduction in the depth of Q- and T-waves and changes in ST segment configuration,
decrease in heart rate, and correction of rhythm disturbance (particularly ventricular
premature contraction) was also noted. Biochemical parameters, such as plasma
catecholamines, plasma cortisol, blood sugar, and serum cholesterol had declined. A
significant reduction in body weight was also evident.35
In a double-blind study36 in 30 patients of decompensated rheumatic valvular heart
disease, treatment with 200 mg of T. arjuna improved LV fraction significantly (54.41 ±
11.62 vs. 41.47 ± 8.62%; p < 0.001). The exercise duration, as obtained on bike ergometry,
improved from 98.5 ± 44.2 sec to 178.7 ± 6.1 sec. Heart size also decreased significantly.
In a subsequent study,37 500 mg of T. arjuna extract was administered twice daily in 25
patients with CAD. After 3 months of therapy, reduction in grade of positivity of a
treadmill test response was observed in 6 patients. Also, improvement in exercise tolerance
was evident with concurrent reduction in frequency of anginal attacks and use of sublingual
In another similar study,38 500 mg T. arjuna was administered twice daily to 20 patients;
15 had stable angina pectoris (Group A) and 5 had unstable angina pectoris (Group B).
In both these groups, patients experienced a reduction in anginal frequency and increase
in LV ejection fraction (39.7 ± 9.93 vs. 36.2 ± 10.08%). Group A cases also exhibited a decline
in mean systolic blood pressure and body mass index. Treadmill testing on 10 patients of
stable angina pectoris showed reversion from moderate to mild changes after 3 months
of therapy. The target heart rate during exercise could be achieved without significant
chest pain.
In a double-blind, crossover design, placebo-controlled study,39 500 mg of aqueous and
alcoholic extract of the bark of T. arjuna was administered every 8 h to 12 patients of
refractory chronic CHF (New York Heart Association [NYHA] class IV). It was given in
addition to maximal tolerable doses of conventional therapy (i.e., digitalis, diuretics, and

vasodilators). In this study, T. arjuna therapy as compared with placebo was associated
with the following improvements:
1. Symptoms and signs of heart failure
2. Improvement in NYHA classes (class III vs. class IV)
3. Decrease in echo-LV end diastolic (125.28 ± 27.91 vs. 134.56 ± 29.71 ml/
m2; p < 0.005) and end systolic volume (81.06 ± 24.6 vs. 94.1 ± 24.62 ml/
m2; p < 0.005) indices
4. Increase in left ventricular stroke volume index (44.21 ± 11.92 vs. 40.45 ± 11.56
ml/m2; p < 0.005)
5. Increase in left ventricular ejection fractions (35.33 ± 7.85 vs. 30.24 ± 7.13%;
p < 0.005)
These patients were followed up with T. arjuna therapy for another 20 to 28 months
(mean 24 months) during phase II of the study. There was further improvement in symptoms,
signs, effort tolerance, and NYHA class.39
The adjuvant T. arjuna therapy has been found to reduce LV mass (140.62 ± 55.65 vs.
159.18 ± 51.11 g/m2) and frequency of angina pectoris (1.08 ± 1.08 vs. 3.5 ± 1.98) per day.
Besides these findings, it also improved LV ejection fraction (52.67 ± 12.32 vs. 42.25 ±
9.96%).40 Similar observations have been reported in a recent open study41 conducted on
20 patients of hypertension. Oral administration of Abana, a compound formulation
containing T. arjuna (30 mg/tablet), resulted in significant reduction of the systolic blood
pressure, ECG LV internal diameter, posterior wall thickness, and interventricular septum
thickness.41 The reduction in LV mass was seen from 18 weeks onward and lasted through
42 weeks. Compared with these observations, the decrease in LV mass was found at 12
weeks and maintained up to 36 weeks in those patients who were kept on propranolol.
In an open comparative trial42 of safety and efficacy of Hartone (herbal product containing
TA) in stable angina pectoris patients, 10 patients were given Hartone 2 capsules twice
daily for 6 weeks and 1 capsule twice daily for the next 6 weeks. Hematological and
biochemical investigations to assess safety were carried out on days 0, 42, and 84. A serum
lipid profile was done before and after therapy. Efficacy was based on the reduction in
the number of angina episodes and improvement in stress test. These results were compared
with 10 patients of stable angina pectoris on isosorbide mononitrate (ISMN) (20 mg
twice/day). In this study, Hartone afforded symptomatic relief in 80% of patients and
ISMN in 70%. The number of angina attacks was reduced from 79 to 24/week by Hartone
and from 26 to 7/week by ISMN. Although patients of both groups showed improvement
in several stress test parameters compared with baseline, the difference was not statistically
significant. Hartone improved blood pressure response to stress test in two patients and
ejection fraction in one. Hartone was better tolerated than ISMN and showed no evidence
of hepatic or renal impairment. Its effects on lipid profile were not consistent. The authors
of the study suggested that Hartone is a safe and effective antianginal agent comparable
with ISMN and is better tolerated.42
In a double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover study43 comparing T. arjuna with ISMN
in chronic stable angina patients, 58 male patients with chronic stable angina (NYHA
class II-III) with evidence of provocable ischemia on the treadmill exercise test received
T. arjuna (500 mg), isosorbide mononitrate (40 mg/day), or a matching placebo for 1
week each, separated by a wash-out period of at least 3 days. The patients underwent
clinical, biochemical, and treadmill exercise evaluation at the end of each therapy; the

scores were compared during the three therapy periods. T. arjuna therapy was associated
with a significant decrease in the frequency of angina and need for isosorbide dinitrate
(5.69 ± 6.91 mg/week in the treated group vs. 18.22 ± 9.29 mg/week in the placebo
therapy; p < 0.005). The treadmill exercise test parameters improved significantly during
therapy with T. arjuna compared with those with placebo. The total duration of exercise
increased (6.14 ± 2.51 vs. 4.76 ± 2.38 min; p < 0.005), maximal ST depression during the
longest equivalent stages of submaximal exercise decreased (1.41 ± 0.55 vs. 2.21 ± 0.56
mm; p < 0.005), time to recovery decreased (6.49 ± 2.37 vs. 9.27 ± 3.39 min; p < 0.005),
and higher double products were achieved (25.75 ± 4.81 vs. 23.11 ± 4.83 ¥ 103; p < 0.005)
during the T. arjuna therapy. Similar improvements in clinical and treadmill exercise test
parameters were observed with ISMN compared with placebo therapy. No significant
differences were observed in clinical or treadmill exercise test parameters when T. arjuna
and ISMN therapies were compared. No significant untoward effects were reported
during T. arjuna therapy. T. arjuna bark extract (500 mg) given every 8 h to patients with
stable angina with provocable ischemia on treadmill exercise. The treatment led to an
improvement in clinical and treadmill exercise parameters as compared with placebo
therapy. These benefits were similar to those observed with ISMN (40 mg/day) therapy
and the extract was well tolerated.43
The antioxidant and hypocholesterolaemic effects of T. arjuna bark powder was
compared with a known antioxidant, vitamin E, in a randomized controlled trial.44
One hundred five patients with coronary heart disease were recruited and separated
into 3 groups of 35 each using a Latin-square design.44 The groups were matched for
age, lifestyle and dietary variables, clinical diagnosis, and drug treatment status. None
of the patients took lipid-lowering drugs. Supplemental vitamins were stopped for 1
month before the study began, and American Heart Association Step II dietary advice
was given to all. At baseline, total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL and LDL cholesterol,
and lipid peroxide estimated as thiobarbituric acid reactive substances were determined.
Group I received placebo capsules, Group II received vitamin E capsules (400
units/day), and Group III received fine powder of T. arjuna tree bark (500 mg/day)
in capsules. Lipids and lipid peroxide levels were determined at 30 days follow-up.
The response rate in various groups varied from 86 to 91%. No significant changes in
total HDL, LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides levels were seen in Groups I and II
(paired t-test p < 0.05). In Group III (T. arjuna-treated group) there was a significant
decrease in total cholesterol (9.7 ± 12.7%) and LDL cholesterol (15.8 ± 25.6%) (paired
t-test p < 0.01). Lipid peroxide levels decreased significantly in both treatment groups
(p < 0.01). This decrease was more in the vitamin E group (36.4 ± 17.7%) as compared
with the T. arjuna-treated group (29.3 ± 18.9%). In this study, T. arjuna exhibited a
significant antioxidant effect that was comparable with vitamin E. In addition, it also
had a significant hypocholesterolemic effect.44
In toxicological studies13 conducted in rats and rabbits, no histopathological changes in
the heart, liver, and kidney of these animals were evident even after they had been
administered 10 g/kg body weight of T. arjuna orally for 40 days. The LD50 of T. arjuna
extract was 2.5 g/kg by intraperitoneally in albino mice.20 It appears that mice are more
sensitive to T. arjuna than are rats and rabbits.
In various clinical studies,38 T. arjuna has been used in the dose of 1 to 2 g/day, and this
dose was found to be the optimum in patients with CAD. At this dose, it is well tolerated.37
However, some patients complained of mild gastritis, headache, and constipation.39 No
metabolic, renal, and hepatic toxicity has been reported even when patients were administered
T. arjuna for more than 24 months.39

30.9.2 Aloe vera
In an in vitro study,45 angiogenic activity of Aloe vera gel was investigated by using the
most active fraction (F3) from dichloromethane extract of Aloe vera gel. The F3 increased
the proliferation of calf pulmonary artery endothelial (CPAE) cells. In addition, it induced
CPAE cells to invade type 1 collagen gel and form a capillary-like tube in an in vitro
angiogenesis assay; it also increased the invasion of CPAE cells into matrigel through an
in vitro invasion assay. F3 also increased the effect on the messenger ribonucleic acid
expression of proteolytic enzymes, which are the key participants in regulation of extracellular
matrix degradation.
In a clinical study,46 5000 patients with atheromatous heart disease presented as angina
pectoris were studied over a period of 5 years with diet containing Aloe vera and husk of
isabgol. The dietary treatment increased HDL and produced a marked reduction in total
serum cholesterol, serum triglycerides, fasting and postprandial blood sugar levels in
diabetic patients, and total lipids. The clinical profile showed a reduction in the frequency
of anginal attacks; gradually, the doses of the drugs, such as verapamil, nifedipine, betablockers,
and nitrates, were reduced. Diabetic patients benefited the most. Although the
exact mechanism of the action of the above two herbs is not known, it appears that they
probably act through their high fiber contents. Both these herbs should be further studied.
No undesirable side effects were noted.
30.9.3 Coleus forskohlii
C. forskohlii (CF) has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for heart diseases, spasmodic pain,
painful micturition, and convulsions. Forskolin, an alkaloid isolated from CF, inhibits
adenosine di-phosphate (ADP)-induced and collagen-induced platelet aggregation in
human and rat platelet-rich plasma.47 These studies demonstrated an important role of
plasma adenosine, a natural antiplatelet and vasodilatory agent produced by vascular
endothelium, in the antiplatelet activity of forskolin. Findings also proved that the effect
can be greatly potentiated by the clinically used drugs dipyridamole and dilazep. The
anticoagulant effect of C. forskohlii may be helpful in IHD.
Coleonol, a diterpene isolated from C. forskohlii, has been shown to lower the blood
pressure of anesthetized cats and rats and of spontaneously hypertensive rats due to
relaxation of the vascular smooth muscle.48 In small doses it showed a positive inotropic
effect on isolated rabbit hearts as well as on cat hearts in vivo. Coleonol also exhibits
nonspecific spasmolytic activity on the smooth muscle of the gastrointestinal tract in various
species but not on the bronchial musculature of guinea pig. Large doses of coleonol have
a depressant action on the central nervous system. The positive ionotropic effect of C.
forskohlii provides the rationale for its use in IHD. In another study,49 forskolin activated a
membrane bound adenylatecyclase and a cytoplasmic cAMP-dependent protein kinase to
a much higher degree than does isoprenaline. The authors postulated that the adenylatecyclase
activation may be correlated with the positive inotropic effect via an enhanced
calcium uptake by the heart muscle cell.
30.9.4 Inula recemosa
The effects of I. recemosa on biochemical parameters in rats with myocardial infarction
induced by isoprenaline injection was investigated.50 The effects on circulating GOT, LDH,
CPK, cAMP, cortisol, pyruvate, lactate glucose, and cardiac cAMP adenyl cyclase levels
were gradually increased, and serum and cardiac cAMP-PDE levels were gradually
© 2004 by CRC Press LLC
Ischemic Heart Disease 529
decreased from 1 to 120 h after the first injection of isoprenaline. The rats pretreated with
ciplar (beta-blocker) or pushkarmula (indigenous drug) showed fewer changes as compared
with untreated infarcted rats. Posttreatment with I. recemosa also produced similar results.
I. recemosa was found to be more effective given before infarction induction rather than
given after infarction induction.
30.9.5 Andrographis paniculata (Kirata)
A. paniculata (AP) (Kirata) was investigated in seven infarction-induced dogs to study the
protective effect.51 One hour after the development of myocardial infarction by formation
of thrombus, aqueous extract of AP was injected intravenously. Six infarction-induced dogs
served as the control group. As compared with the control group, the treated group showed
increased levels of prostacyclin (PG12), inhibition of thromboxane A2 (TXA2), elevated
cAMP in platelets, lowered creatine kinase isoenzyme MB (CK-MB) peak, shortened
euglobulin lysis time (ELT), decreased release of platelet beta-(1-4)galactosyl transferase
(beta-GT) and inhibited platelet maximum aggregation rate, reduced size of the ischemic
area recorded by epicardial ECG, and a lowered amplitude of ST segment elevation; a Qwave
appeared in only one dog. Pathologically, the myocardial structure surrounding the
initial ischemic area became relatively normal, whereas the degree of myocardial degeneration
and necrosis in the central part of the ischemic area was mild. These data suggest
that AP may limit the expansion of ischemic focus, exert marked protective effect on
reversibly ischemic myocardium, and demonstrate a weak fibrinolytic action. These observations
support the use of AP in Ayurvedic therapies of IHD.
The effect of AP and fish oil was further studied on atherosclerotic stenosis and restenosis
after coronary angioplasty in dogs.52 Preliminary results showed that AP can significantly
relieve atherosclerotic iliac artery stenosis induced by both deendothelialization and high
cholesterol diet. The authors concluded that AP may play an important role in preventing
restenosis after coronary angioplasty, and fish oil may be useful in reducing the extent of
restenosis after coronary angioplasty. AP has also been shown to alleviate the ischemiareperfusion
injury in experimental dogs.53 As compared with a control ischemia group,
the AP-treated group showed reversal of the changes in the following parameters: superoxide
dismutase (SOD), malondialdehyde (MDA), Ca2+ in myocardial cells, and ultrastructural
changes of myocardial tissues. The observations were confirmed in additional
A component (API0134) of AP was studied in an experimental atherosclerotic rabbit
model to determine the effects on on nitric oxide, endothelin, cyclic guanosine monophosphate,
lipid peroxide, and superoxide dismutase. The study showed that API0134 possesses
the effects of antioxidation, preserving endothelial function, and maintaining the
balance of NO/ET. A. paniculata crude extracts were further fractionated and studied for
various cardiovascular activities, mainly the hypotensive and the antithrombotic
30.9.6 Lipistat
Lipistat is made up of equal proportions of extracts of T. arjuna, I. racemosa Hook, and
latex of C. mukul. The formula was given to rats at different doses (225, 350, 450 mg/kg)
orally daily for 6 days/week for 60 days.58 Thereafter, the rats were subjected to isoproterenol-(
ISO) induced (85 mg/kg, s.c. for 2 days) myocardial necrosis. Gross and microscopic
examinations (histopathology) were done along with estimations of myocardial
tissue high energy phosphates stores and lactate content. The study showed protective

effect of the formula. The authors suggested that the formula may be potentially useful
in the prevention of IHD.
30.9.7 Centella asiatica
The effects of the total triterpenic fraction of C. asiatica on serum levels of the uronic acids
and lysosomal enzymes involved in mucopolysaccharide metabolism (beta-glycuronidase,
beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase, arylsulfatase) in patients with varicose veins were studied.
58 The results of this trial provide an indirect confirmation of regulatory effects of the
extract of C. asiatica on metabolism in the connective tissue of the vascular wall and thus
may prove useful in treatment of IHD. Total triterpenic fraction of C. asiatica has been
found effective in improving venous wall alterations in chronic venous hypertension and
in protecting the venous endothelium.59
30.9.8 Piper longum
An amide, dehydropipernonaline, isolated from P. longum has been shown to have coronary
vasorelaxant activity.60
30.9.9 Picrorhiza kurrora
The ethanol extract of P. kurrora rhizomes and roots was found to exhibit a cardioprotective
effect on ISO-induced myocardial infarction in rats as measured by lipid metabolism in
serum and heart tissue.61
30.9.10 Commiphora mukul
Hypercholesterolemia is a known risk factor for IHD. In a clinical trial62 with 61 hypercholesterolemia
patients, 31 patients were given guggulipid, representing 50 mg of guggul
sterones, and 30 patients were given placebo capsules twice daily for 24 weeks. The
compliance of patients was greater than 96%. In the treated group, total cholesterol level
decreased by 11.7%, the LDL by 12.5%, triglycerides by 12.0%, and the total cholesterol/
HDL cholesterol ratio by 11.1% as compared with baseline levels; the levels were
unchanged in the placebo group. The lipid peroxides, indicating oxidative stress, declined
33.3% in the guggulipid group without any decrease in the placebo group. The combined
effect of diet and guggulipid at 36 weeks was as great as the reported lipid-lowering effect
of modern drugs. After a wash-out period of another 12 weeks, changes in blood lipoproteins
were reversed in the guggulipid group without any changes in the placebo group.
Side effects of guggulipid were headache, mild nausea, eructation, and hiccups in a few
patients. In another similar study,63 guggulipid also showed similar results.
30.10 Summary and Discussion
In recent years, considerable attention has been paid to the utilization of traditional
systems of medicine including Ayurveda in the management of IHD. WHO has recom-

mended utilization of alternative forms of medicine for total health care. T. arjuna is one
of several popular Ayurvedic herbs already being utilized by the Ayurvedic practitioners
for the prevention and management of IHD. Other herbs with great potential to improve
quality of life of individuals with IHD and that are commonly used are Aloe vera, Cole
forskohlii, Inula recemosa, Andrographis paniculata, Centella asiatica, Piper longum, Picrorhiza
kurrora, and Commiphora mukul. The experimental data available supports their use in IHD.
According to Ayurveda, IHD is the outcome of faulty diet and stressful lifestyle which
leads to an ama state (i.e., hyperlipidemia) leading further to dhamani praticaya (thickening
of arteries) and dhamani kathinya (hardening of arteries), resulting into angio-obstruction
and aggravation of vata dosa showing chest pain and angina. The principle treatment is
to promote agni (biofire) and to purify the channels by panchakarma in addition to the use
of natural palliative drugs that have cardiotonic, hypotensive, hypolipidemic, and anticoagulant
properties. The recent studies show that T. arjuna has shown varying degrees of
cardioprotective effect as evaluated in terms of being cardio tonic, hypotensive, hypolipidemic,
and anticoagulant. Toxicity studies show that T. arjuna is a safe and effective herb
in the treatment of IHD without any harmful side effects.
In modern medicine, the treatment of IHD involves expensive and chronic drug therapy
or equally expensive interventional procedures, such as thrombolytic therapy and surgical
recanalization. Reperfusion injuries and undesired side effects of drugs are the major
drawbacks of the conventional therapies. There is a vast and untapped source of medicinal
plants with cardioprotective effects used in Ayurvedic therapies. The recent research on
T. arjuna and other Ayurvedic herbs suggests a better cost-effective and socially acceptable
therapeutic option for IHD.
The drugs mentioned in this chapter have been used in the treatment of heart disease
for thousands of years. The current research data show that they can be utilized effectively
in deadly heart diseases, including IHD. The relief provided by T. arjuna in angina
and its effect on ST segment changes and T-wave depression in IHD are quite impressive.
The Ayurvedic herbs discussed in this chapter have the potential of improving quality
of life, while avoiding the side effects of conventional treatment. LV function improvement
by T. arjuna in IHD cannot be overlooked, especially in view of the fact that IHD
has an annual mortality rate of 40% under conventional treatment. The widespread use
of T. arjuna and the other herbs can improve the quality of life in individuals with IHD
and potentially save millions of lives.
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Om Tat Sat

(My humble salutations to H H Maharshi ji,  Brahmasri Sreeman Lakshmi Chandra Mishra ji and other eminent medical scholars and doctors   for the collection)


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